| - +The difference between High elfs and Blood elfs is not only in eye color it is in their anatomy like : blood elfs are smaller because they use fel magic, blood elfs are weaker then high elfs in strenght but are faster, different racial and of course eye color. And not to forget different culture, lore and of course affiction chose thy will be on alliances side. In fact theres is more difference between High elfs and blood elf then there is between humans and Forsaken and lets not forget Forsaken are only undead Humans and yet they still hate eachother and with the purification of the sunwell (you should notice there are both High elf and blood elf representatives in it) the physical difference between the two will only enlarge (like if someone invents a cure for the undead plage how would a such person look like definetly not human and you should see the worgen case and only difference is still the curse even if you take the cure) and of course blood elfs will continue using fel magic chose the whole point about being blood elf is using fel magic and befrending demons; - First of all what are stated above are completely represents the ideas of yourself, there are no references for them in any Blizzard source (if there are however, please include a link). Blood and High Elves are physically not different in anyway, in terms of strength I would say consuming fel magic would only make them stronger, not weaker. For example: When Orcs consumed blood of a fel demon, they became stronger and larger, later becameFel orcs. Furthermore, Blood and High Elves cannot have different lores, they are not seperated enough for that long to have their cultures and morals stray too far from each other. Example: Highborne (aka Quel'Dorei) the ancestors of High Elves were once Kaldorei, also the ancestral race of Night Elves. If you check the lore carefully you can see there are so many similarities between High Elf and Night Elf cultures, because they share a common lineage. Darnassian and Thalassian languages are also quite similar. Even for millenias Night Elves and Highborne were physically looked close to eachother, except Highborne having pale skin tone and golden hair. High Elves took their physical appearance today after a very, very long time by having moved to another land far away and by abandoning their nocturnal lifestyle unlike their Night Elven cousins. There is no way Blood and High Elves can be seperated from each other physically in such short timeline.The only physical difference between high and Blood Elves are their eye colors. Since it's noted that some Blood Elves have disguised themselves as High Elves to safely pass through Alliance territories. Also please note that the Sunwell has been restored. Meaning that Blood Elves are reganing their natural magic source, rather slowly but they're getting there. This means Blood Elves that were addicted to Fel Magic will have their need for magic lessened over time and may someday even be cured. Lastly Blood Elves and demons were never be friends. Kael'thas followed Illidan to save his race from extinction, and then later have lost himself to his vengeance and consumed by it. That is why Lor'themar Theron, Halduron Brigthwing and other notable Blood Elves have rejected his ideals and retake the control of Silvermoon City thus the control of their people. High Elves and Blood Elves are yet the same race only seperated from each other by ideals, that is why I believe they cannot be a subrace for both faction.; if I may politely say that you are in correct for some of the statements you stated above are completely false first of all , blizzard is FULL of sources of high elves (WOWRPG , this vary wiki, warcraft 3 etc etc..) I do however admit that blizzard is able to change the lore in the flip of the second so we can argue about this but if they tomorrow say that humans are the leaders of the horde I gess there is nothing me or you can do about it, secondly they do have different lore and culture today and while I admit they are not the total opposites all the buildings I have seen in wow (both of BE and HE) are a bit different when it comes to shape, size and color. And while I in some manner agree that fel blood would passably make them stronger it is possible that it would have the revers affect on them as it has on orcs for example if fel blood makes orc stronger it would make blood elves magically more powerful but it would weaken the body (take in mind we are talking about IDEAS and IMAGINATION in this point) and as for the physical differences Ill just say this, that argument would be valid BEFORE mop came out, now I cant tell the difference between one panda and another (I disliked that expansion vary much) Also please note that "sunwell has been restored yet we still sap the magic out of the natural creatures" if you paid attention you would see that the actions of the BC and that fact change absolutely nothing if we talk about in game related mentions (at least to my knowledge so your welcome to prove me wrong) or vary little outside the mention of the wowwiki and wowpedia. Also bear in mind that if they tomorrow decide to stop all the demon magic thing, most of the horde looks at them with suspicion (forsaken are the exception even thou they and the forsaken are ironically the BULK of the ex alliance of Lorderon) so if not for high elves I expect a friction in the horde and they might go back to high elves (blizz is full of surprises so while there is little chance nothing is impossible) so I say that while some of your fact are true and some of mine are true there is a LOT of space in between that blizzard covers and only they know what they want, some times they have proven that they are solely motivated by $ and at others they expressed creativity in spite of the peoples wishes. I personally think that blizzards current method of "introducing new things" is bad and want the "old stuff and classics" back and high elves would do just that, I admit this is my personal taste and I dont want us to kill each other coos of our different opinions. In conclusion I strongly support the high elves for the alliance race option; Join the Horde? - All remaining high elves are utterly disgusted by the blood elves. They consider the lengths to which the blood elves have gone to be completely insane, and seek to distance themselves from blood elves as much as possible. (A&HC #?) (WoWRPG #?) (APG #?)[citation needed] - Also a large faction of high elves called the Silver Covenant directly opposes the Horde and the blood elves despite the restoration of the sunwell. - High Examiner Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher the leader of the Reliquary is a member of the Horde and apparently seeks to unify his people once again. However he states that races of both factions mocking his people and not showing proper respect to his once proud race. This may hint that he is seeking to unify Elven Kind as a neutral, independent race, as before the First War. - The Blood elves and Goblins created an arcane bomb and dropped it on Theramore Isle which killed many High elves. Since Theramore had the third or forth largest number of High Elves in Azeroth, it means that the Horde likely killed hundreds of High Elves and even Half-Elves. Again Greatly reducing their numbers.