| - Dom: Jack, rip that door. (Marcus looks as the door is open.) Marcus: What are you doin’ here? Dom: Getting you out. Here. Put this on. You’ll need it. (Dom throws Marcus a duffle bag with its gear.) Marcus: You could get into a lot of trouble for doin’ this. Dom: Not any more. Things have changed. We better go. Marcus: What about the other prisoners? We can’t just leave them here. Dom: They’re gone. Hoffman pardoned everybody. Marcus: Is that right? Dom: Welcome back to the army, soldier. Marcus: Shit. Dom: We’ve got two options. We go back the way I came, through the guard’s quarters. It takes time, but it’s safe. Or we can go through the prison blocks and get right into the fight. Your choice. (At this point you're given an option:) Marcus (Prison Blocks): Let’s take the prison blocks. I’m ready to kick some ass. Dom: Hell, yeah! Let’s do it! Six-Four, this is Delta Two, we are en route. Over. Six-Four: Copy that, we are beginning our run. Six-Four in position. Fox-one, fox-one. Marcus: Hey. Dom: Six-Four, this Delta-Two, hold your fire! We are inside the prison. Over! Six-Four: Roger that, holding fire. Advise you relocate ASAP. Dom: Man, If Command knew I was here to get you, I’d be in some deep shit. C’mon, let’s go. Marcus: Nice. Dom: What the hell’s been going on in this prison? Marcus: You don’t want to know. Six-One: Ground units are taking heavy fire. We have hostiles in all directions! Six-Four: Copy that. Calling for reinforcements. Over. Dom: Marcus, the tower. Take cover. King Raven, Delta Two...... we’ve got Locust on that bridge... Over. Six-One: Roger that. Moving in. Dom: Six-Four, we are moving to your location. Over. Six-Four: Copy that, we are clearing area for extraction. Dom: Marcus, grab the grenades. Marcus, use your grenades. Okay, I think we’re good. Let’s grab some ammo. Marcus, they’re cutting through the door! Take cover! Take cover! Get ready. Here they come! Let’s get out there! Delta One, this is Delta Two. We are ready for extraction. Over. Six-Four: Enemy units! Right there, right there! Over. Six-One: Copy that. I see them, moving in. Six-Four: More are coming two klicks to your right! Can you suppress? Over. Six-One: Negative! We can only cover one target. We need your guns, over! Six-Four: Negative, negative! We are also taking heavy fire. Stand by. Six-One: Incoming! Now, now! Oh, Shit! This is Six-One. I’m hit! I’m hit! Controls not- Six-Four: Six-One is down! I repeat, Six-One is down! Be advised we are aborting mission. Repeat we are aborting mission. Retrieving Delta Squad now. KR: Delta, there’s something moving below ground. Over. Six-Four: I see it too....What are we looking at? KR: Hell if I know. Dom: Marcus, we’ve got to move to the Raven, now! Go! Go! Go!