Attributes | Values |
| - The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
- The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
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dramatis personae
| - *Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight
*Beed Thane; archon of Vergill
*Borga Besadii Diori; Hutt ruler
*Turk Brand; New Republic commodore
*Chine-kal; commander, Crèche
*Droma; spacer
*Gaph; refugee
*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon / Miek
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight
*Kyp Durron; Jedi Master
*Leia Organa Solo; New Republic ambassador
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Malik Carr; commander
*Melisma; refugee
*Nas Choka; supreme commander
*Nom Anor; executor / Pedric Cuf
*Prince Isolder; Royal House of Hapes
*Randa Besadii Diori;
*Roa; prisoner
*Sapha; prisoner
*Talon Karrde; liaison
*Viqi Shesh; senator
*Wurth Skidder; Jedi Knight / Keyn
| - *Amphistaff
*Blorash jelly
*Bo'tous spore
*Capture beast
*Carnovian eel
*Cloaker / Ooglith masquer
**Command cloak
*Coomb spore
*Crystal snake
*Dovin basal
*Fire Breather
*Kintan strider
*Levitation seat
*Nala tree frog
*Nang hul "Thud bug"
*Nutrient dispenser
*Plaeryin bol
*Stinger lizard
*Stink fish
**Villip shrub
*Yammosk "War coordinator"
*Yorik-Kul "Surge-coral"
*Yorik coral
Book name
| - Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
- The New Jedi Order:
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| - Weapons
*Antilaser aerosol
**Sporting blaster
*Blaster rifle
**E-11 blaster rifle
*Dread weapon
*Flame carpet warhead
*Grenade launcher
*Gun of Command
*Ion cannon
*Laser cannon
*Mass shadow weapon
*Ophidiform baton of command
*Power glove
*Proton torpedo
*Pulse mass mine
*Quad laser cannon
*Sonic weapon
*Stun baton
*Swamp gas
*Yaret-Kor "Plasma launcher"
*Air scrubber
*Bacta tank
*Blind-band hypercomm transmitter
*Body armor
*Chest plastron
*Cloaking device
*Comm system
*Conform lounger
*Containment shield
*Crystal gravfield trap
*Deflector shield
*Engine nacelle
*Environment suit
*Field disruptor
*Field generator
*Handprint reader
*Hardwire regulator
*Harvester blade
*Headset comlink
**HoloNet News
*HoloNet drama
*Holoprojector table
*Hydrostatic field
*Hyperspace beacon
*Hyperspace Orbiting Scanner
*Hyperspace probe
*Hyperspace repulsor
*Hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer "HIMS"
*Identity card
*Inhibition field
*Inhibition program
*Interdiction field
*Ion drive
*Life-support monitor
*Magnetic containment field / Magcon field
*Master control
*Neural processor
*Oil bath
*Optical scanner
*Outboard turbine
*Power-recharge coupler
*Power converter
*Power core
*Ray shield
*Remote receiver
*Remote sensor
**Planetary repulsor
**Repulsorlift couch
*Repulsorlift generator
*Repulsor platform
*Restraining bolt
*Security scanner
*Sensor jammer
*Sheer glove
*Sluice system
**Sluice gate
*Starship maneuvering vane
*Stun cuffs
*Stun fence / Stun fencing
*Sublight drive
*Subspace transceiver
*Support pylon
*Surveillance probe
*Tractor beam
*Transponder code "friend-or-foe authenticator"
*Turbolift / Drop shaft / Turbovator
*Virtual life-form
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Vonduun crab armor"
*Weather control
| - *Assault on Yavin 4
*Battle of Endor
*Battle of Kashyyyk
*Battle of Nar Shaddaa
*Battle of Yavin
*Black Fleet Crisis
*Darksaber crisis
*Droid uprising on Ruan
*First Corellian Insurrection
**Destruction of TD-10036-EM-1271
**Destruction of Thanta Zilbra
*Honor duel on Hapes
*Imperial Period
*Osarian-Rhommamool conflict
*Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty
*Seizure of Coruscant
*Third Battle of Vontor
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Skirmish at Helska IV
**Destruction of Sernpidal
**Battle of Helska IV
**Battle of Dantooine
**Battle of Garqi
**Battle of Ithor
**First Battle of Obroa-skai
**Battle of Ord Mantell
**Battle of Bilbringi
**Battle of Gyndine
**Skirmish above Sriluur
**Battle of Tynna
**Battle of Fondor
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Release Date
