| - Image:BackArrowGreen.png Back to game conceptsImage:BackArrowGreen.png Back to the list of terrain features Natural wonders are unique terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain. They inspire awe in any civilization that finds them and provide various benefits to whoever controls them (that is, includes them in his Empire's territory and works their tiles). These benefits take the form of various production capabilities, including Image:20xCulture5.png Culture, Image:20xScience5.png Science and Image:20xfaith5.png Faith, which aren't normally available on land tiles. Most of their bonuses apply only if they are worked by a city, and they only apply to that particular city; some bonuses, however
| - Image:BackArrowGreen.png Back to game conceptsImage:BackArrowGreen.png Back to the list of terrain features Natural wonders are unique terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain. They inspire awe in any civilization that finds them and provide various benefits to whoever controls them (that is, includes them in his Empire's territory and works their tiles). These benefits take the form of various production capabilities, including Image:20xCulture5.png Culture, Image:20xScience5.png Science and Image:20xfaith5.png Faith, which aren't normally available on land tiles. Most of their bonuses apply only if they are worked by a city, and they only apply to that particular city; some bonuses, however, apply empire-wide, or to any Unit that comes close to them (even if it doesn't belong to the civilization that controls the Wonder). Natural Wonders provide a permanent boost to your empire-wide Happiness when discovered. Some of them also provide an additional boost when inside a territory. Natural Wonders are impassable, and cannot be improved in any way. They are created and placed automatically at the beginning of the game. There are a limited number of natural wonders to discover on each map, determined by the map's size. Whilst playing on a huge Earth-type map, Natural wonders are placed approximately in their real-world locations, making them much easier to find. (For example, The Great Barrier Reef is always off the North-East coast of Australia if it spawns.) The Spanish civilization has a unique ability that greatly increases the benefits of discovering and working Natural Wonders.