| - At some point, a Body-Snatcher somehow boarded a Soviet-owned commuter jet, and sent it crashing in close proximity to the United States Naval Facility in Cuba. The Body-Snatcher escaped the wreckage before it sunk to the ocean floor, attacked the base at night, and proceeded to take over most of the stationed personnel at the base by morning. The Body-Snatchers' origins were unclear, with it being debated whether they were creatures from another world or otherwise robots built using cutting-edge bionics, and their motives also being unclear. However, the Pentagon called them Snatchers due to their ability to steal human victims and take their place. The private military company Militaires Sans Frontières were hired by the CIA to investigate. The leaders of the MSF, Kazuhira Miller and Big
| - At some point, a Body-Snatcher somehow boarded a Soviet-owned commuter jet, and sent it crashing in close proximity to the United States Naval Facility in Cuba. The Body-Snatcher escaped the wreckage before it sunk to the ocean floor, attacked the base at night, and proceeded to take over most of the stationed personnel at the base by morning. The Body-Snatchers' origins were unclear, with it being debated whether they were creatures from another world or otherwise robots built using cutting-edge bionics, and their motives also being unclear. However, the Pentagon called them Snatchers due to their ability to steal human victims and take their place. The private military company Militaires Sans Frontières were hired by the CIA to investigate. The leaders of the MSF, Kazuhira Miller and Big Boss, after being briefed on the situation, proceeded to utilize a secret weapon: Raiden, a cyborg from the distant future, because his near-completely mechanical body rendered him immune to the Body-Snatcher's ability to take him over. Raiden was then dispatched to exterminate all Body-Snatchers, and to neutralize any surviving, non-taken-over personnel at the base. After 8 confirmed Body-Snatchers were wiped out, a huge siege of them ambushed the MSF as they were about to extract Raiden from the area, forcing Raiden and the MSF to fight them off until all were eliminated. Afterwards, Miller revealed that they were unable to determine what they truly were, and hoped they didn't have anything bigger planned, comparing the entire event to "some bad dream."