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- Character name is... This first section is called a lead. You'll want to fill it with the most important aspects of the character's life. Think about a newspaper article. Put the best stuff up front!
- Nia was a minor character in the third season. She was portrayed by actress Brenda Strong and debuted in Ye Who Enter Here. Nia was Queen of the Ice Nation who attempted to overthrow Lexa, but was killed by her hands.
- Nia est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième saison des 100. Reine de la Nation des Glaces, elle est interprétée par Brenda Strong.
- Nia is a woman who appeared in "The Brotherhood".
- Nia, is a contestant labeled The Friendless, is a contestant on Total Drama Forest
- Nia es un personaje del videojuego Pokkén Tournament, que funcionará como ayudante durante este. Debutó en la versión arcade de Pokkén Tournament, reapareciendo un año más tarde en la versión de Wii U.
- "Hi, I'm Nia! Up for fun? I know I am!" Nia is one of the newest My Scene Characters.
- The acronym NIA may refer to:
* National Information Society Agency (Korea)
* National Intelligence Authority
- NIA ou National Inteligence Agency e um dos principais órgãos de segurança na Nova Rearendia.
- Nia is a young, Glossy Sand-haired Pokemon Coordinator who traveled over the Sinnoh region. Nia started her journey at the age of 9, gaining a load of algorithms from the pinnacle of all vast-leveled trainers and utilizing her algorithms to up her skills like her vast-leveled trainers.