| - - Översatt av Maria Rodén (Naudiz) från White Wolfs VtR: The Blood (sid 104-107) och som vanligt stulet från Blodsnatts hemsida
- File:Quake1.gif File:Q2.png File:Quake3.png File:Q4.png File:Quake Wars.png File:Globe.png Humans (Latin: Homo, meaning "Man") are a genus of sentient peoples native to Earth and part of the primate family. Fossil records date the last surviving species (Homo sapiens, meaning "Wise Man") as having existed for about 200,000 years before the common era.
- Scientifically known as homo sapien ("wise men" as someone clearly had a sense of humor), they managed to beat out their competition and rise to the top of the food chain. They require certain kinds of food, shelter, clothing, water and companionship to function. The homo family were first formed by Spirituality first in Eris' house then he brought them with him when he had to switch over to Aneris' house. He made quite a few models, although only homo sapiens are present today.
- They're humans. What do you expect? Pretty much identical to us physically, though culturally they vary. The Buskan, Duskan, and Haram are all human. The Goblins are also believed to be related to the Human race, though their roots split long ago. In Kaile Humanity remains one of the strongest powers in the world. Represented mainly by The Haram Empire Humans control almost half of Central Kaile's landmass and make up more than 65% of its population.
- Humanity is featured in a couple Dark Realm Games. They are the Human race that inhabit earth and try to survive.
- Humanity is one of Shulk's initial three skill trees in Xenoblade Chronicles. Prioritizing Humanity improves Shulk's ether by up to 50 (5 if no skills have been learnt).
- Americans. We are all that matters, and as far as Stephen is concerned, we are all that exists. The best advice when advising on humans and how to handle them when you do encounter them is don't, stay away, humans are the worst. You should be ashamed of yourself human. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Humanity (Minor Shapeshifter Ability, 8 points, 5 points for Kitsune) A Hengeyokai with Humanity Shapeshifter Ability can choose to become temporarily human, once per day, at sunrise. It remains human until the next sunrise, and cannot leave human form until then. If it uses this ability continuously for a year and a day, it becomes human forever.
- The doctrine of humanity, also called anthropology, is an area of Christian theology that studies various topics related to mankind based on the teaching of Scripture. For example, a biblical anthropology maintains as a basis, that:
* Man was created in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27).
* Man is a fallen creature (Romans 5:12), and born in a corrupt state.
* Man has a material aspect (the body) and a non-material aspect, his spirit (Jas. 2:26).
* Though marred by the Fall, man retains remnants of God's image in his non-material nature (Gen. 9:6).
- By 2020 AD, humanity was feeling the effects of its fossil fuel dependency and the exponential growth of the human population. It became increasingly clear to all that if nothing is done, then humanity will be on the fast track to doom. The world governments took many initiatives to change the path. The US government quickly spent many resources on alternative energy research; the European Union started investing on space colony proposals; China did both and prepared its military for the worst. Then, a light shown brightly. The company FusiForm Combine created a working cold fusion reactor in 2030 AD. This discovery soon led to a rapid and massive advance in technology. Space travel quickly became inexpensive, energy no longer became a concern on any level and people started campaigning fo
- Some people have absolutely no idea what happens out of sight. That’s where you get the shallow minded people from, people who are stuck in a routine of getting up, having food, going to work and then going home and sleeping again. Occasionally something might bring them out of this rut that they’re in but it’s usually the bad things that make them wake up, such as a family death or a natural disaster. Sweet dreams.
- How come that what you ought to do and what you want to do almost always are each other’s exact opposites? You know that you will have to stop searching, because there won’t be anything to find. You know that you will have to give up all hope, because hope is futile. You know that you will have to let go, or the uncertainty will drive you mad. But how can you do that, when the option is hopelessness? A dark, suffocating burden, which will wrap itself tight around your chest, leaving you gasping for breath - a broken mind in a broken body. That’s why Rebekka Citreola kept resisting for so long. Just one last time. I can’t give up. Just one last time.
| - The doctrine of humanity, also called anthropology, is an area of Christian theology that studies various topics related to mankind based on the teaching of Scripture. For example, a biblical anthropology maintains as a basis, that:
* Man was created in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27).
* Man is a fallen creature (Romans 5:12), and born in a corrupt state.
* Man has a material aspect (the body) and a non-material aspect, his spirit (Jas. 2:26).
* Though marred by the Fall, man retains remnants of God's image in his non-material nature (Gen. 9:6). Some differentiate the soul from the spirit of man resulting in a trichotomous view of his nature (body, soul, and spirit). Others see the soul as essentially synonymous with the spirit resulting in a dichotomous view of man's nature (material and immaterial), which may be expressed as either "body and soul" or "body and spirit."
- Some people have absolutely no idea what happens out of sight. That’s where you get the shallow minded people from, people who are stuck in a routine of getting up, having food, going to work and then going home and sleeping again. Occasionally something might bring them out of this rut that they’re in but it’s usually the bad things that make them wake up, such as a family death or a natural disaster. The whole education system is just indoctrination, a way to squeeze the colour and imagination out of children so they are fresh for the working world, made to sit behind desks and file papers, over and over again. Even English is taught in a certain way, not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that. Sometimes you just have to wonder why people haven’t realized yet. Why people haven’t realized that this whole world is a lie. Some people have realized of course but they often get labeled as mad and get stuck in a asylum with actually insane members. Those ‘voices’ they hear all the time. They’re real. Everything is real, the dark, terrifying things that lurk at the back of your memory, they’re real. When you think of something you give it life, the ability to come alive in stories and pictures is all because of people who had nightmares. Talking about nightmares, you’re only supposed to see people in them that you’ve seen before in your life. So who was that person you dreamt about last night, a dark shadowy figure with a grin like Lucifer. Unfortunately, when you realized there’s other things out there, you don’t have long before they know you’re watching. We’re not the only ones that have face, just they have pointed teeth and snarling expressions, some with extremely deformed faces that can make you withdraw back into the falsehood of sanity and logic Just remember, when you wake up at strange times in the early hours of the morning, you’re most likely being watched. And that mirror that faces your bed constantly, so in the morning you can just jump out of bed and do your makeup? It’s a window. A window where you can be constantly watched. Sometimes your reflection crawls out of bed and steps out of the mirror, to stare at you while you’re sleeping. And all you see when you wake up, is your reflection staring back at you, with a grin on its face. How can a reflection grin when you’re not even smiling. Sweet dreams.
- - Översatt av Maria Rodén (Naudiz) från White Wolfs VtR: The Blood (sid 104-107) och som vanligt stulet från Blodsnatts hemsida
- File:Quake1.gif File:Q2.png File:Quake3.png File:Q4.png File:Quake Wars.png File:Globe.png Humans (Latin: Homo, meaning "Man") are a genus of sentient peoples native to Earth and part of the primate family. Fossil records date the last surviving species (Homo sapiens, meaning "Wise Man") as having existed for about 200,000 years before the common era.
- How come that what you ought to do and what you want to do almost always are each other’s exact opposites? You know that you will have to stop searching, because there won’t be anything to find. You know that you will have to give up all hope, because hope is futile. You know that you will have to let go, or the uncertainty will drive you mad. But how can you do that, when the option is hopelessness? A dark, suffocating burden, which will wrap itself tight around your chest, leaving you gasping for breath - a broken mind in a broken body. That’s why Rebekka Citreola kept resisting for so long. Just one last time. I can’t give up. Just one last time. Little had she known, that this time, the “last” time, would actually be just that. The last. Hopelessness had come... suddenly. She hadn’t foreseen it. Never had she guessed it would strike with such vigour. But it had. Falling down on her knees, her fingers curled up into fists, nails piercing palms. By the Light, how could I be so naïve? As she exhaled, a silver cloud lingered around her mouth in the chilly morning air. No matter how long I keep on looking. No matter how far I travel, no matter how relentlessly I search. I will never find him. I know it. He is... The breath caught in her throat. He is... gone. In that moment, the very world seemed to change. Before, during those few moments she had contemplated the possibility that Zanthier Beldane might be lost to her forever, she had expected dullness. But instead, for some godforsaken reason, everything seemed so real. It was as if someone had removed a muddied lens from her mind. As she finally was able to draw a deep, desperate breath, the cold air actually stung her throat. She could feel it. And the twilight, reaching through the still lingering wisps of the night’s fog... How it illuminated the rolling, green hills of Hillsbrad! So crisp, so beautiful, so genuine, so... so... pure. Is this sorrow? she asked herself, the blistering, breathtaking pain mingled with awe. Is this how it feels, to bet everything on one card, and loose? To trust, only to find yourself... alone. Her eyes wide open, she let her gaze sweep over the scene. This is being human. And in that very moment, she knew what she had to do. Pain stroke again, like the swift cut of a dagger, and she could not help but to let out a howl. It trailed off into a low wail, as she wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth with tearless sobs. "...And so, the magic comb was finally returned to the kind weaver girl. Yet again, she combed her hair, and the loose hairs would get stuck in it's teeth, and with them she weaved the most wondrous things..." Rebekka's voice trailed off into silence as she carefully closed the book. She held the leather-bound fairytale in stiff, slightly shaking hands. She had to be strong. This was the right thing to do. But the soft weight of the girl's body against her own, as she slumbered peacefully in her lap... she was so, so close to giving up. To let her selfishness and love take over, ignoring what ought to be done. Yes, finally, love! How come she would only realize how much she cared about the child until it was too late? Or maybe, that was what love was. To do the right thing for your loved ones, no matter how much it hurt. She braced herself. There was no turning back now. Carefully, she coaxed one of her frail arms underneath Amandah's back, the other under the bend of her knees. She lifted the sleeping figure from her lap and slowly, slowly, laid her upon the mess of moth-eaten blankets. The girl barely stirred. Working quickly, as if racing against the emotions within that tried to hold her back, Rebekka removed one of her steam-driven syringes which was strapped to her satchel. Then she opened the latter, digging through a disorder of books, notes, engineering parts and the odd pouch with dried bruiseweed for tea. Finally, she found what she was looking for; a moderate sized bottle, sealed carefully with wax and a cork, which Rebekka removed. The fluid within was a dark midnight blue. Guttersnipe's Sleep. It was thus named because it was one of the cheapest soporific drugs on the market - even the lowliest wretch could save up for a bottle. A mixture of common herbs, and a small, but effective amount of dried nyctinasarin, Guttersnipe's Sleep was a harmless evoker of sleep when drunk in small doses. But a whole bottle, injected into a sleeping child... The lump grew in Rebekka's throat. She would never wake up again. Despite her shaking hands, Rebekka managed to turn the small cogs and switches on the syringe - in truth, she could almost have done it asleep, it was her own design after all. When the syringe was set on the right speed, volume and pressure, she pressed the fill button, and dipped the needle deep in the bottle. Carefully, to make sure there would be no pockets of air, she released the button, and the whole content of the bottle was sucked up through the needle. As she turned around, her pace turned sluggish, as realization dawned upon her. She had lost her best - her only - friend. She was just about to kill the only other person she cared about. Was she driving herself insane on purpose? Rebekka swallowed. Her knees buckled underneath her as she sat down by the sleeping girl, and she thumped down harder on the wooden boards than she had wished. She held her breath, but Amandah did not react. She was still deep in the realm of dreams. Rebekka hoped they were good ones. Although she knew she'd better hurry up and get it done, Rebekka could not help but to wait. She hovered above the girl, brushing her fingertips softly against the girl's skin. Surely, she was entitled to a... good bye. Finally, she bent down, placing a feather-light kiss on Amandah's brow. To her great surprise, she felt... calm. As if she had been granted peace of mind to perform the task at hand. Keeping the girl alive for so long had been cruel, she could see it now. This was not a faith she wished upon anyone. Especially not a poor, defenceless child. How could she allow her to live like this? Rebekka picked up the syringe from the floor, where she placed it minutes earlier. Her hands were now steady. Good. She'd need it. She felt no need to hurry now. With great deliberation, she placed the needle against the girl's arm, and pressed the release trigger. The syringe worked perfectly, as always; the needle sunk into the skin, and within seconds, the barrel's content was emptied into the child. Rebekka remained motionless, simply watching, as the girl's breath slowed down... and came to a halt. And then, reality hit her like a bullet. It was as if she had been dropped into icy, stabbing water. Humanity. In the nightly stillness of Tirisfal Glades, a lone crow slept on a pine branch. A shrill, pained outcry cut the silence like a knife, and with its tiny bird-heart beating quickly with fear, the bird launched itself into the venomously green sky in a flurry of black feathers.
