| - -Shadow beating the hell out of Minato. Shadow Demon or Raven is a member of the Demon Clan. He has the Mark of the Demon on his Right Arm. It's unknown who he is or what he doing as a member of the Clan.
- A Shadow Demon is a being of The Pit, over which Ikiru of Hachiman could exert some control.
- When they sense an enemy's presence, they appear from out of walls and floors. One must watch out for these guys as they often appear in groups.
- A shadow demon was the essence of a demon imprisoned in the form of a shadow.
- Shadow Demon is a member of the Anti-Monitor's Invasion Forces.
- The Shadow Demon was a mysterious entity that served as a personal messenger between Upper-Level demons and their superiors. It first served Belthazor while he was hired by The Triad, and later fullfilled a similar role for Sykes as he worked for The Source of All Evil.
- Shadow Demons are shadow-based Demons made of pure Darkness.
- Shadow Demons were large demons made of darkness that served under the control of the High Priest Imhotep.
- The Shadow Demon was the shadow of Byron Befuddle, magically brought to life under his control.
- Shadow Demons spawns during phase 4 of the fight against Illidan Stormrage in Black Temple.
- Shadow demons can be found in the Heart of Gielinor. They can be fought for kill count for the Sliske faction. Shadow demons can be summoned by the player when they have obtained 250 reputation with the Sliske faction (required to summon them), in addition to 250 Ingression fragments. When summoned, the player will gain 15 reputation with the Sliske faction, and the demon will proceed to attack nearby enemies and capture/defend nodes. Equipping a Sliske insignia makes them tolerant towards the player.
- Shadow Demon (Schattendämon), ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Er ist eine Fernkampf-Einheit der Dire, deren Fähigkeiten sich alle durch eine geringe Abklingzeit auszeichnen, sodass er sie im Kampf ergänzend einsetzen kann.Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Supports, Disablers und Nukers übernehmen. Mit Disruption kann Shadow Demon einen gegnerischen oder verbündeten Helden für 2,5 Sekunden verbannen, wodurch dieser immun gegen Angriffe wird. Lediglich die Fähigkeiten von Shadow Demon wirken auf Einheiten unter dem Einfluss von Disruption. Disruption erstellt im Anschluss an die Verbannung zwei Illusionen von dem betroffenen Helden, die unter Shadow Demons Kontrolle stehen und etwas schwächer sind als die Vorlage. Soul Catcher erhöht den Schaden, den gegnerische Einheiten erleid