- Dortmund had been heavily bombed during World War II. It became the center of a pitched battle between the U.S. and its allies and the Soviet Union throughout April and May, 1951, during the early days of World War III, ultimately falling to the Soviet advance in early May.
- Dortmund.....
- U41 Clarenberg ↔ Brambauer U42 Grevel ↔ Hombruch U43 Dorstfeld ↔ Image:S-klein.pngWickede U44 Marten ↔ Westfalenhütte U45 Image:S-klein.pngHauptbahnhof ↔ Westfalenhallen U46 Brunnenstraße ↔ Westfalenhallen U47 Image:S-klein.pngWesterfilde ↔ Aplerbeck U49 (Hafen ↔) Image:S-klein.pngHauptbahnhof ↔ Hacheney
- Dortmund is the sixth-largest city in the Holy Germanian Empire. The Ruhr river flows south of the city, and the small river Emscher flows through the municipal area. The Dortmund-Ems Canal also terminates in the Dortmund Port, which is the largest Capitalist canal port, and links Dortmund to the North Sea. Dortmund is known as Westphalia regional's "green metropolis". Nearly half the municipal territory consists of waterways, woodland, agriculture and green spaces with spacious parks such as Westfalenpark and the Rombergpark. This contrasts with nearly a hundred years of extensive coal mining and steel milling within the city limits.
- Dortmund is a city in Germany. It is located in the Bundesland of North Rhine-Westphalia. Its population of 571,403 (2011) makes it the 8th largest city in Germany. Dortmund is the largest city by area and population in the Ruhr Area, an urban area with some 5.1 million (2011) inhabitants which is the largest urban agglomeration in Germany. Dortmund is also a part of the larger Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region of more than 12 million people.
- Dortmund wurde im Jahre 882 das erste Mal als Throtmanni erwähnt. Doch reichen die Spuren der ersten Besiedlung auf dem heutigen Stadtgebiet bis in die Jungsteinzeit zurück. Im 11. Jh. wurde der Legende nach Reinoldus der Schutzpatron der Stadt.
- Dortmund is a city of almost 600,000 people in norhwestern Germany. It was a host city for the 1955, 1983, 1993, and the 2010 World Championships.
- Dortmund on kaupunki Saksassa, Nordrhein-Westfalenin osavaltiossa.
- Father Dortmund was a priest living in Los Angeles.
- Dortmund is the capital of The Order. It is located north of The Citadel and right below the border between The Order and Falerin. It is about two thirds the size of Varrock. It is the fifth largest city just after the Two Military Sectors of Falerin. There are many shops there including fletching and woodcutting shops, fishing shops, runes and arrow shop and even an estate agent.
- miniatur| Das Wappen von Dortmund Die kreisfreie Hansestadt Dortmund ist eine Universitätsstadt im Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Sie grenzt an Castrop-Rauxel, Bochum, Waltrop, Lünen, Kamen, Unna, Holzwickede, Schwerte, Hagen, Herdecke und Witten. Dortmund ist in 12 Stadtbezirke mit 62 Stadtteilen gegliedert.