Calypso Cat is a Tom and Jerry cartoon produced in 1961 and released in 1962. It was directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder. It is the 7th of 13 Tom and Jerry cartoons made in the present-day Czech Republic.
Calypso Cat is a Tom and Jerry cartoon produced in 1961 and released in 1962. It was directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder. It is the 7th of 13 Tom and Jerry cartoons made in the present-day Czech Republic.
Calypso Cat is a Tom and Jerry cartoon produced in 1961 and released in 1962. It was directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder. It is the 7th of 13 Tom and Jerry cartoons made in the present-day Czech Republic.