| - |}
- A Japanese superhero.
- Backdoor.Linux.Tsunami.gen or Tsunami is a Linux backdoor that allows remote access to infected machines.
- Tsunami (ツナミ Tsunami?) is the daughter of Samuel Nakaoka the Second and Nami from the future timeline. After her father died due to his fatal Devil Virus who was Samara's last resort attack, she ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi as a successor and take a path to her father's legacy and goes to the present time not before her mother Nami take her newly created medicine that cure any illness inculding dieases to rescue her father's present self.
- Many tsunami uploads are of poor quality and often include a type of vote scam instructing users to vote to save something from the tsunami. They are generally considered a waste of an upload by many Powder Game users. Tsunamis are also extremely easy to create, if not, elaborated. Tsunami uploads that include some form of civilization which is destroyed as the tsunami impacts it generally gain a larger amount of votes.
- thumb|Zwei von Shirohige hervorgerufene Tsunami-Wellen stürzen auf Marineford zu. Ein Tsunami 1.
* WEITERLEITUNG ist eine meterhohe Flutwelle, deren Kraft alles hinfort- und in die Meerestiefe reißt, das sich ihr in den Weg stellt. Auch an Land gibt es schwere Verwüstungen. Ausgelöst werden diese Flutwellen durch Seebeben. So ist es Shirohige möglich, mit Hilfe der Teufelskräfte der Gura Gura no Mi ein Seebeben auszulösen, das mehrere Meter hohe Flutwellen hervorruft.
- Tsunamis are what happens when biorganic material (such as fat hippos, your mum, fat albert and you) excrete lage amounts of dung into the sea.
- Tsunami is a single A trick that has been in the world yo-yo contest compulsories list for a number of years. 1.
* Throw a breakaway sleeper. 2.
* Do an undermount over your freehand index finger. 3.
* Swing the yo-yo over so the undermount is over on your throwhand index. 4.
* Swing it back over to your freehand index. 5.
* Do this as many times as you want and then catch the yo-yo.
- Der Tsunami stellt eine Technik aus Paper Mario dar.
- Tsunami è un lemma giapponese che indica una grossa onda che giunge sulla riva proveniente da un corpo d'acqua, come un oceano. Questi tipi di onde possono causare enormi danni alla vita ed alle proprietà nelle zone costiere. Tali onde sono di solito causate da eventi sismici, come terremoti. La popolazione di Bre'el IV temeva che uno tsunami potesse venir provocato dall'impatto della loro luna sulla superficie del loro pianeta. (TNG: "Deja Q")
- Tsunami is uncommonly used in PvP combat due to its focus on area-of-effect damage, whereas Omnipower is able to hit 200%-400% active spell damage.
- The Tsunami is a spelljamming ship built and used by the humans of Wa.
- Used by the , inflicts damage on enemies in the direction the caster is facing and slows them down.
- Tsunami is a member of the Pengolian Thieves.
- Xena, Gabrielle and Autolycus are trapped in a sunken ship, after it is hit by a tidal wave. They must figure a way out before they run out of time - and oxygen.
- Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 18 – 55 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): The Tsunami is a Pearlescent Submachine Gun manufactured by Maliwan. Examples are on the talk page.
- Tsunami (ツナミ, Tsunami) es la hija de Tazuna y madre de Inari.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Tsunami est une jeune femme du Pays des Vagues. Elle est la fille de Tazuna et la mère d'Inari.
- Tsunamis are a disaster that occur in Tropico 4 and Tropico 5. Tsunamis destroy buildings and kill people within a certain danger zone, which can be viewed as an overlay. If a weather station is built and equipped with an early warning system, tsunamis won't cause any fatalities. In Tropico 4, after a tsunami hits, a large oil tanker will be stranded on the island, reducing the surrounding beauty. This tanker costs $1,000 to remove. Like any disaster, tsunamis can be disabled by running a sandbox game with no random events.
- is a citizen of the Land of Waves.
