| - One of the Eleven Big Giant Mountains Source: Griffin Mountain (Campaign Book)
- Which BORG are you looking for?
* BORG (Alpha)
* BORG (Beta)
* BORG (Ceti)
- The Biological Organic Regenerative Genomatrix or BORG for short are 1 of 6 Prominent Exo-Species within the Delta Quadrant in the Warship Voyager Universe. Seemingly perceived by many other species as the pinnacle of genetic perfection. The BORG have created their own ruthless power base over thousands of millienia. It was also discovered by the crews of Imperial Federation Warships NXT Enterprise-D and NXT Voyager that the BORG are primarily insectoid in nature and the possible progenitor of several other similar species throughout the galaxy.
- Borg and his clan mates were generally absent from the conflict in Los Angeles in 1997. However, they confronted Harrigan aboard their ship after he defeated the City Hunter in a hand-to-hand duel. Knowing Harrigan had won an honorable battle, they spared him, collecting the City Hunter's body while the party's leader Greyback honored the detective with an ancient flintlock pistol. Harrigan escaped the ship before Borg and the other Predators left Earth.
- De Borg zijn één van de meest gevaarlijke rassen in de Melkweg. Binnen het Borg collectief bestaan geen individuen, maar een gezamelijk collectief bewustzijn. Allemaal hebben ze één doel: perfectie. In de Star Trek: Voyager aflevering "Dark Frontier" zegt de Borg koningin dat het mensenras geen samenhang en grootsheid heeft, dat het harmonie mist. Dat wordt onze ondergang...
- Image:Borg.jpgEmblem of the Borg Collective "Resistance is futile." The Borg were a race of cybernetically enhanced lifeforms who originated in the Delta Quadrant and spread, as the Borg Collective, throughout the galaxy, aiming to create a perfect race and bring order to the chaos of the galactic population by assimilating them - transforming them into drones of the Collective. (TNG movie: First Contact, et al.)
- Die Borg sind eine Biokybernetische Lebensform, die im Delta-Quadrant beheimatet ist. Siehe hierzu: --> Die Borg auf MEMORY-ALPHA Kategorie:Spezies Kategorie:Deltaquadrantspezies
- Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Das angelsächsische Borg steht in seiner Bedeutung sowohl zum Mutuum wie zur Bürgschaft in Beziehung. Als Hauptwort war es vermutlich auch im Althochdeutschen bekannt, aber nicht überliefert.
- The Borg are a pseudo-race of cybernetic beings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant.
- Sometimes, ’ is widely used!
- "Borg" was a derogatory abbreviation of "cyborg" used by many inhabitants of the galaxy, including those residing on Aduba-3, in contrast to "normal organics."
- Die Borg, eine der meist gefürchteten Zivilisationen in der Galaxis, existieren als ein großes kollektives Bewusstsein. Sie haben nur ein Ziel: die Assimilation von anderen wertvollen Wesen und Technologien in das Kollektiv, um höchstmögliche körperliche und technische Perfektion zu erreichen. Ähnlich einer Insektenkönigin steht die Borg-Königin an der Spitze des Kollektivs. (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt)
- Una civilización de seres cibernéticos, en donde lo biológico es asimilado por nanotecnología y mejorada desde el punto de vista de la efectividad en los tiempos de trabajo y el consumo de energía. Se desconoce el origen de dicha tecnología, así que no se sabe si es o no artificial. Empero, el origen de la tecnología dentro de la Vía Láctea se sitúa en el Cuadrante Delta, por lo que se entiende que la asimilación de seres con base biológica comenzó por ese lugar.
- Chercher "borg" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Borg to pseudo-gatunek cybernetycznych istot (cyborgów) pochodzących z Kwadrantu Delta uznawany za najgroźniejszą cywilizacje zamieszkującą naszą galaktykę. Wśród Borg nie istnieje koncept indywidualnej osobowości. Wszystkie umysły połączone są w całość, tworząc kolektywną świadomość dążącą poprzez asymilację do jednego celu: doskonałości.
- The Borg were a race of cybernetic beings that were created in the Delta Quadrant. Except for the Borg Queen, all Borg exist as part of the collective. Their goal is to expand and add to their diversity by assimilation.
- Mayor Borg was Gotham City's mayor during The Joker's reign of terror. He was portrayed by Lee Wallace in Batman.
