| - A party game, usually in the Beach Episode of Japanese media, where someone is blindfolded, given a large stick (possibly a wooden sword), and directed to smash/crack a watermelon. Similar to hitting a pinata in some western cultures, except without any goodies other than sandy watermelon. One of the traditional summer beach activities in Japan, at least until environmental and economic concerns made it rather less popular. Common variations: Not to be confused with the band The Smashing Pumpkins, or one of the staple bits of Gallager's comedy act. Examples of Smashing Watermelons include:
| - A party game, usually in the Beach Episode of Japanese media, where someone is blindfolded, given a large stick (possibly a wooden sword), and directed to smash/crack a watermelon. Similar to hitting a pinata in some western cultures, except without any goodies other than sandy watermelon. One of the traditional summer beach activities in Japan, at least until environmental and economic concerns made it rather less popular. Common variations: 1.
* Someone else (usually the Unlucky Everydude) is buried up to his neck in sand, and the watermelon is placed next to him. 2.
* The people guiding the blindfolded one intentionally direct him/her towards the Unlucky Everydude. 3.
* The watermelon smasher is a sword expert (Kid Samurai, Heir to the Dojo), and slices the watermelon perfectly. 4.
* The watermelon is destroyed by some other means, to the surprise and consternation of the other participants. Not to be confused with the band The Smashing Pumpkins, or one of the staple bits of Gallager's comedy act. Examples of Smashing Watermelons include: