| - A Legend, also know as a foot, is a word with many connotations. Originally it refers to Achilles' foot problems, but now it is generally used for not just the Achilles tendon, but for the entire section of the body that appears below the Legmiddle.
- A legend (Latin, legenda, "things to be read") is a story of anything perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale likeness or semblance to reality, or to the truth. The term "legend" refers to either a story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events, some being fabricated in which part of the truth is embellished to an unlikely degree; or a person of extraordinary accomplishments, usually a leading protagonist. A majority of legends operate within the realm of uncertainty, never being entirely believed by the participants, but also never being resolutely doubted.
- •Ability to join full servers •Ability to talk in chat with colors •Announcement in chat when you join the server
- Legend is an author of Forever Knight fan fiction. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see .
- olá.Eu queria saber omde posso emcomtrar bosses segretos.Se souberem de algum digam.
- Legend is a best of album by Nakazawa Yuko. It was released on December 10, 2008.
- Legend is an 2005 horror film that features the friends characters.When Rachel finds out she is pregnant with her second child,The Child turns out to be an demon which had managed to get into her body.Now,The Friends prepare an journey which will take them to hell.
- A legend is a story told with a narrative of truth, whether the story is actually true or not. Often times legends are based upon real life events, but as the stories are passed down verbally through the generations, they are often filled with fantastic elements, making them seem less likely to be true. But this isn't always the case. Bottomless Cave was previously only a legend until it was discovered in modern times by Maximus Mole.
- Legend es una película fantástica de 1985 distribuida por la 20th Century Fox en el resto del mundo y Universal Pictures en los Estados Unidos y Canadá, dirigida por Ridley Scott y protagonizada por Tom Cruise y Mia Sara. Aunque no tuvo un éxito muy notable en su estreno, fue nominada para los premios de la academia (mejor maquillaje) y posee un grupo de fans incondicionales. Curioso es el hecho de que fue inicialmente editada con una banda sonora de Jerry Goldsmith, para posteriormente cambiarla (especialmente para el mercado americano) por otra de Tangerine Dream con la colaboración de Jon Anderson, el vocalista del grupo Yes.
- Legend is a former moderator of Club Penguin Rewritten. He was one of the 5 non-staff members to participate in closed beta, and was shortly promoted after the game's official release. Legend was demoted after seeming to be involved with the group CPNazi, who launched DDoS attacks on the Club Penguin Rewritten servers, and was banned (the ban was eventually lifted in June 2017) after the accusations were confirmed, even though he was framed.
- Legend (2015) is a British crime thriller written and directed by Brian Helgeland. This film marks his return to adapted screenplays in the genre of crime since the conclusion of L.A. Confidential. The film is based on the book The Profession of Violence: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins by John Pearson, which deals with the rise and fall of the Kray twins; the relationship that bound them together, and charts their gruesome career to their downfall and imprisonment for life in 1969. Tom Hardy and Emily Browning star with Colin Morgan, David Thewlis, Christopher Eccleston, Chazz Palminteri, Tara Fitzgerald, and Taron Egerton featured in supporting roles.
- Legend is an achievement/trophy in Deus Ex: Human Revolution that is awarded for completing the game on the hardest difficulty level, "Give Me Deus Ex", without changing the difficulty mid-game.
- Legends are ancient stories and in some cases prophecies.
- Legend is Atobe Keigo's Classic Cover song.
* Credits to
- Legend is a sci-fi western with steampunk influences.
- Legend [レジェンド] là bộ truyện được viết bởi tác giả Kannazuki Kurenai (Bút danh:Red October,Kannazuki Beni). Hiện bộ truyện đã có hơn 900 chap WN, 5 vol LN và vẫn đang được tiếp tục. Light Novel được xuất bản bởi Fujimi Shobo, vẽ minh họa bởi Yuunagi. Truyện cũng đã được chuyển thể thành Manga do Takano Masaharu vẽ. Vol 5 vừa mới ra lò vào ngày 10/3/2016. Bản dịch tiếng việt được dịch theo Web Novel. Link gốc: Bản dịch tiếng anh được dịch bởi Silent TL:
- Haunted by a dark past, LEGEND has made it his job to illuminate the future. He seeks to restore the past glory of Cybertron; its art, music and stories, so that future generations will remember the heritage that the present one has forgotten. His thoughts often dwell on the future, and what will be passed on to new generations. He is selfless and self-sacrificing, making the wellbeing of others his primary concern. Legend has a powerful drive, and feels that inaction is worse than making a mistake. Does his best to inspire others, by setting a good example, but on the inside he is unsure of himself. In robot mode, he carries an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) rifle. As a wyvern he wields a powerful, barbed tail, and is capable of breathing intensely hot flames.
