Check out some available adhesives or add you favorites here!
Glue found in the St. Marguerite store-room. Fast-drying, useful for quick fixes. Works on all materials. Good for modeling and handicrafts.
< [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adhesive]] adhésif < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adhesive]] as if *adhaesivus < adhasus, pp. of adhaerere; see adhere.
Check out some available adhesives or add you favorites here!
Glue found in the St. Marguerite store-room. Fast-drying, useful for quick fixes. Works on all materials. Good for modeling and handicrafts.
< [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adhesive]] adhésif < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adhesive]] as if *adhaesivus < adhasus, pp. of adhaerere; see adhere.