| - Snorkel is a dolphin in Banjo-Kazooie who is trapped under the anchor of the Rusty Bucket Bay. In order for Banjo and Kazooie to free Snorkel, they must head into the Anchor Room filled with Grille Chompas and Seaman Grublins and activate the Anchor Switch to move the anchor off Snorkel so he is freed. In exchange, he gives the duo a Jiggy and swims away.
- Snorkel ist ein Delphin, der in Banjo-Kazooie im Level Rusty Bucket Bay zu finden ist. Er ist unterhalb der Rusty Bucket durch deren Anker gefesselt und bittet Banjo und Kazooie ihm zu helfen. Das Duo schwimmt durch das Loch aus dem der Anker ragt unten beim Schiff und betätigt dann etwas weiter hinten einen Schalter, damit sich der Anker hebt. Dadurch wird Snorkel befreit und das Duo erhält zu Belohnung ein Puzzleteil.
- Snorkel is a bloon property that can only be on bloons that travel on water. Bloons that travel on water have a 99.99% chance of having it (M.O.A.B. Class Bloons and bloons with over 400 RBE can't get snorkel). Bloons with this property has a snorkel on. They will also have an ability. Underwater - Goes underwater for 1.5 seconds. Nothing can hit them during this time Codexhak 12:45, July 23, 2013 (UTC)
- This is a snorkel. For the purposes of this game, you can use it to breathe underwater. If you take good care of it, it'll be just like a snorkel to you. Use's: Needed to adventure in a lake on the main map
- At level 43 if you have the Dive Shop mill, this recipe will unlock.
- A snorkel is a face item which when worn, it has a bubble animation where bubbles slowly float up in front of the users face like the Turtle Hat.
- Snorkel is a accessory in Clarabelle's Cattlelog. It costs 1,500 jellybeans in the new order, and 1,800 beans in the back order. It is available to all genders.
- The snorkel isn't a weapon found in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.[] The weapon is almost the same as the Shower Head.
- The Snorkel has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
- “I'm trapped, help! Get this thing off Snorkel!”—Snorkel, Banjo-Kazooie Snorkel is a dolphin that is trapped under the anchor of the Rusty Bucket in Rusty Bucket Bay. To free Snorkel, Banjo and Kazooie must swim into the boat via the hole the anchor comes out, leading into The Anchor Room. Defeat 5 Grille Chompas in the hallway, defeat 2 Seaman Grublins, and then press the Anchor Switch to raise the anchor. The player would then swim back out of the boat and to where Snorkel was to obtain a Jiggy.
- When using the telescope (purchased from Nancy) on Nineball Island, the player spots something curious in Gatama Atoll that warrants investigation. When the player arrives, they find this little yellow Labrador washed up on the beach. He recovers from his ordeal (whatever it may have been) quickly and soon becomes a staple of Nineball Island, oftentimes sitting by the main table, on the dock, or by the fire pit down on the beach. If the player tries to pet him while he's lying down near the fire pit during the daytime, he'll be barking at something moving around in Gatama Atoll, alerting the player to the presence of a special Leatherback Turtle that very few people have actually seen.