- The LEGEND is one of Max's hammers in Dark Cloud 2. It's only built up from the Heavy Hammer. This hammer is the ultimate weapon of the "Hammer path" so its stats are extremely high. Its max stats are higher than that of Grade Zero. As a hammer it has the slow 4-hit combo, but its power compensates this without problem. It'll defeat armoured enemies without any trouble, and in fact will defeat any enemy in a few hits. You'll obtain this weapon most of the time with the build up system as it cannot be invented or bought, like all ultimate weapons. This hammer is a high-tier weapon (Tier 9) : it'll gain 6 Synthesis Points (SP) per level-up.
- Legend was a British science fiction and fantasy imprint of Random Century Group and Random House. Random House is now part of Bertelsman, but the Legend imprint was acquired by Little, Brown in 1997 and appears to have been merged with Orbit.
- Explanation of symbols used in network graphics for information processing structures in block diagrams.
- thumb|Imagen de Legend en Sonic Free Riders Legend es una de las Extreme Gears disponibles en los juegos de la saga Sonic Riders.
- < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Legend]] legende < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Legend]] legende < Medieval Latin legenda (“‘a legend, story, esp. the lives of the saints, orig. things to be read’”), neut. pl. of fut. pass. part. of legere (“‘to read’”).
- "Legend" is an instrumental musical composition from the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. It is the 17th listed track on Disc 2 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Sound Duel Vol II, and is 1:53 long.
- Легенда Игры Человечество, в своей истории, не стояло на месте и все время двигалось вперед к новым свершениям и открытиям. И вот однажды мечта, которая в давнейшие времена казалось далекой и нереальной… осуществилась: мы освоили космос и колонизировали множество пригодных для жизни миров. Они находились как на окраинах, так и в самом центре нашей Галактики. Мы стали налаживать научные и торговые контакты с иными расами и цивилизациями и войдя в Межзвездное Сообщество, объединяющее различные формы разумной жизни. Но вместе с дружественными расами мы столкнулись так же и со множеством враждебных, любящих завоевывать и подчинять себе более слабые расы. К сожалению, условия жизни на многих планетах не были схожи с земными. Но наши ученые совершили очередной прорыв: биоконструкции позволяли ма
- Der ehemalige Boxer Reggie Kray stieg in den 1960ern zu einer der Größen im Londoner kriminellen Untergrund auf. Er holt seinen Zwillingsbruder Ronald aus der Psychiatrie, in der er wegen psychischer Instabilität saß. Reggie zog die Strippen, um seinen Bruder dort herauszuholen. Die zwei Brüder taten sich zusammen, um einen großen Teil des kriminellen Untergrundes in London zu beherrschen. Einer ihrer ersten Handlungen ist einen lokalen Nachtclub durch brutale Gewalt zu übernehmen. Reggie beginnt eine Beziehung mit Frances, der Schwester eines seiner "Geschäftspartner", welche später zu einer Hochzeit führt. Kurz darauf muss er für sechs Monate wegen krimineller Machenschaften ins Gefängnis. Während sich Reggie im Gefängnis befindet, führen Ronald's psychopatische Probleme und Gewaltausbrü
- The world of Azeroth is rife with adventure. Even the smallest villages have their stories of monsters assailed, treasures discovered and battles won. Yet only a few adventurers in each generation rise to face the next level of challenge, to become true heroes. Of those heroes, fewer still survive their trials to become legends that will be remembered for all time.
- Legend is a sizeable, mostly developed, and ancient nation at 1,789 days old with citizens primarily of Celtic ethnicity whose religion is Norse. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Legend work diligently to produce Gems and Wine as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Legend has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Legend allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things an
- Legend is the eighth and last career category that the player will go through in Real Racing 3, it is located just before the Exclusive Series and just after Elite. It starts out with the career series Supercar Elites and has two bonus series in the form of Speed Demons and Clash Of The Classics. The next career series after this is Spirit Of Ferrari which contains the bonus series Enzo Ferrari Triumph and Spider Showdown. The next career series after this is Zenith Series with two of its bonus series being All Star Vendetta and Masters of Speed. It then continues to the Road To Le Mans special event, which has since been a part of this category. It then continues to the career series Vertex Series with its two bonus series being Hybrid Hypercar Clash and Endurance Kings. It then continues
- Before the invention of the printing press, stories were passed on via oral tradition. Storytellers learned their stock in trade: their stories, typically received from an older storyteller, who might, though more likely not, have claimed to have actually known a witness, rendered the narrative as "history". Legend is distinguished from the genre of chronicle by the fact that legends apply structures that reveal a moral definition to events, providing meaning that lifts them above the repetitions and constraints of average human lives and giving them a universality that makes them worth repeating through many generations. In German-speaking and northern European countries, "legend", which involves Christian origins, is distinguished from "Saga", being from any other (usually, but not neces