| - Great Knarlocs are an evolutionary dead end, much like the Krootox and Kroot Hound. It is a solitary hunter in the jungles, suited by its muscular legs and hinge ankles for long distance tracking. Its lower legs and claws are developed for occasional bursts of speed, enhanced by the Hyperactive Nymune Organ, and it can use its toes to launch itself from cover whilst stalking its prey. All of its developments put it firmly in the hunter/scavenger category, aided by its omnivorous nature.
- Imperial studies by the Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus have revealed that the jungle world of Pech is home to many creatures that are unusually close genetic relatives of the native Kroot. The Great Knarloc is an evolutionary strain of the Kroot species that developed into a large, solitary carnivorous predator. Its effectiveness in this ecological role would seem to be limited by its small eyes and the resulting poor vision, its small, almost vestigial forearms, its slow running speed and its unusually light skeletal structure, despite the beast's bulk.
| - Great Knarlocs are an evolutionary dead end, much like the Krootox and Kroot Hound. It is a solitary hunter in the jungles, suited by its muscular legs and hinge ankles for long distance tracking. Its lower legs and claws are developed for occasional bursts of speed, enhanced by the Hyperactive Nymune Organ, and it can use its toes to launch itself from cover whilst stalking its prey. All of its developments put it firmly in the hunter/scavenger category, aided by its omnivorous nature. They have smaller frontal limbs, which they use to grasp food and to scavenge in undergrowth or soft earth. They have poor eyesight. It's large mass makes them mostly invulnerable to small arms fire and they are tremendously resilient to wounds that would cripple most other beasts. Targeting the handlers is a risky tactic, for without them the beasts become even more enraged and often attack the nearest prey, friend or foe, with renewed savagery.
- Imperial studies by the Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus have revealed that the jungle world of Pech is home to many creatures that are unusually close genetic relatives of the native Kroot. The Great Knarloc is an evolutionary strain of the Kroot species that developed into a large, solitary carnivorous predator. Its effectiveness in this ecological role would seem to be limited by its small eyes and the resulting poor vision, its small, almost vestigial forearms, its slow running speed and its unusually light skeletal structure, despite the beast's bulk. Yet the Great Knarloc has a few advantages, including excellent stamina for long-distance running, brief bursts of intense speed, aided by its well-developed Nymune Organ, a trait still retained by some of the Great Knarloc's smaller relatives, including the Kroot. While the Great Knarloc lacks any olfactory lobes, its long tendrils, concentrated at the back of its head, provide excellent sensory information to the beast's relatively small brain. Whilst its eyesight is poor, a Great Knarloc can effectively track prey by scent and sound, running it to ground over long distances. All of these adaptations indicate that the Great Knarloc is an animal which is a scavenger as well as a hunter. Whilst all carnivores are happy to eat dead flesh, they always prefer fresh meat. The Great Knarloc seems to be the same, hunting on occasion, but at other times proving quite happy to simply scavenge carcasses. It is also adept at foraging amongst jungle growth for fruit or using its long claws to seek insects or grubs. The Great Knarloc has evolved to hunt by one of two methods, either lurking in dense undergrowth to suddenly ambush passing prey or by using its sensory organs to detect prey at long distances and then run it to ground. Like the Krootox, the Great Knarloc is not predisposed to violence unless it is hungry, threatened or goaded. A Great Knarloc is a solitary creature, spending most of its time alone beneath the jungle canopy of Pech, foraging for foodstuffs and scavenging, exploding into extreme violence only should suitable prey be discovered.