| - A Web Original fantasy story universe, and the predecessor to the Urban Fantasy podcast and story universe Metamor City, Metamor Keep is a massive shared story universe that has been active for many years, and still enjoys a good following of writers and readers. With well over six million words archived to date, Metamor Keep is attractive, not just for the interesting stories already present in the universe, but also for the reasonably open policy to submitting your own content. It also has an IRC channel, and as per The Wiki Rule, there is a wiki. The Character Page needs some love.
| - A Web Original fantasy story universe, and the predecessor to the Urban Fantasy podcast and story universe Metamor City, Metamor Keep is a massive shared story universe that has been active for many years, and still enjoys a good following of writers and readers. With well over six million words archived to date, Metamor Keep is attractive, not just for the interesting stories already present in the universe, but also for the reasonably open policy to submitting your own content. The setting chronologically begins with the fierce engagement, known as the Battle of the Three Gates, in which a wizard from the north attacks all three gates of the titular Keep, seeking to pass through the surrounding valley and into the southern Midlands, which he believes are waiting to be conquered. In order to quickly dispatch his enemies, he engineers a Curse, which changes the defenders minds and bodies into one of three forms; animals, babies, or the other gender. This incapacitates the defenders, and allows the wizard and his army to enter the city. Unknown to Nasoj, however, was that a group of mages from the Keep had been sent to activate an ancient defense system. They succeed a few minutes after the curses fall, and the defenders, restored partially to their old bodies and fully to the own minds, attack the invading army with enough fervor to drive them out, keeping the Midlands safe for now. The story universe focuses on the inhabitants of the Keep after the Curse. Now bipedal animals, gender flipped, or unable to age past puberty, they are now thought of as monsters in the south, and still subjected to constant attacks from the north. It also has an IRC channel, and as per The Wiki Rule, there is a wiki. The Character Page needs some love.