| - Light-years away from Mobius, the Kaamdaarn lived alone in peace. One day, an interplanetary war crashed down onto their planet. The Insectra Empire's main battleship was shot down by The Blurrgh's. Although Commander Jello Wobbla had the insects cornered, Dark Visor insisted they continue their battle on the Kaamdaarn planet. The natives intervened and declared their peaceful nature. With the same idea in mind, the Insectra and the Blurrgh decided to form a truce and conquer the planet together. However, when their weapons failed to work due to the planet's positive energy, both factions surrendered and pledged to live with the Kaamdaarn in peace. Insectra prisoner Shortfuse the Cybernik also decided to stay there in case the positive vibes could free him from his armour.
| - Light-years away from Mobius, the Kaamdaarn lived alone in peace. One day, an interplanetary war crashed down onto their planet. The Insectra Empire's main battleship was shot down by The Blurrgh's. Although Commander Jello Wobbla had the insects cornered, Dark Visor insisted they continue their battle on the Kaamdaarn planet. The natives intervened and declared their peaceful nature. With the same idea in mind, the Insectra and the Blurrgh decided to form a truce and conquer the planet together. However, when their weapons failed to work due to the planet's positive energy, both factions surrendered and pledged to live with the Kaamdaarn in peace. Insectra prisoner Shortfuse the Cybernik also decided to stay there in case the positive vibes could free him from his armour. After being witness to these events, Amy Rose and Tekno the Canary were given a spaceship to find their way home. After an altercation with Colonel Granite on Planet Earth, they made their way back to Mobius. Later that year, Shortfuse was able to contact Tekno and informed her he wanted to come. The canary rigged up a Inter-Planetary Warp-Gate and returned to Mobius with Kaamdaarn Amber in tow. The alien desired to learn about Mobius and was soon confronted with the Badnik alarm. The situation turned hairy, with the Badniks capturing one of the Emerald Hill folk. Amber joined in the battle and becalmed the robots, sending them back to Flickies' Island singing carols for Doctor Robotnik. The gate between Mobius and the Kaamdaarn planet was soon closing, so Amber returned home. Before she did, she presented Shortfuse with a gift - a program that opened his armour and freed him. He was soon forced to surrender this present when Vermin the Cybernik rampaged across the Metropolis Zone. Shortfuse tricked Vermin into stealing his programs, unaware of the release drive. Vermin was involuntarily forced out of his Cybernik suit and it was destroyed by a trapped-again Shortfuse.