Theta Cygni XII was a planet in the Theta Cygni system, approximately 59.8 light years from the Sol system. At least one of the other planets in the system was a gas giant. It was 20 light-years, in a rimward direction, from Ferenginar. (Star Trek Star Charts) The planet was inhabited and was one of the worlds infested by the blastoneurons. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!") The Declaration-class starliner SS Accord was commissioned by the European Hegemony, sometime in the early 22nd century, for an expedition to Theta Cygni XII. (Star Trek: Accord: "The USS Accord Fictional History, v. 3.0")
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- Theta Cygni XII
- Theta Cygni XII
| - Il popolato Theta Cygni XII era il dodicesimo pianeta del sistema Theta Cygni. Il pianeta venne infestato dai parassiti neurali qualche tempo dopo l'infestazione su Levinius V. (TOS: "Pianeta Deneva")
- Theta Cygni XII was a planet in the Theta Cygni system, approximately 59.8 light years from the Sol system. At least one of the other planets in the system was a gas giant. It was 20 light-years, in a rimward direction, from Ferenginar. (Star Trek Star Charts) The planet was inhabited and was one of the worlds infested by the blastoneurons. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!") The Declaration-class starliner SS Accord was commissioned by the European Hegemony, sometime in the early 22nd century, for an expedition to Theta Cygni XII. (Star Trek: Accord: "The USS Accord Fictional History, v. 3.0")
- Theta Cygni XII was the twelfth planet in the Theta Cygni star system. Its native population became extinct at some point between 2067 and 2165 when neural parasites travelling from system to system infected the population. The neural parasites had arrived from Levinius V and reached Ingraham B after ravaging Theta Cygni XII. (TOS episode: "Operation -- Annihilate!")
- Theta Cygni XII was the formerly inhabited twelfth planet in its star system. Between 2067 and 2265, this planet was invaded by neural parasites that came from Levinius V. The civilization on Theta Cyngi XII was destroyed in the mass insanity caused by the parasites. The inhabitants transported this parasite over to Ingraham B. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" )
- Theta Cygni XII ist ein Planet. Der aus dem Beta-Portolan-System stammende Neuralparasit pflanzte sich über Levinius V bis nach Theta Cygni XII und löste dort irgendwann zwischen 2067 und 2265 einen Massenwahnsinn aus. Von dort breitete sich der Parasit über Ingraham B bis nach Deneva aus. (TOS: )
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| - Theta Cygni XII was the twelfth planet in the Theta Cygni star system. Its native population became extinct at some point between 2067 and 2165 when neural parasites travelling from system to system infected the population. The neural parasites had arrived from Levinius V and reached Ingraham B after ravaging Theta Cygni XII. (TOS episode: "Operation -- Annihilate!") In 2165 a Tellarite freighter reported receiving a distress call from Theta Cygni XII. In response Starfleet dispatched the USS Essex to investigate. Captain Bryce Shumar reported to Admiral Jonathan Archer that his ship found all life on the planet had been destroyed due to chemical and bacteriological warfare. Shumar further informed Archer that the few surviving clues indicated the planet suffered a wave of mass insanity, and that a number of ships were launched prior to the final war on that world. Because Theta Cygni burned hot the crew did not have a reliable means of tracking where the ships had gone due to the interference generated by the star. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Live by the Code)
- Theta Cygni XII was the formerly inhabited twelfth planet in its star system. Between 2067 and 2265, this planet was invaded by neural parasites that came from Levinius V. The civilization on Theta Cyngi XII was destroyed in the mass insanity caused by the parasites. The inhabitants transported this parasite over to Ingraham B. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" ) According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Theta Cygni system was a binary system in the Alpha Quadrant. The primary was a F-class star and the secondary was a M-class star. This was an independent system in the late 24th century.
- Theta Cygni XII ist ein Planet. Der aus dem Beta-Portolan-System stammende Neuralparasit pflanzte sich über Levinius V bis nach Theta Cygni XII und löste dort irgendwann zwischen 2067 und 2265 einen Massenwahnsinn aus. Von dort breitete sich der Parasit über Ingraham B bis nach Deneva aus. (TOS: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen.
- Il popolato Theta Cygni XII era il dodicesimo pianeta del sistema Theta Cygni. Il pianeta venne infestato dai parassiti neurali qualche tempo dopo l'infestazione su Levinius V. (TOS: "Pianeta Deneva")
- Theta Cygni XII was a planet in the Theta Cygni system, approximately 59.8 light years from the Sol system. At least one of the other planets in the system was a gas giant. It was 20 light-years, in a rimward direction, from Ferenginar. (Star Trek Star Charts) The planet was inhabited and was one of the worlds infested by the blastoneurons. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!") The Declaration-class starliner SS Accord was commissioned by the European Hegemony, sometime in the early 22nd century, for an expedition to Theta Cygni XII. (Star Trek: Accord: "The USS Accord Fictional History, v. 3.0")