- Tsunami was a clone captain on Elite squadron. He was great friends with Cee and Sandwield. Tsunami was a respected clone trooper. He later went on to be one of the main ARC troopers on Kamino. He took over ARC Commander Colt's roll. As Order 66 occurred in 19 BBY Tsunami was killed by Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Tipo:Archivo:Agua.gif Categoría: Archivo:Categoría_Especial.gif Potencía: -- Precisión: 10 PP: 5 Es un poderoso ataque tipo que debilita a la mitad de los Pokémon del rival. Lo malo es que solo tiene 10% de acertar. Si se usa Danza lluvia las posibilidades aumentan hasta el 30%. Si después de Danza lluvia se usa Trueno las posibilidades aumentan a 50 % y si por último si se usa Terremoto las posibilidades de acertar aumentan hasta el 100%, es decir, que siempre acertará.
- Categoría:PersonajesTsunami (ツナミ, Tsunami) es la hija de Tazuna y madre de Inari.
- Tsunami was a heavyweight robot from Germany that competed in German Robot Wars, and Series 7 of Robot Wars. Tsunami had finished as runner-up in German Robot Wars, losing out to Black Hole in the Grand Final. During its appearance in the UK Series, Tsunami flipped all three of its opponents out of the arena on the way to the Heat Final, where it was ironically thrown out of the arena by X-Terminator's flywheel.
- MUD: Tsunami Telnet: tsunami.thebigwave.net:23 Website: tsunami.thebigwave.net/ Theme: Oriental/Fantasy. A dynamic mud regularily overtaken by wars, invasions and other special features. A huge range of classes and races are available, creating a unique and varying experience for all mudders. NEW to Tsunami, become part of the holy jihad!!!
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Tsunami – miejsce występujące w The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
- Tsunami is a powerful move but the user need to recharge after use for one turn. It is a Water-Type variation of Hyper Beam. Power: 130. Accurary: 90. Effect: Need to recharge after uses. Eligable non-Fanon Pokémon uses: Blastoise. Feragilatr. Swampert. Empoleon. Daikenki. Horsea. (Egg Move Chain.)
- File:Tsunami ttah.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Dax's home village, on a small resource-poor island in Coral, so named for the freak wave that wiped out the village that previously existed on those shores hundreds of years ago. Rebuilt in the treetops for obvious reasons. This had the eventual side effect of producing very strong, nimble villagers, ideal for life on board a ship. Tsunamians are especially good topsmen (the men who work the rigging and crow's nest), as a lifetime in the treetops gives one an iron grip and the sure-footedness of a mountain goat. Over time, Tsunami actually garnered a degree of fame for their excellent sailors, and became well-known amongst pirate crews looking to fill recent holes in their crews. So it was that The Black Band came to Tsunami looking for a new member one fateful day...
- A tsunami was a massive series of waves caused by a displacement of a large body of water. An underwater groundquake caused a thousand-meter tsunami that destroyed Newest Coast Town, a colony on Ennth.
- Tsunami (also called Tidal Wave) is a recurring skill used by enemies. It is often the highest water-related skill available that is non-magic.
- Tsunami (津名魅, Tsunami) is a main character from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki
- Le Tsunami (en japonais, ウェイブクレス Weibukuresuto ; en anglais, Wavecrest) est un boss Sans-cœur apparaissant dans Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. Il est de la famille du Volatile.
- Tsunami (つなみ ちゅういほう lit. Warning: Tsunami (i.e. Tidal Wave) in Japanese) is the twelfth level and is the second level of the third warp room in Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. It is the second Japanese-styled level in the game along with Banzai Bonsai. It takes place in a town during a thunderstorm in late afternoon. As its name suggests, the town is flooded by a tsunami.
- "Tsunami" is a ride Peedee Fryman uses in the episode "Frybo". It amuses him for a while, but Peedee finishes the ride in disappointment. It is located next to the Jelly Jiggler ride, in front of the Funland Arcade.
- This is the listing for the agency Tsunami within Global Agenda.
- Tsunami was the Rokugani word for "tidal wave". They were destructive ocean waves frequent in the Rokugani coast, and they thwarted most attempts at deep ocean voyages of discovery.
