| - Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon introduces this arte as an unarmed fist-based thrust of wind, available to Dio after equipping the "Heihachi" costume, a reference to Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken series. Like the arte Thunder Punch, which is the fist-based counterpart of Lightning Blade, this variant is rarely seen in the series. In Tales of Symphonia, Hurricane Thrust is learned after mastering Sonic Thrust while aligned with the "Technical" branch of arte progression, and its "Strike" counterpart is Super Sonic Thrust. When activated, the user thrusts at the enemy with enough power to create a burst of wind when the weapon strikes the enemy, damaging it further. The arte will not continue if the initial thrust misses; the burst of wind will appear only if the attack connects with an enemy. As it appears in Tales of Rebirth, the arte follows the same effect from Tales of Symphonia as a thrust followed by a burst of wind if it connects with the enemy. However, this arte cannot be learned normally in this game. To use it, Veigue Lungberg requires the "Fuujin no Tamashii" accessory to be equipped in order to convert his Shunrenjin arte to Hurricane Thrust. In Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, this arte can be extended into Fuujinresshou. The Hurricane Thrust arte has appeared with three slightly different sets of kanji when written in Japanese. The arte appears as 風神剣 ( Fuujinken?, "Wind God Sword") in all versions of Tales of Destiny, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Graces, whereas it appears as 風迅剣 ( Fuujinken?, "Wind Swift Sword") in Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Innocence. 風神拳 ( Fuujinken?, "Wind God Fist") is used exclusively in Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon. All forms are pronounced the same way, and there does not appear to be any correlation between the effect and the kanji used, aside from the lack of a weapon for the fist variant.
- Hurricane Thrust (Dt.: Hurrikanstoß) ist ein Schlag-Arte des Elements Wind.