| - Akira Kamiya (神谷 明 Kamiya Akira) is Japanese voice actor who provided the voice of Kamen Rider ZX, then known only as the "Tenth Rider", when he was featured in a short radio drama broadcast during a special episode of All Night Nippon hosted by Shotaro Ishinomori on August 14, 1982 commemorating the character's official debut. As voice actor, he is well known for his role as Kogoro Mouri in the anime Detective Conan, with said role later continued by Rikiya Koyama, Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, Ryoma Nagare from original Getter Robo.
- He also voiced the revived form of the lead villain in Gorenger, the Black Cross King, in Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle. As voice actor, he is well known for his role as Kenshiro in Fist of the North Star, Ryo Saeba in City Hunter, Kogoro Mouri in Detective Conan, with said role later continued by Rikiya Koyama.
- Akira Kamiya (神谷 明 Kamiya Akira?, nacido el 18 de septiembre de 1946) es un seiyū veterano nacido en la Prefectura de Kanagawa, Yokohama. El ha sido representado por Theater Echo, Aoni Production, y otros. El actualmente es representado por Saeba Shoji. Un trabajo muy importante para su vida fue el de doblar al personaje Kogoro Mouri del conocido anime Detective Conan, para el cual ha grabado 550 episodios, 13 películas, 9 OVA... Sin embargo se ha visto obligado a dejar de doblar a este personaje por motivos que no se han hecho públicos.
- Akira Kamiya(神谷 明Kamiya Akira, born September 18, 1946) is a veteran seiyū who was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama. He has been represented by Theater Echo, Aoni Production, and others. He is currently represented by Saeba Shoji.
- Akira Kamiya (神谷 明) is a seiyuu born on September 18, 1946 in Yokohama, Kanogawa, Japan and is the voice of Kinnikuman.
- Other roles of his include Shutaro Mendou in "Urusei Yatsura", Kenshiro in "Fist of the North Star", Ryo Saeba in "City Hunter", Shun Mitaka in "Maison Ikkoku", and Kinnikuman in "Kinnukiman".
- Akira Kamiya (ur. 18 września 1946) – seiyū, który użyczył głosu profesorowi Sōichi Tomoe w anime Czarodziejka z Księżyca. Należy do agencji Aoni Production. Akira rozpoczął karierę na początku lat 70. jednak jego pierwszą znaczącym osiągnięciem była tytułowa rola w Babel II. W latach osiemdziesiątych podkładał głosy do głównych postaci w anime takich jak Yūsha Raideen, Entaku no Kishi Monogatari Moero Arthur, Urusei Yatsura czy Hokuto no ken. W 1996 roku rozpoczął pracę przy anime Detektyw Conan, gdzie podkładał głos do prywatnego detektywa Kogorō Mōri. W 2009 roku, po trzynastu latach, Kamiya ogłosił, że rezygnuje z pracy przy Detektywie Conanie – jego miejsce zajął Rikiya Koyama.
- Akira Kamiya(神谷 明Kamiya Akira, born September 18, 1946) is a veteran seiyū who was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa. He has been represented by Theater Echo, Aoni Production, and others. He is currently represented by Saeba Shoji. Besides Kenshirō, he was also famous for voicing the title characters of two other hit '80s anime: Kinnikuman and City Hunter.
- Kamiya made his debut on Mahou no Mako-chan in 1970 while working for Theater Echo. He went on to have a regular role on Akaki Chi no Eleven as Sasuke Yatsume and later co-starred with Kei Tomiyama in Fushigi na Merumo. The 1980s would see a string of memorable performance from Kamiya, including Shutaro Mendou in Urusei Yatsura, Suguru Kinniku in Kinnikuman, Kenshiro in Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star), Roy Focker in Super Dimensional Fortress Macross and Ryo Saeba in City Hunter.
- Un comédien extrêmement populaire dans les années 80 et 90. Il y incarnait Kogoro Mour Detective Conan pendant 548 épisodes pour être ensuite remplacé. Le comédien aujourd'hui est à la retraite. Sur Dragon Ball, il y incarne Garlic.Jr uniquement dans le premier film. Lors de son retour dans la série TV, Akira Kamiya n'aurait pas été disponible selon les rumeurs pour reprendre le rôle.