| - Me and my parents decided to visit my grandmother a couple of months ago. We knew she must be lonely without my pa with her, so we thought we'd keep her company. It was only a 30 minute drive, and I didn't mind seeing her. In fact, it was probably the first time since 2003. The photo seemed somewhat too real to me, as if it wasn't just a photo. It looked almost like the man inside of it was alive. I found a few more photos, like ones of my cousins and aunts that had died more than a few years ago. "Nana, what are these?" I had asked her.
| - Me and my parents decided to visit my grandmother a couple of months ago. We knew she must be lonely without my pa with her, so we thought we'd keep her company. It was only a 30 minute drive, and I didn't mind seeing her. In fact, it was probably the first time since 2003. When we got to her house, I hugged her and spoke with her before exploring around. When I looked around in an old box of photos, I found one of my Grandfather, just before he had died. He was sick when he died, so it must have been before he was sick. The photo was not in black and white, but not in colors either, which indicates it was from an old camera. It was the kind of photo you got from those cameras where when you take the picture, it spits out the photo onto a little photo card. The photo seemed somewhat too real to me, as if it wasn't just a photo. It looked almost like the man inside of it was alive. I found a few more photos, like ones of my cousins and aunts that had died more than a few years ago. My grandmother had come into the room, and she put a hand on my shoulder. I must admit, it scared me some, but when I realised it was her I sighed in relief. "Nana, what are these?" I had asked her. "Oh, don't worry about those, it's a collection of photos I keep in remembrance of all our families losses." she had replied.