- Scientifically known as homo sapien ("wise men" as someone clearly had a sense of humor), they managed to beat out their competition and rise to the top of the food chain. They require certain kinds of food, shelter, clothing, water and companionship to function. The homo family were first formed by Spirituality first in Eris' house then he brought them with him when he had to switch over to Aneris' house. He made quite a few models, although only homo sapiens are present today.
- They're humans. What do you expect? Pretty much identical to us physically, though culturally they vary. The Buskan, Duskan, and Haram are all human. The Goblins are also believed to be related to the Human race, though their roots split long ago. In Kaile Humanity remains one of the strongest powers in the world. Represented mainly by The Haram Empire Humans control almost half of Central Kaile's landmass and make up more than 65% of its population.
- Humanity is featured in a couple Dark Realm Games. They are the Human race that inhabit earth and try to survive.
- By 2020 AD, humanity was feeling the effects of its fossil fuel dependency and the exponential growth of the human population. It became increasingly clear to all that if nothing is done, then humanity will be on the fast track to doom. The world governments took many initiatives to change the path. The US government quickly spent many resources on alternative energy research; the European Union started investing on space colony proposals; China did both and prepared its military for the worst. Then, a light shown brightly. The company FusiForm Combine created a working cold fusion reactor in 2030 AD. This discovery soon led to a rapid and massive advance in technology. Space travel quickly became inexpensive, energy no longer became a concern on any level and people started campaigning for the developement of space colonies. However, this came with a new set of problems. The middle east destablized due to a quickly diminishing need for oil, many oil industries instantly went bacnkrupt and there was still the question of resources. Nevertheless, Europe went ahead with the first established space colony, Luna Prime, on the moon in 2031 AD. The space race was on once again. With this race, many new discoveries in science were made. It was in this race that cybernetics and nanotechnology advanced to the controversial topic of nature vs. human power, perpetuated by the company NanoCorp in 2032 AD. Buildings were built in space saving, sleek designs that were ecologically friendly. NASA in the US quickly received more funding than it did in the 1960's under John F. Kennedy. Computers with photon drives and holographic GUIs became a reality. Most of all, the company Interstellar Spacelines, formed in 2021 AD, discovered the secret to faster-than-light travel in a drive that manipulated the very laws of quantum physics. In 2031 AD, China established the first Mars colony, Zheung He, after the famous ancient chinese explorer,. The US quickly responded with a colony on Mars that was exactly 60 kilometers from Zheung He, named Manifest Destiny. This competition quickly alarmed many in the UN. They met quickly and established the Confederacy of Human Controlled Systems (CHCS) to avert the theoretical "colony wars"- using space colonies as pawns to fight proxy wars. It seemed as if humanity had once again dodged their doom. But all was not well. In the panic, companies quickly consolidated power from the governments. After all, they saved humanity from certain destruction, right? The companies took over all governmental functions while the real governments simply nodded and pursued the final frontier. FusiForm Combine quickly absorbed all the recently unemployed people from the oil industry and ruled their lives and the middle east. Interstellar Spacelines forcibly transported millions to the colonies in a mass exodus to test out spaceships. Megapol Conglomerate, formed in 2035 AD, took control of every police force, fire station and ambulance service that ever existed. The company EcoDev, formed in 2031 AD, began testing out prototype life support systems on live human subjects. The companies were omnipotent, and every governmental decree to go out into space became synonimous with "give more power to the companies." What is worse