| - {Grateful} Thank you.
- {Neutral} Well, to help the folks down at the Dugout Inn get some closure about their friend, for one.
- {packing up the office} Detective's secretary. I'll never find another job...
- {Keep this neutral. The player just solved a mystery where two people you knew quite well were killed. / Neutral} You know, if you're up for another case, Nick got a holotape from an old partner, claiming he'd uncovered a mystery he wanted N
- {Sarcastic} They always gotta ruin the moment with money talk...
- {sad, Nick is still missing, player just walked into the office / Depressed} Sorry. Office is closed.
- {Realizing someone you knew quite well is dead and the feeling remorse for putting the player through it. Add some weight to "oh my god." / Somber} Oh my god. I-I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
- {heard Nick's been saved, but you haven't seen him yet / Concerned} I heard you went to Park Station, but Nick still hasn't stopped by yet.
- {Angry at the player for betraying a close friend. / Irritated} Oh no. After what you did to Nick, you're on your own.
- {sad chuckle, then somber sigh / Sad} If only it was that simple, right? *sigh*
- {heard Nick's been saved, but you haven't seen him yet / Concerned} You and Nick are out on that case of yours, aren't you? *sigh* Just make sure he comes back soon? In one piece?
- {half-joking} Now that we're back in business, this girl needs a day off and a drink.
- {reading from the notes, standing beside Nick / Thinking} Yeah, that's right. The house in the abandoned West Stands. The boy with him was around ten years old.
- {Surprised to hear someone you know has been killed by someone you trusted, then a bit angry. / Surprised} Crocker killed Earl? Gone as long as he was, I figured maybe Raiders or the Institute but Crocker? Where's the doc now? Rotting in a c
- {Angry at the player for betraying a close friend. / Irritated} And here I thought we could count on you.
- {You're shocked to hear someone you knew quite well turned out to be a murdered who the player had to kill. / Sad} Goodness. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
- {The player just turned in a case with a grim result just before this. / Somber} You know, I can't guarantee it'll be any brighter, but we did have another case lying around, if you're interested.
- People don't like to admit we're here, but whenever they have problems, just guess who comes knocking.
- {Neutral} Nick's been trying to sniff out Eddie Winter for a while now. Having your help... I know it means a lot to him.
- {Joking, but a little afraid after finding out someone was murdered by the local surgeon. / Neutral} Guess it's good I never visited Doc Crocker to get that touch up I'd been thinking about.
- {Worried} Nick disappeared working a case. Skinny Malone's gang had kidnapped a young woman, and he tracked them down to their hideout in Park Street Station.
- {Neutral} I'll send word along, let everyone down at the Dugout Inn know what happened. Shame it couldn't be better news.
- {Irritated} Well, you can take a seat and wait for the next armageddon, because the detective ain't coming back. He's gone missing.
- {Neutral} It must be some kind of score to bring Marty crawling back to Nick for help. The way they parted wasn't... pleasant.
- {player brought back Nick after rescuing him from Vault 114 / Friendly} You know, if you're looking for work, and don't mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner...
- {Worried} There's an old Vault down there they use as a base. I told Nick he was walking into a trap, but he just smiled and walked out the door like he always does.
- {packing up the office} Told you your luck wouldn't last forever.
- {Surprised} Oh, of course! There's just a small clerical thing we need to clear up.
- {Ellie was not a fan of Marty. / Amused} If you see him, tell Marty I say, "Hey. Where's my twenty caps, you old lech?" Also, "Hi."
- {smiling at the beginning, a bit scolding, like to a trouble-prone older brother / Amused} Hmph. You keep laughing at death, some day, death's going to laugh back.
- {Neutral} That plus a pile of caps when it's all said and done.
- {Apologetic} You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, but it's just... the detective. He's gone missing.
- {neutral, not too affectionate. She would say "honey" to almost anyone} Something... wrong, honey?
- Got an odd look on your face...
- Look, I gotta pack up.
- {player asked about Goodneighbor / Thinking} Yeah, it's a tough neighborhood. Northeast a ways. People with power there care about two things: style and body count.
- {Neutral} Interested in doing some sleuthing of your own? I'm sure Nick would be happy to have the help. Which one is that?
- Please. Find Nick.
- {player isn't saying anything. Sad - Nick Valentine is gone and you're packing up the office} I hate to rush you, but...
- {Irritated} Looking out for yourself, huh? Guess I can't blame you. Not like I could charge across the Commonwealth and find Nick without getting myself killed.
- Sorry, gotta straighten up the office.