- I Borg catturano colonie, o popolazioni di interi pianeti di Classe M abitati da specie umanoidi, trasformandoli in unità cibernetiche tramite la sostituzione dei principali organi vitali che rimpiazzano con dispositivi bio-meccanici. Durante il processo di trasformazione i catturati sono anche sottoposti alla sostituzione di alcuni organi esterni e semi-interni. Un umanoide, al completamento del processo, così trasformato, diventa un Drone Borg. La sua mente e i suoi pensieri vengono collegati alla Collettività Borg. L'individualità personale del soggetto subisce un procedimento di inabilitazione per mezzo dell'isolamento dei percorsi sinaptici, impossibilitando il neo-drone all'accesso della perduta coscienza di sé, in modo permanente.
- The Borg are a technologically advanced civilization based on perfection and the assimilation of information.
- Borg - Swego rodzaju dosyć niski Yautja, przez wielu uważanych za sługę, oczywiście to fałsz. Posiada on na twarzy zielone plamki, oznaczające że Yautja ten, jest młody. thumb|Stał koło Greybacka. Kategoria:Predatorzy Kategoria:LA Hunting Party Kategoria:Nazwani Predatorzy
- Les Borgs étaient une pseudo-espèce d'humanoïdes améliorés par la cybernétique, mi-organiques, mi-mécaniques, originaires du Quadrant Delta. Les drones Borgs ne disposaient pas de conscience individuelle, mais étaient liés par une conscience collective appelé "esprit ruche". Craints dans toute la galaxie, les Borgs procèdaient à l'assimilation des autres espèces de valeur dans le but d'atteindre la "perfection" en intégrant les qualités technologiques et biologiques des espèces assimilées.
- Jarl Borg was a fierce and cunning Jarl from Götaland. His seat of power was in a village, larger than Kattegat, located in the South Swedish highlands.
- Borg is one of the city guards in Blaviken, along with Karelka and Carrypebble. The three report to Caldemeyn.
- La Borg estas kolektivisma vivoformo en la fikcia universo de la filmaro Star Trek. Por pli da informoj vidu la sube menciitan vikipedian artikolon.
- Borgové jsou pseudo-druh kybernetických bytostí (kyborgů) z kvadrantu Delta. Představují největší známou hrozbu Galaxie. Mezi Borgy neexistují žádní jedinci, všichni jsou spojení do kolektivního vědomí a jejich cíl je jediný: dokonalost. V českém překladu o sobě Borgové hovoří v první osobě množného čísla - my jsme Borg. Vyplývá to z jejich podstaty. Ostatní o nich hovoří jako o Borzích, neboť se jen těžko vyrovnávají s myšlenkou, že tolik těl má jedinou mysl.
- Borg ist neben Karelka und Nasstein eine der Stadtwache aus Blaviken. Sein Vorgesetzter ist der Dorfschulze Caldemeyn. Borg ist ein Charakter aus der Kurzgeschichte "Das kleinere Übel".
- Imię w rl: Michał Status na kanale: Voice Pierwszy występ na polskiej scenie: RunePl (2007) Lata gry: 2007 - Teraz Zasługi: Małe Funkcje: Brak Osiągnięcia: 99 mining, Top pl miner
- Die Borg sind eine kybernetische Rasse aus einem Paralleluniversum. Es handelt sich um eine Zivilisation kybernetisch aufgewerteter Bioorganismen (Cyborgs), welche durch ein kollektives Bewusstsein verbunden sind. Sie haben nur ein Ziel: die Assimilation von anderen wertvollen Wesen und Technologien in das Kollektiv, um höchstmögliche körperliche und technische Perfektion zu erreichen. Ähnlich einer Insektenkönigin steht eine Borg-Königin an der Spitze des Kollektivs.
- Borg is a young elf prince, who holds the right to the throne of an Anaheim that exists in a magical dimension.
- Borg was a member of Brun's clan, the son of Ika and Crug. His totem was the Boar. He was mated to Ona when they were both about eight years old.
- The Borg are a mysterious pseudo-race of cybernetic beings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant. No truly single individual exists within the Borg Collective (with the possible sole exception of the Borg Queen), as they are linked into a hive mind. Their ultimate goal is perfection through the forcible assimilation of diverse sapient species, technologies, and knowledge. As a result, they are among the most powerful and feared races in the galaxy.
