| - El dos cientos treintaiocho (238) es el número natural que sigue al 237 y precede al 239. Categoría:Números
- Julian muss schockiert erkennen, dass ihm seine Mitarbeiter nicht mehr vertrauen und Axel Intrige aufgegangen ist. Einzig Diana gelingt es, Julian aufzufangen und durch ihr Vertrauen neuen Mut zu spenden. In der Zwischenzeit genießt Simone ihre zurück gewonnene Freiheit und erträgt sogar gelassen Friederikes Ablehnung Richard gegenüber. Als die Familie auf Simones Freilassung anstoßen will, sorgt Axel mit einer Überraschung für neuen Trubel. Robin kommt Lena Wunsch nach: Sie darf noch einmal Annette sehen. Robin ahnt nicht, dass Lena einen Plan verfolgt und führt sie zu Annettes Versteck. Dort angekommen attackiert sie Robin mit einem Messer. Kommt sie noch rechtzeitig, um Annette zu retten? Als Nadja erfährt, dass Simone auf Kaution aus dem Gefängnis frei gekommen ist, fürchtet sie um ihr
- Victoria brings in the evening newspaper, which features a front page news item on Maggie's disappearance, into the drawing room where Carolyn and Elizabeth wait. The state police have dragged the water for Maggie's body without success, and false reports have been coming in hourly. Liz warns the girls about leaving the house alone at night.
| - Julian muss schockiert erkennen, dass ihm seine Mitarbeiter nicht mehr vertrauen und Axel Intrige aufgegangen ist. Einzig Diana gelingt es, Julian aufzufangen und durch ihr Vertrauen neuen Mut zu spenden. In der Zwischenzeit genießt Simone ihre zurück gewonnene Freiheit und erträgt sogar gelassen Friederikes Ablehnung Richard gegenüber. Als die Familie auf Simones Freilassung anstoßen will, sorgt Axel mit einer Überraschung für neuen Trubel. Robin kommt Lena Wunsch nach: Sie darf noch einmal Annette sehen. Robin ahnt nicht, dass Lena einen Plan verfolgt und führt sie zu Annettes Versteck. Dort angekommen attackiert sie Robin mit einem Messer. Kommt sie noch rechtzeitig, um Annette zu retten? Als Nadja erfährt, dass Simone auf Kaution aus dem Gefängnis frei gekommen ist, fürchtet sie um ihre berufliche Zukunft im Zentrum. Als sie Richard auf die problematische Situation aufmerksam macht, will dieser Nadjas Sorge nicht verstehen. Erst Marian gelingt es, auf Nadja einzugehen und ihr Mut zuzureden...
- El dos cientos treintaiocho (238) es el número natural que sigue al 237 y precede al 239. Categoría:Números
- Victoria brings in the evening newspaper, which features a front page news item on Maggie's disappearance, into the drawing room where Carolyn and Elizabeth wait. The state police have dragged the water for Maggie's body without success, and false reports have been coming in hourly. Liz warns the girls about leaving the house alone at night. Elizabeth feels certain that, because Maggie hasn't been found, that she must have been kidnapped. She stresses Sheriff Patterson's warning that no women should be out alone after dark. A sullen Carolyn feels as if Collinwood is becoming a prison, and Victoria suggests they go out for some fresh air. They agree to visit the Old House to see how the restoration work is progressing. Later, the girls walk through the woods and approach the first Collins family mansion. Carolyn shivers with cold and wants to return home, but Victoria continues to knock on the door. She eventually gives up when there's no answer, and she and Carolyn turn to go. But then the door creaks open of its own accord. Victoria calls for Barnabas and Willie, but again there is no answer. She concludes that her knocking must have jarred the door open. Carolyn protests when Vicki goes inside. With a bit of cajoling, Carolyn relents and joins Victoria. She is awed by the changes they find, including repaired antique furnishings and a sparkling chandelier. They admire the painting Sam Evans has almost finished, and both comment on how it is almost identical to the Portrait of Barnabas hanging in Collinwood's foyer. Victoria, excited by the renovation, decides to go upstairs to look around, but Carolyn points out that Barnabas' home is not a museum. Victoria counters that, in a way, it is. She finally convinces Carolyn to come along, and the girls discover Josette's room. It is the only room on the floor that seems to have been restored, and both Carolyn and Victoria are overcome by its beauty. Victoria sees the Portrait of Josette and Carolyn notes how well it seems to fits the room. The girls are drawn to the dressing table, and Victoria finds a perfume bottle filled with jasmine--Josette's scent. Suddenly, the door slams shut. Cautiously, Vicki opens it to reveal Willie on the other side. Willie, nervous to find the girls, says they shouldn't be in the house. Victoria and Carolyn congratulate him on all the hard work he's done. But Willie becomes upset when he discovers that things have been moved while the two young women admired the room. Carolyn wonders what the room will be used for, and Willie insists it's only to be looked at. Victoria inquires about Barnabas' room and Willie claims it's being fixed. He then rudely tells the girls to leave. After they have gone, Willie takes great care in making sure the room is back in order. As Carolyn and Victoria go downstairs, they find Barnabas waiting for them. They tell him how amazed they are with the restoration of the house, and Barnabas is quite taken with Victoria's reaction to Josette's room. He confirms that the room belonged to Josette Collins. Willie nervously interrupts and suggests Carolyn and Victoria leave now that it is dark. Barnabas asks if there is any news concerning Maggie, then feigns sympathy for the search party. Before she and Carolyn return to Collinwood, Victoria asks about the story Barnabas told them about the woman who committed suicide on Widows' Hill. He confirms that it was the true story of Josette's death. After the girls leave, Barnabas notes how upset Willie becomes when anyone talks to him. He orders Willie to complete the arrangements for their "dinner guest." Back at Collinwood, Elizabeth scolds Victoria and Carolyn for going down to the Old House, particularly because of Willie's presence. They gush about the restoration work, but Elizabeth can't imagine why Barnabas would restore Josette's room. Meanwhile, dinner has been laid out and the Old House is illuminated in candlelight. Maggie, wearing Josette's wedding gown and carrying her music box, comes downstairs and Barnabas welcomes her as Josette.