| - REC Disease is the Nuclear Disease that appears in the 2012 Disaster film, Infection (2012 film). REC, which stands for Reproductive Epileptic Compilation is apart of the nuclear world of viruses that effects the brain and nervous system and causes an unusual green slime to drip out of its host. REC kills its host within two days after the infection and those who come into contact with the host of the disease are more likely to die from it than the actual host. Once someone is infected, symptoms grow quickly, such as black rashes, coughing, abnormal exhaustion, green slime dripping from the ears and eyes, convulsions and death.
| - REC Disease is the Nuclear Disease that appears in the 2012 Disaster film, Infection (2012 film). REC, which stands for Reproductive Epileptic Compilation is apart of the nuclear world of viruses that effects the brain and nervous system and causes an unusual green slime to drip out of its host. REC kills its host within two days after the infection and those who come into contact with the host of the disease are more likely to die from it than the actual host. Once someone is infected, symptoms grow quickly, such as black rashes, coughing, abnormal exhaustion, green slime dripping from the ears and eyes, convulsions and death. REC originated in the mountain side of the poconos when a scientist was experimenting with nuclear chemicals and another scientist was experimenting on a diseased boar. The scientist accidentally spilled some of the boar's blood into the the nuclear chemicals, spreading its disease. Later on, the scientist took the nuclear chemicals to a local hospital to test out the cure. The doctors injected it into a sick patient, infecting him with the disease. The patient's daughter, Amber Hewitt came in and hugged her father, infecting her. Back at the poconos, Amber and her friends are taking a friendship portrait as she is hugging them all, infecting them with the REC Disease.