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| - Jedi Eclipse
- LucasBooks' Latest
| - Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
Cover Artist
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media type
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| - *Anti-Jedi sentiment
*Binary "Droid speak"
*Carnivorous seaweed
*Circuitry bay
*Cloak of command
*Combat suit
*Comm helmet
*Communications suite
*Credit union
*Death Hurdles
*Double Worlds
**Duraplast hut
*Five Brothers
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Force bubble
**Force immersion
**Force sense
**Force vision
**Hibernation trance
**Mind trick
***Force illusion
***Force Pull
*Fortune teller
*Galactic map
*Garlic rose
*Gravity well
*Honor duel
*Hookah pipe
*Huttese "Hutt language"
*Hydraulic fluid
*Hydrogen sulfide
*Hyperspace route
**Gandeal-Fondor Hyperlane
**Perlemian Trade Route
**Rimma Trade Route
**Sisar Run
*Ice moon
*Interdiction field
*Jedi Code
*Jedi robe
*Krytos virus
*Lava node ring
*Letter of transit
*Lightsaber practice duel
*Massassi tree
*May the Force be with you
*Medal of Honor
*Money Lane
*Nlora perfume
*Outlier systems
*Prayer bead necklace
**Prayer bead
*Rainbow gem
*Red sphere
**Communal refresher
*Rimma Trade Route
**Gree spice
***Ryll kor
*Stasis probe reconnaissance
*Superluminal Transit
**Prefab tent
*Teräs Käsi
*Topiary shrub
*Tree of wisdom
*Vweilu nut
*Yuuzhan Vong
*Yuuzhan Vong airlock
Yuuzhan Vong religion
*True Way
**Yun-Harla "Cloaked Goddess"
**Yun-Yammka "Slayer"
**Yun-Yuuzhan "Cosmic Lord"
| - Agenci chaosu II: Zmierzch Jedi
Preceded By
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| - *Aqualish
*Mon Calamari
*Yuuzhan Vong
| |
| |
| - Посланники хаоса II: Сумерки джедаев
| - The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
| - Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
| - Agentes del Caos II: Eclipse Jedi
| - eu/lit/novel/news20000807.html
- eu/lit/novel/news20001003.html
| - *Archaeologist
*BlasTech Industries
*Centerpoint Party
*Chargé d'affaire
*Comestibles and Curatives Administration "CCA"
*Coruscant Energy
*Coruscant Water
*Cybot Galactica
*Domain Shai
*Extragalactic Society
*Federation of the Double Worlds
*Fhnark & Company Exotic Foodstuffs
*Followers of Palawa
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Admiral
**Imperial Section 19
*Galactic Exotics
*Galactic Republic "Old Republic"
*Hapes Consortium
**Hapan Royal House / House Isolder
***Archon (Vergill)
***House Thane
***Queen Mother
**Hapan Royal Navy
*House Harbright
*Human League
*Hutt Grand Council
*Imperial Remnant
*Incom Corporation
*Information broker
*Intendant caste
*Jedi Order
**Shell Hutts
*Kuat Drive Yards "KDY"
*Kyp's Dozen / Dozen-and-Two Avengers
*Lorell Raiders
*Loronar Corporation
*Mistryl Shadow Guard
*Mulako Corporation
*Nebula Consumables
*New Jedi Order
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
**Radical party
*New Republic
**Chief of State
**New Republic Defense Force
***Brigadier General
***Core Command
***Flight officer
***Home Fleet's Battle Assessment Division
***New Republic Fleet Intelligence
***New Republic First Battle Group "First Fleet"
***New Republic Second Battle Group "Second Fleet"
***New Republic Third Battle Group "Third Fleet"
***New Republic Fourth Battle Group
***New Republic Fifth Battle Group "Fifth Fleet"
****Task Force Aleph
***Rogue Squadron
**New Republic Intelligence
***Black Force Squadron
**New Republic Senate
***Council on Security and Intelligence
***Justice Council
****New Republic tribunal
***Ministry of Finance
***New Republic Advisory Council
***Senate Select Committee for Refugees "SELCORE"
*Osarian First-Force
*Peace Brigade
*Praetorite Vong
*Priest caste
**High Priest
*Public Safety Service
*Ralltiiri Secretariat
*Rebel Alliance
*Ruan control
*Sacorrian Triad
*Salliche Agricultural Corporation "Salliche Ag"
**Senior vice president
***Personnel acquisition division
***Security chief
***Spaceport control
*Sector chief
*Security chief
*Security Police "Espo"
*Serv-O-Droid, Inc.
*Shamed Ones
*Shaper caste "Shaper"
*SoroSuub Corporation
*Supreme Commander
*Supreme Overlord
*Ubrikkian Industries
*Warrior caste
*Warthan's Wizards
*Witches of Dathomir
| |
| - *87-RM Scout Collector "Scout Collector"
*8D smelter droid
*Astromech droid
**P2-series astromech droid
**Q9-series astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
*Battle droid
**Xim's war-robot
*Droid servant
*Droid tank
**MAS-2xB self-propelled turbolaser
*Droid translator
*Harvester droid
*Labor droid / Work droid
**ASP-series droid
**Binary loadlifter
**BLX labor droid
*LE-series repair droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
**J9 worker drone
**M-3PO military protocol droid
*Systems control droid
*U2-C1-series housekeeping droid
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Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Agenti chaosu II: Zatmění Síly
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Other Characters
| - *8D8 "Blast-furnace operator"
*Etahn A'baht
*Elegos A'Kla
*Gial Ackbar
*Aruk Besadii Aora
*Kossak Inijic Ar'durv
*Baffle / Long Reach
*Big Bunji "Boss Bunji"
*Blue Max
*Crev Bombaasa
*Lando Calrissian
*Gaeriel Captison
*Jorj Car'das
*Ta'a Chume
*Shada D'ukal
*Natasi Daala
*Reck Desh
*Tenel Ka Djo
*Teneniel Djo
*Chelch Dravvad
*Bracha e'Naso
*Zubindi Ebsuk
*Borsk Fey'lya
*Golga Besadii Fir
*Gardulla the Younger
*Dennix Graeber
*Kenth Hamner
*Borert Harbright
*Dees Harbright
*Corran Horn
*Jabba's rancor
*Shimrra Jamaane
*Belindi Kalenda
*Ohran Keldor
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Ulaha Kore
*Kossak Inijic Ar'durv
*Tsavong Lah
*Ixidro Legorburu
*Lol Miilarta
*Callista Ming
*Creed Mitsun
*Shug Ninx
*Niuk Niuv
*Ayddar Nylykerka
*Cal Omas
*Hortel Ossilege
*Gilad Pellaeon
*Q9-X2 "Queue-nine"
*Danni Quee
*Ta'laam Ranth
*Miko Reglia
*Ganner Rhysode
*Fyor Rodan
*Thrackan Sal-Solo
*Dif Scaur
*Shedao Shai
*Sarn Shild
*Raith Sienar
*S. V. Skynx
*Anakin Skywalker
*Mara Jade Skywalker
*Jaina Solo
*Kam Solusar
*Tionne Solusar
*Jenica Sonsen
*Sien Sovv
*Durga Besadii Tai
*Amer Tariq
*Malinza Thanas
*Pter Thanas
*Jabba Desilijic Tiure
*Pazda Desilijic Tiure
*Unidentified Mon Calamari New Republic tribunal's chief
*Klaus Vandangante
*Tahiri Veila
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