- Tsunami, known as SWIRL in the original NES translation, is one of the four elemental attacks used by Chaos. It deals heavy non-elemental damage to the entire party. In Dawn of Souls and further remakes, Tsunami is also used by Cagnazzo and can be seen as his signature ability.
- Tsunami (ツナミ Tsunami?) is the daughter of Samuel Nakaoka the Second and Nami from the future timeline. After her father died due to his fatal Ring Virus who was Samara's last resort attack, she ate the Ryuu Ryuu no Mi as a successor and take a path to her father's legacy and goes to the present time not before her mother Nami take her newly created medicine that cure any illness including diseases to rescue her father's present self.
- Tsunami ist ein Superheld und als ein Mitglied der Justice Force ein Verbündeter der Turtles. Er wurde speziell für die 2003 Zeichentrickserie erschaffen.
- Tsunami ist die Tochter von Tazuna und die Mutter von Inari. Ihr Mann ist vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, doch schon bald sollte ein neuer Mann in ihr Leben treten, Kaiza. Als dieser brutal von Gateaus Männern umgebracht wurde, zerfiel sie in Hoffnungslosigkeit und Schmerz. Ihr einziger Lebenssinn besteht in Inari, für den sie selbst ihr Leben geben würde.
- [[Category:]] Tsunami was a conjuration spell that summoned a massive wave from a large body of water which traveled in the direction chosen by the caster.
- Tsunami is a Japanese word for a large wave coming ashore from a body of water, such as an ocean. These types of waves are capable of causing great damage to life and property in coastal areas. Such waves are typically caused by seismic events, such as earthquakes. In 2366, the people of Bre'el IV feared a tsunami would result from the impact of their moon on the surface of their planet. (TNG: "Deja Q" )
- Tsunami (津名魅, Tsunami) is a main character from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, and the non-canon manga series written by Hitoshi Okuda. She also appears in the series' Pretty Sammy spin-offs.
- Tsunami is a DC Comics superheroine. She first appeared in All-Star Squadron #33 (May 1984) as a super-villain working for the Japanese Emperor. Outside of this title and Young All-Stars, Tsunami did not reappear in "modern" times until Aquaman vol. 5 #23. The character remains active, but in a strictly supporting and/or cameo role.
- Tsunami is Iroha's rival who claims to be better than her in practically every way. She meets Iroha's master by chance and was charmed by his sincerity. Despite his protest, she signs herself to be his maid and is offended to see her rival there. She uses various tricks to sway their master's attention in her favor but it's undecided on which girl he prefers.
- "Tsunami" (or Star Trek: Tsunami) was the fourth spin-off of Star Trek: Phoenix-X and third spin-off of the third season. It originally stood on its own until it was integrated into Star Trek: Phoenix-X in August 2014. The story focuses on the crew of the USS Tsunami. It was written in 2003, and is not yet completed.
- Tsunami was a crew that was founded on March 6th of 2006 by Rubke and Totjulie on the Cobalt Ocean, member of the great flag Amici (which is Italian for friends). Thats what we all are, FRIENDS and we try to act like friends also. Politics are nice but not for this crew, we just play the game with our fellow Amicicans and try to have lots of fun.
- Una gigantesca onda si scaglia contro il nemico facendolo affogare. È un colpo Energetico/Ambientale che combina l'immagine di un'onda con la simulazione dell'acqua tramite la densità e la pressione dell'atmosfera: è una doppia trappola, perché sembra una cosa, ma ne è un'altra mascherata da un'altra cosa ancora... Molto efficace nella variante che aggiunge il canto.
- Lo Tsunami è un evento naturale generato sporadicamente da Noè o da Peter North, su approvazione di un Consiglio di Amministrazione presieduto da Dio e a cui partecipano le divinità più rappresentative delle principali religioni esistenti (tranne Chuck Norris, a cui tutto questo non interessa). Ha lo scopo di migliorare la selezione del patrimonio genetico mondiale, esattamente come la strage del sabato sera.
