| - In 2010, Sesame Workshop introduced their new programs Super Grover 2.0, Count TV and Goodnight Elmo. That year, Sesame Workshop hosted the Licensing Lounge. At the 2011 event, they were selling Best Friends, Super Grover 2.0, Count TV, Abby's Flying Fairy School, and 3-2-1 Let's Go. Jim Henson Company planned to sell the series The Doozers at the event. The event receives praise from independent producers. Magic Tree Productions from DR Congo is quoted in the 2013 brochure: "MIPJunior helps us secure excellent meetings in person. How else would we have got to meet with Disney or Sesame?"
| - In 2010, Sesame Workshop introduced their new programs Super Grover 2.0, Count TV and Goodnight Elmo. That year, Sesame Workshop hosted the Licensing Lounge. At the 2011 event, they were selling Best Friends, Super Grover 2.0, Count TV, Abby's Flying Fairy School, and 3-2-1 Let's Go. During MIPCOM 2013, the Plaza Sésamo Facebook page posted a photo of Lola in Cannes, but didn't specify why she was there. Scott Chambers, SVP worldwide media distribution for Sesame Workshop, was one of three presenters at a panel called "Edutainment Today: Disrupting education for generation C". He noted that two years prior, 24% of viewership was on alternative platforms (mobile, podcasts, web), but that number had risen to 55% by 2013. Jim Henson Company planned to sell the series The Doozers at the event. The event receives praise from independent producers. Magic Tree Productions from DR Congo is quoted in the 2013 brochure: "MIPJunior helps us secure excellent meetings in person. How else would we have got to meet with Disney or Sesame?"