Predators: Beating the Bullet, also known as Predators: The Movie Adaptation, Predators: The Official Adaptation or simply Predators, is a one-shot comic book based on the film of the same name that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in July 2010. It was written by Paul Tobin, based on the original screenplay by Michael Finch and Alex Litvak, and was illustrated by Victor Drujiniu, inked by Tony Kordos and David Rivera, colored by Cirque Studios, lettered by Nate Piekos and edited by Scott Allie, Sierra Hahn, Freddye Lins and John Schork. While ostensibly an adaptation of the movie, it is presented entirely from the perspective of Isabelle and features several scenes not included in the film, including flashbacks to Isabelle's life prior to the events of the movie.
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| - Predators: Beating the Bullet
| - Predators: Beating the Bullet, also known as Predators: The Movie Adaptation, Predators: The Official Adaptation or simply Predators, is a one-shot comic book based on the film of the same name that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in July 2010. It was written by Paul Tobin, based on the original screenplay by Michael Finch and Alex Litvak, and was illustrated by Victor Drujiniu, inked by Tony Kordos and David Rivera, colored by Cirque Studios, lettered by Nate Piekos and edited by Scott Allie, Sierra Hahn, Freddye Lins and John Schork. While ostensibly an adaptation of the movie, it is presented entirely from the perspective of Isabelle and features several scenes not included in the film, including flashbacks to Isabelle's life prior to the events of the movie.
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Preceded By
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| - Predators: Beating the Bullet
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| - Predators: Preserve the Game
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Followed By
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| - Predators: Beating the Bullet, also known as Predators: The Movie Adaptation, Predators: The Official Adaptation or simply Predators, is a one-shot comic book based on the film of the same name that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in July 2010. It was written by Paul Tobin, based on the original screenplay by Michael Finch and Alex Litvak, and was illustrated by Victor Drujiniu, inked by Tony Kordos and David Rivera, colored by Cirque Studios, lettered by Nate Piekos and edited by Scott Allie, Sierra Hahn, Freddye Lins and John Schork. While ostensibly an adaptation of the movie, it is presented entirely from the perspective of Isabelle and features several scenes not included in the film, including flashbacks to Isabelle's life prior to the events of the movie. Predators: Beating the Bullet was one of four comics published to tie into the 2010 film, the others being the prequel stories Predators: Welcome to the Jungle and Predators: A Predatory Life, and an official sequel, Predators: Preserve the Game. In the Predator comics line, Predators: Beating the Bullet was preceded by Predators, published concurrently with Predators: Preserve the Game, and was followed by Predators (trade paperback).