Mobara was a Bajoran and former member of the Shakaar resistance cell. After the Occupation ended in 2369, he lived at an university, where he attended an engineering school, in Musilla Province. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light") In 2371, he was detained by the Bajoran Militia and questioned for any information related to Shakaar Edon, who was a fugitive at the time. (DS9: "Shakaar") He was murdered by Silaran Prin in 2373 via a micro-explosive, probably implanted by a hunter probe behind Mobara's right ear. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
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| - Mobara was een Bajoran en voormalig lid van de Shakaar weerstandscel. Na het einde van de bezetting leefde hij in de Musilla provincie bij de Universitaire Techniek School. In 2371 werd hij opgepakt door de Bajoran militie. (DS9: "Shakaar") Hij werd door Silaran Prin in 2373 vermoord met behulp van een micro explosief dat waarschijnlijk door een jager sonde geplaatst was achter zijn rechter oor. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
- Mobara was a Bajoran and former member of the Shakaar resistance cell. After the Occupation ended in 2369, he lived at an university, where he attended an engineering school, in Musilla Province. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light") In 2371, he was detained by the Bajoran Militia and questioned for any information related to Shakaar Edon, who was a fugitive at the time. (DS9: "Shakaar") He was murdered by Silaran Prin in 2373 via a micro-explosive, probably implanted by a hunter probe behind Mobara's right ear. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
- Mobara was a male Bajoran and a member of the Shakaar Resistance Cell. Mobara was known to be a gifted engineer. In 2357, Mobara was a member of the Shakaar team who liberated the Gallitep labor camp. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) In 2362, Mobara improvized a device that was designed to hide biosigns from the Cardassian detection grid and also a rig that generated a sensor scattering field. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)
- thumb|Ein Foto von Mobara. Mobara ist ein Bajoraner und während der cardassianischen Besetzung von Bajor Mitglied der Shakaar-Widerstandszelle. Nach dem Ende der Besetzung Bajors, zieht Mobara in die Musilla-Provinz in die Nähe der technischen Universität. Während eines Zwischenfalls im Jahr 2371, als sich Shakaar Edon im Streit um ein paar Reklamatoren gegen die Miliz stellt, ist er einer von drei Mitgliedern der Shakaar-Widerstandszelle, die von der Miliz verhaftet und verhört werden. (DS9: )
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| - thumb|Ein Foto von Mobara. Mobara ist ein Bajoraner und während der cardassianischen Besetzung von Bajor Mitglied der Shakaar-Widerstandszelle. Nach dem Ende der Besetzung Bajors, zieht Mobara in die Musilla-Provinz in die Nähe der technischen Universität. Während eines Zwischenfalls im Jahr 2371, als sich Shakaar Edon im Streit um ein paar Reklamatoren gegen die Miliz stellt, ist er einer von drei Mitgliedern der Shakaar-Widerstandszelle, die von der Miliz verhaftet und verhört werden. (DS9: ) Bei einem Anschlag auf Gul Pirak bringt Kira, vermutlich zusammen mit Mobara, eine Plasma-Sprengladung an Piraks Schlafraumfenster an. 2373 wird er von Silaran Prin durch, einen hinter seinem rechten Ohr implantierten, Mikrosprengkörper ermordet, der vermutlich mittels einer Jagdsonde implantiert wurde. (DS9: )
- Mobara was een Bajoran en voormalig lid van de Shakaar weerstandscel. Na het einde van de bezetting leefde hij in de Musilla provincie bij de Universitaire Techniek School. In 2371 werd hij opgepakt door de Bajoran militie. (DS9: "Shakaar") Hij werd door Silaran Prin in 2373 vermoord met behulp van een micro explosief dat waarschijnlijk door een jager sonde geplaatst was achter zijn rechter oor. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
- Mobara was a male Bajoran and a member of the Shakaar Resistance Cell. Mobara was known to be a gifted engineer. In 2357, Mobara was a member of the Shakaar team who liberated the Gallitep labor camp. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) In 2362, Mobara improvized a device that was designed to hide biosigns from the Cardassian detection grid and also a rig that generated a sensor scattering field. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles) After the Occupation of Bajor ended, Mobara began to study at an engineering school in Musilla Province. In 2373, Mobara was killed by Silaran Prin with a micro-explosive that was likely injected into Mobara's skin by a hunter probe. (DS9 episodes: "Shakaar", "The Darkness and the Light")
- Mobara was a Bajoran and former member of the Shakaar resistance cell. After the Occupation ended in 2369, he lived at an university, where he attended an engineering school, in Musilla Province. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light") In 2371, he was detained by the Bajoran Militia and questioned for any information related to Shakaar Edon, who was a fugitive at the time. (DS9: "Shakaar") He was murdered by Silaran Prin in 2373 via a micro-explosive, probably implanted by a hunter probe behind Mobara's right ear. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light") The character appears in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novels Night of the Wolves and Dawn of the Eagles. According to the script for "The Darkness and the Light" , Mobara was pronounced as "MOE-bar-ruh".
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