is that because of this, the per capita income decreased everywhere and people became poorer. With this, an economic bubble was created and inflated to alarming proportions. Eventually, at 2052 AD, the bubble popped. This created the worst economic crisis in human history, called the Great Collapse. Anarchy reined. People lived in shanty towns created from crumbling buildings. The colonies demanded full autonomy and the world governments responded by refusing and putting down the ensuing rebellions, with arms manufactured by a new company, Mars Protection Agency, or Marpro.. Then, the world governments and the World Trade Organizartion understood what happened, and worked around the clock to restore the global economy. The WTO established trade enclaves that held better opportunities and jobs. People flocked to these enclaves, created out of old cities with the epithet "New" attatched to every city name. It took eight years, but the world got back on its feet in 2060 AD. Then, the CEOs of FusiForm Combine, Megapol Conglomerate, EcoDev and Interstellar Spacelines were tried in the World Courts for crimes against humanity. It is well understood that they technically perpetrated no crimes, but the crowd still lusted for their blood. They were convicted and summarily executed in 2062 AD. The governments imposed strong regulations on the companies. It was because of this that the companies NutriSalve, Helios Ltd., Marpro, and Hyperdynamics Inc. emerged. For once, humanity began to enjoy the higest standard of living it ever got to. Then in 2067 AD, scientists in Arcturus Station came with surprised LADAR scans showing unusual spaceships out in the galaxy. Humanity realized it was not alone. The CHCS was given more power with this realization. Humans prepared to talk to little green men. But what came next wasn't little green men. Rather, strong, muscular cat girl-like women who were not at all little came. On 2070 AD, the Ainmihi Empire claimed Earth as a colony. They were met by resistance by many humans and the First Contact War began. The ainmihi forces launched attacks on the world capitals, killing millions. Earth's forces quickly joined together in the largest multilateral millitary force known in human history. While the force pushed the ainmihi back in Africa, South America and Australia, the ainmihi fought hard in other places. It seemed as though they reached a bloody stalemate in 2075 AD. But then the CHCS, led by the then polemarch Laura Sanders, lanched a sneak attack on the ainmihi. Furthermore, the clandestine organization, Majestic 12 (MJ12), came out of the shadows and armed the colonists for battle. Their efforts quickly won back North America and Europe in the battles of New Washington D.C. and New Berlin. Then the ainmihi and humans reached a true, long and bloody stalemate in the siege of New Beijing. Her soldiers tired and weary from the bloodshed, the Aurelius of Tasus, Tel'vani Sehkt, contacted Polemarch Sanders for an armistice. Sanders agreed to a meeting and organized an armistice and peace treaty mediated by the Auran Union, The ainmihi were driven off of Earth, The Aurelius of Tarsus, per ainmihi millitary tradition, was executed. The war ended on 2080 AD. From 2080-2110 AD, humanity went through a Reconstruction. During this, many new technologies and ideas were taken to the humans. On 2110, humanity was officially welcomed to the galactic galaxy and were given an ambassador to the Galactic Government.
- Humanity is one of Shulk's initial three skill trees in Xenoblade Chronicles. Prioritizing Humanity improves Shulk's ether by up to 50 (5 if no skills have been learnt).
- Americans. We are all that matters, and as far as Stephen is concerned, we are all that exists. The best advice when advising on humans and how to handle them when you do encounter them is don't, stay away, humans are the worst. You should be ashamed of yourself human. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Humanity (Minor Shapeshifter Ability, 8 points, 5 points for Kitsune) A Hengeyokai with Humanity Shapeshifter Ability can choose to become temporarily human, once per day, at sunrise. It remains human until the next sunrise, and cannot leave human form until then. If it uses this ability continuously for a year and a day, it becomes human forever.