- thumbUnter Tsunami versteht man Riesenwellen, die meistens durch Erdbeben oder Vulkanausbrüche auf dem Meeresgrund entstehen.
- Tsunami (ツナミ) è la figlia di Tazuna e la madre di Inari. Suo marito morì poco dopo la nascita di Inari, e quando Kaiza entrò nella sua vita come figura paterna per il figlio, non poté fare altrimenti che invitarlo a vivere a casa loro. Come ogni persona in città, la morte di Kaiza fu per lei un duro colpo; negli anni seguenti, ella cercò di proteggere Inari dai ricordi dolorosi che la morte del suo padre adottivo gli procurava. Tsunami è una donna molto coraggiosa e lo dimostra quando la vita di Inari è in pericolo: nel manga arriva al punto di minacciare di suicidarsi, cosa che avrebbe lasciato Gato senza ostaggi, se i suoi sicari avessero ucciso Inari. Nell'anime Tsunami non minaccia i due sicari di uccidersi, anzi afferma di voler fare tutto quello che essi desiderano pur di salvare Ina
- __NOEDITSECTION__[[English name (linked)::| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::]]" [[English name::]]津(つ)波(なみ)
* Japanese: [[Ruby text::津(つ)波(なみ)| ]]
* Kana: [[Japanese kana name::| ]]
* Romaji: Tsunami
* Translated: [[Translated name::| ]][[Japanese name::| ]][[Ruby Japanese name::津(つ)波(なみ)| ]] [[File:|link=File:|px]]
- A tsunami (pronounced /(t)suːˈnɑːmi/) is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and detonation of nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, the effects of tsunami can be devastating. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate tsunami.
- Xena and Gabrielle visit a village, and Gabrielle decides to have her palm read. The woman tells Gabrielle she is in great danger. Gabrielle says that describes every day of her life with Xena! The duo splits off in search of lunch, and Gabrielle see Autolycus in chains on the end of the line of men boarding a ship. She tries to speak to him, and when she boards the ship to do so, the men jump her. She fights them off with her staff, but the boat sails. Xena hears Gabrielle's screams for her, and runs to the shore. She does a Xena flip (as only Xena can) and lands in the ship, sword drawn and ready to rumble. You don't take Gabrielle from Xena!
- a Tsunami is a massive wave or series of waves, sometimes 3 metres high, sometimes 30 metres high that devastates coastal regions and drowns people. The most common cause of a tsunami is an Earthquake and earthquake prone regions of the World are known. Tsunami can also happen due to massive landslides or asteroid impacts and those can happen anywhere where there is a large body of water.
- A tsunami (Japanese: 津波 [tsɯnami], lit. 'harbor wave'; English pronunciation:/(t)suːˈnɑːmi/ (t)soo-NAH-mee) or tidal wave is a series of water waves (called a tsunami wave train) caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, usually an ocean, but can occur in large lakes. Tsunamis are a frequent occurrence in Japan; approximately 195 events have been recorded. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, tsunamis can devastate coastal regions.
- Search for "Tsunami" on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikia, Wikitravel, Google (excludes "Wikipedia", adds "water"), Yahoo (excludes "Wikipedia", adds "water"). A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large meteoroid or asteroid impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can range from unnoticeable to devastating.
- [[Plik:Tsunami.gif|right|250px|thumb|Tsunami w wykonaniu japońskich ścigających]] Tsunami (ang. The Tsunami) — drużynowe zagranie specjalne japońskiej narodowej drużyny quidditcha wykonywane przez ścigających, które pozwala na zdobycie 20 punktów. Taktyka podobna jest do japońskich sztuk walki.
- Bien que les tsunamis puissent atteindre une vitesse de quand le fond de l'océan est profond, ils sont imperceptibles au large car leur amplitude y dépasse rarement le mètre pour une période (temps entre deux vagues successives) de plusieurs minutes à plusieurs heures ; il ne faut donc pas les confondre avec les vagues scélérates qui provoquent des naufrages en haute mer. En revanche, ils peuvent provoquer d'énormes dégâts sur les côtes où ils se manifestent par :
- thumb|200px|Skubaniec uciekający przed mini tsunami Tsunami (jap. 津波) – okazjonalnie występujący skutek uboczny podwodnego trzęsienia Ziemi. Fala osiągająca od kilkunastu centymetrów (wersja light) do kilkudziesięciu metrów (wersja dla hardkorów i sku40px|link=ów). Występuje głównie w rejonie Azji Południowo-Wschodniej i w ciągu kilku godzin zmniejsza tamtejszy odsetek głodujących ludzi o kilkanaście setnych punktu procentowego. Fale tsunami mobilizują również rządy dotkniętych nim krajów do przebudowy infrastruktury na nowocześniejszą. W związku z tym, pół świata robi ściepę, a wszystko za friko dostają ofiary (no i trochę tam fiskus przy okazji). Inną jego cudowną zaletą jest odwrócenie uwagi światowych mediów od afer, kłótni, złodziejstwa i Smoleńska, na czym korzystają niekontrolowani
- Nothing is known about the origin of Tsunami's powers or how he came to join the Justice Force. It is known that he comes from Japan, however, and based on his appearance and powers, it is likely that he is either a mutant or a crossbreed between a human and a Yokai (Japanese spirit) of the sea.
- A flawlessly maintained Star Destroyer, the Tsunami, under the expert guidance of her first captain, Vorcise Jurarth, quickly became feared by enemies and allies alike as an unbeatable starship. The Tsunami would frequently enter battle outgunned and end up destroying the superior forces arrayed against it, emerging with a few scars but totally obliterating its enemies.
- When Tsunami was still an egg, Webs stole Tsunami from the hatchery making her a Dragonet of Destiny. But when the dragonets got captured by Queen Scarlet when they escaped; they were put into a gladiator show where they had to fight another dragon. Tsunami had to fight the King Webs. Since he refused to fight other dragons Queen Scarlet took all water away from him making him crazed. This was before Tsunami even knew she was a royal heir and she killed her father.
- [[Fil:Atl-shield-storm.jpg|250px|thumb|right|En tsunami träffar Atlantis' sköld.]] Tsunami är en typ av vattenvåg som uppkommer vid en vertikal förskjutning av stora vattenmassor, i de flesta fall på grund av seismisk aktivitet på havsbottnen. Det beror på att det blir rörelser i marken. Tsunamier kan uppkomma genom att jordskorpan under havet rör sig så att vattnet ovanför trycks upp eller "faller ned". En av de processer som åstadkommer sådana rörelser är jordbävningar.
- right|thumb|Simulasi Tsunami Desember 2004 [[Berkas:The_Great_Wave_off_Kanagawa.jpg|thumb|right|Gambar Tsunami menurut Hokusai, seorang pelukis Jepang dari abad ke 19.]] [[Berkas:Ombak.jpg|thumb|Tsunami yang menghantam Malé, Maladewa pada 26 Desember 2004]] Tsunami (bahasa Jepang: 津波; secara harafiah berarti "ombak besar di pelabuhan") adalah sebuah ombak yang terjadi setelah sebuah gempa bumi, gempa laut, gunung berapi meletus, atau hantaman meteor di laut. Tenaga setiap tsunami adalah tetap terhadap fungsi ketinggian dan kelajuannya. Dengan itu, apabila gelombang menghampiri pantai, ketinggiannya meningkat sementara kelajuannya menurun. Gelombang tersebut bergerak pada kelajuan tinggi, hampir tidak dapat dirasakan efeknya oleh kapal laut (misalnya) saat melintasi di laut dalam, tetapi me
- [[Fichier:Tsunami.gif|thumb|250px|right|L'équipe japoaise exécutant un Tsunami.]] Le Tsunami est une figure de Quidditch exclusive à l'équipe nationale de Quidditch du Japon et qui est considérée comme la signature de cette équipe.
- Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Sight Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 6 rounds A wall of water springs into existence at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 300 feet long, 300 feet high, and 50 feet thick. The wall lasts for the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.