- Thanks for offering to help. Just be careful.
- {Neutral} You ever find out where Earl Sterling ran off to?
- Well, you know how to keep a girl waiting...
- {To yourself. / Neutral} Earl couldn't have been taken by the Institute... right? Why would they want Earl?
- {player isn't saying anything. Sad - Nick Valentine is gone and you're packing up the office} Are you okay, honey?
- {Amused} Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do ya?
- {Realizing someone you knew quite well is dead and the feeling remorse for putting the player through it. / Somber} The doc's dead isn't he? Goodness. I'm sorry you have to go through that.
- {Keep this neutral. The player just solved a mystery where two people you knew quite well were killed. / Neutral} The tape's in that folder over there. Maybe you can get to the bottom of it.
- {Surprised} Can't believe Doctor Crocker killed Earl. So where's the doc now? Hopefully rotting in the security holding pen.
- {Nervous} The Marty Bullfinch case. Marty was Nick's partner. Emphasis on the "was."
- You'd be surprised how bad Nick is at remembering appointments. He's the "thinks on his feet" type.
- {Question} You remember that one Nick, the case from Marty?
- {Question} So, you gonna spill the beans? How did things turn out with Marty?
- {Puzzled} Me? No, I'm Nick's secretary. Handle his appointments, his papers, that sort of thing.
- {Neutral} Here. Take this. Sounds like you earned it.
- {Confused at first by the player's joke... / Puzzled} Naive? What're you... oh.
- Another stray coming in from the rain. 'Fraid you're too late. Office is closed.
- {Depressed} Well, that's what I used to do anyway, but now Nick's disappeared, and I can't keep a detective agency open without a detective.
- {Amused. / Amused} Was he drunk?
- {Amused} Was he drunk?
- {Happy} Good luck.
- {Happy} Oh god, it's really you!
- {Happy} Thanks so much for bringing Nick back.
- {Irritated} Fine. We'll make it 150 caps.
- {Irritated} Look, I gotta pack up. Just go.
- {Nervous} Okay, you win. 200 caps is all I have.
- {Neutral} Always a trail to be followed.
- {Neutral} Hey, you're back.
- {Neutral} Hmm?
- {Neutral} Let me know once you do.
- {Neutral} Thanks again, for closing this one out.
- {Wishing the player luck. / Happy} Happy hunting.
- {packing up the office} His ties? *sigh* Oh Nick.
- {Question} Well look who's back. Still got another case if you're interested, tracking down one Earl Sterling.
- Well if you do decide to help, Nick should be easy to spot. He's always wearing that old hat and trench coat getup.
- {Puzzled} On Earl? Well, he didn't have any enemies, that's for sure. Someone would have to notice you're alive first.
- {Thoughtfully, considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. / Neutral} Out like a champ, huh? Good for Marty.
- {chuckling a bit for "and my job" / Happy} You saved Nick, this agency, and my job. Thank you.
- {shocked to hear Nick's voice. he's been missing for days / Surprised} Nick!?
- {Worried} He disappeared working a case. Skinny Malone's gang had kidnapped a young woman, and he tracked them down to their hideout in Park Street Station.
- {alternate line if you've never met the player before, but he comes in the office after rescuing Nick} I don't know how you found him, but you deserve a reward.
- {gentle, sympathetic, easing someone who's describing a past trauma / Concerned} It's okay. You don't need to say anything more.
- {Apologetic} Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could help, but the detective isn't here. Honestly, he's gone missing.
- {Concerned} No, that's not what I mean. We're not just closed for the day. We're closed permanently. The detective's gone missing.
- Nick's still gone. Don't suppose you changed your mind about tracking him down to Park Street Station, huh?
- {Nick and the player are leaving to investigate Kellogg / Concerned} You've really gone through a lot, haven't ya? I hope you and Nick find that monster.
- {Neutral} Vadim at the Dugout Inn is the one who reported Earl missing. Might be worth talking to him.
- {Neutral} So, you two find out where Earl Sterling ran off to?
- {Irritated} You don't get it. The detective. He's gone. Missing.
- {Nick and the player are leaving to investigate Kellogg / Concerned} You two be careful...
- {Concerned} Security doesn't really go to that part of town, but you two should still be careful.
- {Rerecord. Somewhat somber. Considering the death of someone you never really liked, but now might respect. / Somber} No foolin'. Our Marty made it through Faneuil Hall. Didn't think he had it in him.
- {Neutral} The Earl Sterling case. Apparently Earl just up and disappeared one day. No one's seen him since...