| - Дробовик M3 имеет высокий урон, дёшево стоит, а так же при стрельбе из него не очень надо целиться - дробь разлетается на некоторую площадь. Но есть и значительные недостатки - низкая скорострельность, маленькая ёмкость магазина, а так же почти полное отсутствие эффективности на средних и дальних дистанциях. Исходя из этого, данный дробовик станет хорошим оружием на маленьких картах во втором-третьем раунде. При появлении лишних средств лучше заменить его на автоматический дробовик, или же на штурмовую винтовку.
- The M3 Grease Gun is a weapon in the Day of Defeat series. It is only available in the original Day of Defeat. This gun comes in both 9mm and .45 ACP cartridges.
- Announced Feb 6, 2015
- M3 was one of the heads of British Secret Service.
- Michelle Dessler and Kim Bauer try to escape the terrorists at CTU.
- The M3 (Super 90) is a dual-mode shotgun designed by Benelli, an Italian firearms manufacturer. Being dual-mode, the M3 can be used as both a semi-automatic and pump-action shotgun. The M3 is an improved variant of the M1 shotgun.
- The M3 is a submachine gun that appears in Conflict: Vietnam. It is the primary weapon of Ragman.
- Sie wird in Italien hergestellt und hat Kaliber 12 Munition. Ins Magazin passen 8 Patronen, insgesamt hat man 32 (+8 im Magazin) Patronen dabei. Leer wiegt sie 3,5 Kilogramm (3500 Gramm), eine Patrone wiegt 3,8 Gramm. Die Mündungsgeschwindigkeit beträgt 381 Meter pro Sekunde, die Mündungsenergie 2429 Joule.
- La M3 no cuenta con ningún atributo o habilidad especial, pero no deja de ser una escopeta excepcional. Puede que te cueste apuntar con su cañón, más largo que el de la Ithaca, pero con ella podrás aturdir a los subjefes sin esfuerzo. Además, la M3 es muy barata de mejorar en comparación con muchas otras armas, y podrás mejorarla al máximo poco después de haberla comprado.
- Along with the M3, there is another variant of the weapon in the Rainbow Six Universe. This variant is the Super 90. The Super 90 in Rainbow Six Siege appears to be a compact variant of the original weapon. The M3 is categorized as a shotgun in the Rainbow Six universe. The M3 appears in both Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, while the Super 90 only appears in the Black Ice expansion of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.
- Es la primera sub unidad del grupo Fairies. El 17 de enero del 2013 se subio una imagen, en la pagina oficial de fairies, promocionando la primera sub-unidad de Fairies, M3 (Mスリー).
- [[Archivo:M3USA19421943.jpg|thumb|left|M3, Paso de Kasserine, Tunisia, 1942 - 1943.]]
- The M3 goes from Sunbury (a few miles east of Staines) to Bassett (in the north of Southampton).
- M3 - канадский англоязычный кабельный и спутниковый специализированный телевизионный канал категории A, находящийся под владением Bell Media. Как и родственные телеканалы, штаб-квартира расположена в 299 Queen Street West в Торонто, Онтарио.
- We weren't too certain why the man had killed himself. It was immediately obvious that this was a suicide upon entering the lab and seeing the brain spattered wall. However this man appeared to be of high regards to the surrounding community—everyone loved him. Why would he do this? His grandson unfortunately found the corpse earlier that day when he went to visit him. He came running into the station tears streaming down his face, screaming hysterically that his grandfather had killed himself. My partner and I headed over there to see the damage. The poor kid.