"Roméo et Pirouette" is the 48th episode of the animated series The Bellflower Bunnies. It will air on July 28, 2008 under that title on TFO in Ontario, Canada. In Germany, it premiered on KI.KA on May 22, 2008 as "Rübensaft und Liebestaumel." In the episode, Mistletoe and Poppy become rivals with Romeo, a race car driver; even Violette falls in love with him, much to the chagrin of her brothers. Little do the Bellflowers suspect that he could be a fraud, and so they come up with a way to match his success. This entry is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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| - "Roméo et Pirouette" is the 48th episode of the animated series The Bellflower Bunnies. It will air on July 28, 2008 under that title on TFO in Ontario, Canada. In Germany, it premiered on KI.KA on May 22, 2008 as "Rübensaft und Liebestaumel." In the episode, Mistletoe and Poppy become rivals with Romeo, a race car driver; even Violette falls in love with him, much to the chagrin of her brothers. Little do the Bellflowers suspect that he could be a fraud, and so they come up with a way to match his success. This entry is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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| - Die Suche nach dem Auserwählten
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| - Poppy and Mistletoe compete with Romeo in a scene from this episode.
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| - Ein Bruder für alle Fälle
| - Rübensaft und Liebestaumel
| - "Roméo et Pirouette" is the 48th episode of the animated series The Bellflower Bunnies. It will air on July 28, 2008 under that title on TFO in Ontario, Canada. In Germany, it premiered on KI.KA on May 22, 2008 as "Rübensaft und Liebestaumel." In the episode, Mistletoe and Poppy become rivals with Romeo, a race car driver; even Violette falls in love with him, much to the chagrin of her brothers. Little do the Bellflowers suspect that he could be a fraud, and so they come up with a way to match his success. This entry is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.