- Borg es el jugador más peligoso de los jugadores de habla hispana y fue el que formuló la tecnica de la asimilación total. Actualmente juega en el universo mexicano Jupiter llamandose GLAN LIDEL SUPLEMOH. ADVERTENCIA: Es demasiado peligroso. LO CRUCE EN UN UNIVERSO Y ME DIJO QUE NOS IBA A PETAR A TODOS => LO DEJAMOS EN VACACIONES Y NO VOLVIO MAS - EMPERADOR ROMANO
- The Borg are a race of "enhanced" humanoids native to the Delta Quadrant. Originally completely organic, their evolutionary development led them to create the highly effective hive social structure that achieves a collective consciousness through cybernetic implants. To the Borg, individual thought and action are considered imperfect and weak. They travel through the universe in their hive cubicles seeking new civilizations to assimilate into their own consciousness, or in their words, "add the biological and technological distinctiveness of to their own". They don't simply assimilate individuals, they devour cultures, races, entire worlds in achieving their understanding of perfection. If a Borg drone dies or is beyond repair, his memory will still be retained by the collective. So in a s
- To begin with the Borg were a peaceful race, and meant no harm to any other species. However they were unable to apply for membership of the United Federation of Planets, as their was no wheelchair access into the Federation government building. This meant the Borg were unable to even enter the building in order to submit their application. This led to great anger and resentment amongst the Borg, and many turned to a dissident Borg, who believed that the Borg were the "Master Race", for answers. This Borg was called "Stephen Hawking", and as well as believing that the Borg were superior to every other species, he also believed that it was the duty of the Borg to assimilate all other races. Stephen Hawking became the Borg leader, and over time, as the Borg Collective became more advanced, t
- Borg drones were equipped with a myriad of technologies integrated into their bodies which enabled them to perform their duties within the Collective, several of which were universal to all drones. A neural transceiver kept them connected to the hive mind. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II") A personal force field protected each drone from most energy-based attacks. (TNG: "Q Who") As of 2373, each drone possessed a pair of assimilation tubules embedded in one hand for the purpose of instantly injecting individuals with Borg nanoprobes. (Star Trek: First Contact) A cortical processor allowed a drone to rapidly assimilate visual information.
- Borg (防壁魔法ボルグ Borugu, "Magic Barrier") is said to be the proof of a Magician. It is a defensive ability. It uses Magoi to cover the user's surroundings to block out attacks with evil intentions. It also blocks out most physical attacks and magical attacks to some degree. Its strength, however, depends on the person. According to Professor Myers, if the Borg is attacked by immense physical strength, then it can be crushed/destroyed.
- The Borg were first seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation. A year after they were introduced, they tried to invade the Federation. They tried again later, but the Enterprise crew pwned them both times. Very little is known about how the Borg came to be. William Shatner wrote that they were created from V'Ger. Voyager suggested that they were organic aliens that developed cybernetic technology centuries ago.
- Borg municipality is one of the most populated muncipalities in Norvegia, actually making it the second largest city after Fredrikshavn. In comparation to it's size, the city is widely known for it's lack of own culture and famous places. The only well-known construction in the city, known outside the city itself, is Christiansborg, a fortress which the city is named after; borg means castle.
- The Borg are a race of cyborgs from the Star Trek franchise, appearing primarily as antagonists in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager. The Borg have a hive society, known as the Collective, which seeks to perfect itself by absorbing entire races to gain their knowledge, technology, and abilities. This generally does not go over well with said races, but as Borg drones never seem to tire from announcing, resistance is (usually) futile. They are extremely adaptable and dangerous in combat. Whatever information the Borg assimilate spreads instantaneously to the entire Collective.
- BORG, created by Alexander Laemmle, is a cheat utility for Creatures. It allows you to inject the selected creature with a multitude of different chemicals, to select or kill the grendel, to delete the Grendel Mother, to check all your norns' life forces, to check all your creatures' information (like this): So, pretty useful. It also allows you to switch worlds, to have unlimited scrolling, to create a mum1 new norn, to force your norns to age one life stage, to give your creature instant verbs, to infect a creature, and to euthanase a creature. Contact me via e-mail: alexanderlaemmle@aon.at"