| - In most series, either Everyone Is Bi or there are No Bisexuals; there's usually not much room in between. However, there is one group of bisexuals who seem all too well represented in the mainstream: the cold-blooded murderous sociopaths. Interestingly enough, though, many if not most Lesbian Vampires are in fact bisexual. Fan Service, you know. Contrast Bi the Way, where the character just happens to be attracted to men and women without being so... extreme; and Anything That Moves, where the bisexual/pansexual character just happens to be also hypersexual.
| - In most series, either Everyone Is Bi or there are No Bisexuals; there's usually not much room in between. However, there is one group of bisexuals who seem all too well represented in the mainstream: the cold-blooded murderous sociopaths. This is a very different phenomenon from the Psycho Lesbian trope. Whereas the Psycho Lesbian is usually violent or deranged out of unrequited love and/or jealousy, the typical Depraved Bisexual is bi because, well, why not? Their willingness to sleep with everyone they can is just one facet of their being Ax Crazy. A slightly less pathological version of the trope depicts the Depraved Bisexual as "simply" supremely manipulative; recognizing the effectiveness of sex as a control mechanism, they resort to it at every opportunity - reasoning that successful seductions gain new thralls, while even unsuccessful ones tend to increase others' fear of you. Male instances are disproportionately likely to be Sissy Villains, but not as often as you might think. Interestingly enough, though, many if not most Lesbian Vampires are in fact bisexual. Fan Service, you know. More common in film than on TV, where queerfolk of any sort, and especially bisexuals, were a rarity until recently. Of the TV instances, several are Mirror Universe duplicates, to show just how evil and different they are from the originals. At one time this was practically the only way an explicitly bisexual character could appear in any film, anywhere; in his book Bisexual Characters in Film, Wayne Bryant is able to fill a whole chapter of examples of this, as well as another book about bisexual murder victims. In more pleasant examples, bisexual characters simply don't follow Cast Speciation as much as a solidly gay character does and are less likely to be used. An exception is in a mystery plot, where a potential ex-lover being a suspect suddenly becomes much harder to pin down. Contrast Bi the Way, where the character just happens to be attracted to men and women without being so... extreme; and Anything That Moves, where the bisexual/pansexual character just happens to be also hypersexual. It goes without saying that in Real Life the majority of bisexual persons (and, at least according to Alfred Kinsey, most people have some level of both same-sex and opposite-sex attraction) are not Ax Crazy. That plus the potential for Flame Bait means there will be no Real Life examples. Examples of Depraved Bisexual include: