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Sounds of conflict gear up at the Autobot city of Retoris, where Decepticon mortars have picked back up, shelling the city's shielding. Another offensive is gearing up. Elita One says, "Autobots, if you're cleared for action, get back in line. The Cons are making another push. Order up and await instructions!" Swoop says, "Swoop coming." Blaster has encrypted this channel. Crusade says, "Awaiting orders, ma'am!"" NOW PLAYING: Cybertron. Our homeland, stuck in the brutal mire of a six eon long war against a never ending foe. I.... <<> <> <> <> <> <>

  • Defense of Retoris, Part 1
  • <Cybertron> Sounds of conflict gear up at the Autobot city of Retoris, where Decepticon mortars have picked back up, shelling the city's shielding. Another offensive is gearing up. <Autobot> Elita One says, "Autobots, if you're cleared for action, get back in line. The Cons are making another push. Order up and await instructions!" <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop coming." <Autobot> Blaster has encrypted this channel. <Autobot> Crusade says, "Awaiting orders, ma'am!"" NOW PLAYING: Cybertron. Our homeland, stuck in the brutal mire of a six eon long war against a never ending foe. I.... <<> <> <> <> <> <>
  • The Decepticons begin to lay siege to Retoris.
  • Non-TP
  • Defense of Retoris, Part 1
  • 2035(xsd:integer)
  • <Cybertron> Sounds of conflict gear up at the Autobot city of Retoris, where Decepticon mortars have picked back up, shelling the city's shielding. Another offensive is gearing up. <Autobot> Elita One says, "Autobots, if you're cleared for action, get back in line. The Cons are making another push. Order up and await instructions!" <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop coming." <Autobot> Blaster has encrypted this channel. <Autobot> Crusade says, "Awaiting orders, ma'am!"" NOW PLAYING: Cybertron. Our homeland, stuck in the brutal mire of a six eon long war against a never ending foe. I.... am Elita One. And I tell you this. We've been given a miracle here, our battered and brutalized planet has reformatted itself, giving rise to new cities, new production of energon. In short, it has given us a second chance. It is a chance that will not be squandored. We will put an end to this lifelong war. I will not suffer any other outcome. In the six eons I've battled the Decepticons, I've learned all about war and the problems therein...Strife. Loss. Hopelessness. The technology of war changes, netting an advantage to the side who initiated it. Combiner teams, the Masters, Pretenders. Further steps to create better infantry. I know not what lies next, but I will tell you one thing I *do* know... <<> Elita One stands atop the Great Wall of Retoris. Plasma barrels down at her from a mortar launcher, the ball of purple white plasma splashes onto the shield barrier the city holds. She doesn't flinch. Instead she puts a hand to her audio receptors, walking with purpose <> She passes by several gumbies atop turrets, giving one a solid slap on the back as she rushes by. <> <> <> <> <> <> She stares off into the distance, where the Con forces have amassed, several large spider-like Marauders shelling the area with more mortar. The assault was going to begin in earnest shortly, she shoulders her weapon, << Taking to the field, once that mortar's down. Rally up Bots. We've got this. >> At Elita's request at readiness Horsepower blows his air horn in response, having just pulled up with a load of extra materials for the workers hurrying to reinforce the walls or prepare soldiers for battles. <> he adds over the shortwave radio moments afterwards. Once all the goods have been hauled out of his bed the truck stands up into his bulky robot mode. Just long enough to flip down his work visor with one hand. <> The wrecker rig heaves up and rearranges into a heavy Autobot form. Robot Pteranodon flies in moving as fast as his wings will carry him, his optics scanning the ground below as he tries to pick out friend from foe, and the most critical spot he's needed to handle things. Of course, his arrival does bring with it something else... What is that satchel he's carrying with him? Who knows! Who cares? Let's be honest here...no one looks at a Dinobot and wonders why he's carrying Santa's little bag of goodies around. Combat: Robot Pteranodon sets his defense level to Protected. Halo is trying not to roll her optics. She gets it. Things are falling apart at the seams and the Retoris Wall has plunged into chaos as the Decepticons advance. It's not actually Pik's fault that he's having a difficult time making it to the top of the Wall, but Pik is certainly going to get every bit of the blame. She braces in the back of his pick up mode, steadying herself against the large sphere she's trying to deliver, cryorifle drawn, optics on the sky. "Bloody well drive, Pik! It's like you've never been in an absurdly massive firefight before..." She makes a face. "Fantastic. Listen to me. You've made me sound obscene, Pik. Bloody obscene." Pik rolls on. Crusade is, for lack of a better word, frozen. Not in the literal sense, of course - he simply does not know what to do or where to go in his current situation. As far as he knows, they're under siege, and if their defenses fall, then ... He shakes his head, trying to banish those thoughts from his mind. Focus, he tells himself, tightening his grip on his rifle. Wait for orders, follow them. Simple enough, right? Wrong. It's hard to focus knowing that at the end of the day, he might wind up dead, or worse, captured. There would likely be a need for extra firepower and helping hands by the wall, and Crusade sets off for there at a hurried pace. Hopefully he won't have to fight from atop the structure. With a disdainful shrug, Blast Off transforms into a space shuttle. Shockwave is standing in front of the wall with seekers that are waiting to transmit his orders. With all the jamming screwing with the radio frequencies, it's the best mean to ensure orders are received that each combat group. Shockwave looks up at the wall and spends some time evaluating the defenses. A moment later, he starts to issue orders, "Send group alpha against the wall. Group beta and zeta are to strike at the generators." The cyclop starts walking towards the wall. "It's time to test the Autobots defenses." Outrider has her place among the entourage near Shockwave; she's keeping close to the field commander, ready to provide medical or energy resources - but not just to him, to all other Decepticons who might need patched or refueled to continue the fight. "This is so great!" she murmurs to herself, bouncing on her toes, biting her bottom lip to try to contain her excitement, lest her poor little fuel pump burst from witnessing the Decepticon army in all it's glory. A small wing of Autobot Air Defenses streak past, contrails showing their passage. Several missiles are peeled off from the group, almost immediately impacting one of the Marauders, the explosions rip into it, buckling the spiderwalker, and putting it out of commission. The lead jet, does a Maverick-esque spin before heading out of the zone. Combat: Outrider sets her defense level to Protected. Bludgeon is here, though he's easily missed. He is hidden amongst rows of tankcons of various colors, sizes, and models. A dark green and purple tank, unremarkable in any way save that his accuracy is flawless, his precision unequaled among the other tankcons. Though amidst all the violence around him, it's impossible to tell one tank's shot from another. It's not the kind of battle he prefers, but he shows the same staggering sniper-like precision that he does when wielding a katana. As Shockwave gives the change in tactics, however, Bludgeon is among the first to peel out, treads spinning and kicking up rocks and dirt, to close the distance. He's not fast, but it's his fastest mode and he's eager to get himself through that forcefield and hammer the pressure down on the Autobots. His insides are electrified at thoughts of bringing down a worthy foe. Bludgeon transforms into his Dark Green and Purple Battle Tank mode. Space Shuttle is feeling a lot better now. He finally took care of that bounty on his head, and got some shanix for it, as well. Now he is back and repaired and ready to remind everyone why Combaticons are something to fear on the battlefield. He recieves Shockwave's orders and transmits back, <> He sends signals and leads some Aerospace fighters towards the wall, locking his targets on the structure and preparing for battle. <> Combat: Space Shuttle sets his defense level to Guarded. Sixshot stands behind Shockwave watching how the testing of defenses will proceed and eventually decide and how he will apply his unique talents to the situation. If the air defenses are too strong...Siege Tank...If ground defenses are too strong Starfighter...Decisions...Decisions... NOW PLAYING: Halo is almost flung forward as Pik slams on his brakes to allow an evacuating group of Kwarch residents to evacuate. She gives him a sharp kick. "Warning next time, please? Just because we're in a sudden warzone doesn't mean we can't be courteous." She takes a shot at a low flying Seeker. "And remind me to recalibrate our forceshield systems to repel energy weapons AND attackers." Almost there. Robot Pteranodon watches the gathered Decepticons with a fair bit of annoyance at their brazen assault on the base. This will not do! He rolls, banks, dives...and unleashes his cargo on the unwitting purples below. What chaos! What carnage! What...in the name of Primus is this? It's not explosive, rather...far from. It's all those leftover pamphlets he'd been scattering around with Outrider's overzealous ambush of a groupie hug against Blast Off at the Steel Balloon. Because...honestly, he really blew through the Dinobot's 'Print Reports' budget on this one...and he's gotta get rid of the remainder somehow! Of course, his sudden divebombing paper-run is coupled with the warcry expected of the Dinobot. "Swoop here! Them Decepticons can run now!" Combat: Robot Pteranodon sets his defense level to Neutral. Elita One sets her hand onto Crusade for a moment, noticing the newer recruit. "Stay focused, rely on those around you. We need the wall intact. Watch for enemies looking to come into direct contact. There's weapons up here, use them. You'll be fine, just remember your training." She vaults over the side of the wall, sliding down it towards the large gate where the assembled wave 2 has geared up, "Defensive positions, Bots. Make them come to us!" With that, she slides into a trench, her back against the reinforced wall with the experience of eons behind it. Her head pokes up, that crown unmistakable, as she scans for troop movement. <> That was good, that Combaticon was quite a fury when motivated. <<...Shockwave's in command.>> The distaste in her voice is apparent, her longtime nemesis taking to the field again. Elita One pauses, fingering her cannon. She COULD risk a shot here, but it wouldn't be enough to take him down. Not yet anyway, she had the toys for that. In the meantime, she hunches low in her trench, opens up several precision shots, and hits four out of four Seekers inbound, sending two of them crashing into the forcefield, the other two onto the ground behind it. Nobody knows why the field stopped part of them... The Global Pose Tracker marks that Elita One has 'skipped' her action for this round. Combat: Robot Pteranodon misses Space Shuttle with his Good news is he's now out of these things... Bad news is? Well they're all over the place now. (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Sixshot with his Good news is he's now out of these things... Bad news is? Well they're all over the place now. (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Robot Pteranodon misses Outrider with his Good news is he's now out of these things... Bad news is? Well they're all over the place now. (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Robot Pteranodon misses Shockwave with his Good news is he's now out of these things... Bad news is? Well they're all over the place now. (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Dark Green and Purple Battle Tank with his Good news is he's now out of these things... Bad news is? Well they're all over the place now. (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Elita One sets her defense level to Protected. Horsepower isn't terribly fond of front-line fighting, but he's not about to just stand back and let the Decepticons bust their way through everything we've been working on here. Making sure the workers are working and the fighters are moving out, he takes one last moment to make sure his own systems are running at full, and then climbs his way up onto the top of the wall, and starts making his way towards one of the defensive emplacements to make sure -those- are operational properly as well. Best he can do right now is put his mechanical and weaponry skills to use ... And let the Dinobot grab a lot of the aggro first. He's got no problem with that... Combat: Horsepower deploys his reserve energon tank. Combat: Horsepower sets his defense level to Guarded. The Global Pose Tracker marks that Horsepower has 'skipped' his action for this round. Crusade skids to a halt as he reaches the wall. He surveys the attack force, trying not to look down too much, and jumps as a hand rests onto his shoulder. "Yes ma'am," he answers Elita hastily, then eyes one of the turrets - no, they'd be easy targets for the enemy. Perhaps he could shoot them down with his own rifle. Combat: Crusade sets his defense level to Guarded. The Global Pose Tracker marks that Crusade has 'skipped' his action for this round. Shockwave is walking among the other Decepticons and he easily evades Swoop's attact. The gumby walking near him is not that lucky and he's blown up. The cyclop looks up at the Dinobots which allow most of the seekers to pass him. It's their job after all to wear down the defenders. Shockwave considers it's more logical to deal with the heavy lifter. He raises his left arm and points his cannon towards the sky before unleashing a burst of energy towards the Dinobots. Combat: Shockwave sets his defense level to Protected. Two more Marauders lock their legs into position, their large guns raise up, generating more plasma, which is sent trailing through the sky in a low arc. Again it washes against the forcefield. Combat: Shockwave strikes Robot Pteranodon with his Disruptor attack! Americon has arrived. Outrider's optics get HUGE when a gumby just, y'know, DIES RIGHT NEXT TO HER. Swallowing a bit of nerves, she keeps extra close to Shockwave, even if that puts her in a position to get tagged by anyone shooting at him. She thinks brave and inspiring thoughts because that is what Lord Galvatron would want her to do. Squeezing her eyes shut, she pictures Chibi Galvatron standing on top Rodimus Prime's dead body (with X's in his eyes). Sixshot gets a couple fo scorch marks on his armor from Swoops area attack. He ponders fighting from the ground or the air...Ground it is for now. The Decepticon leaps up transforms and a heavily armored siege tank lands in it's place... The turret begins tracking Swoop and fires a quick burst hoping to give the seekers some space. Combat: Outrider takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] With the classic transformation sound, Sixshot folds down into a Siege Tank. <Autobot> Horsepower grunts. "Ah see some heavy artillery down there." Combat: Armored Ram Tank misses Robot Pteranodon with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster attack! [Pulled -4] CHAT: I don't know which channel you mean. CHAT: Partial matches are: Advisor Autobot CHAT: You may wish to set the CHAN_USEFIRSTMATCH flag on yourself. <Autobot> Elita One says, "Yeah, we're getting hammered, but they're not getting through the shield that easily." And suddenly Americon swoops in having no idea what's going on! "Fear not, fellow Decepticons, for superior forces have--FLARGHLEGAHFUHGAH--" He immediately crashes into the ground. Americon's robot legs pop out metallic feather-like objects as they and his lower torso split apart, also revealing an eagle head. The arms and robot head join the main body, and his guns convert into tail feathers and rocket launchers. Americon is now a bald eagle! The Global Pose Tracker marks that Robotic Bald Eagle has 'skipped' his action for this round. Bludgeon motors along, outpacing the other tanks in his furor for true combat, to test his mettle, to put his skills against another's, to have his life on the-- Suddenly, from above, a mass of pamphlets suddenly slaps against his turret, momentarily blocking his view. A moment later and a stray shot from the defenders catches him head on, sending him rolling sidesways, end over end, until he finally lurches back onto his tanktreads, armor smoldering from a fresh wound. <> The samurai tankcon takes a moment to steady itself, then its treas rip against the ground and it accelerates onward once more. It casts a glance skyward, but doesn't waste his time with the weakest of the Dinobots. He's looking for better targets. <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Ah got somethin' to do somethin' 'bout tanks, at least." <Autobot> Elita One says, "Got any minelaunchers whipped up?" Space Shuttle is flying along when Swoops suddenly emerges from... somewhere- with a whole lot of something flying everywhere. What the slag? Pamphlets flutter down and one sticks on his cockpit windshield. What nonsense is this?...Suddenly he SEES what's on that flier and the shuttle's engines nearly sputter right then and there. Images of Blast Off getting hugged by Outrider- and everyone's seeing this now, if they bother to look. The engine sputter turns into a growl, and his wing lasers immediately aim for the big Dinobot. <> His wing lasers take aim and fire at the big Autobot! <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Not what Ah was thinkin', but a good idea Ah'll keep in mind, eyup." Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Robot Pteranodon with his I've been framed (Laser) attack! [Pulled -1] Crusade lifts his gaze to the sky, searching for aerial targets that have a chance of flying over the wall and wreaking havoc on them. Blast Off catches his attention and he mentally kicks himself for not reducing the Combaticon to scrap earlier on... well, he can make up for that decision now. He aims his rifle at the shuttle, and fires. Combat: Crusade sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Crusade strikes Space Shuttle with his Hello again! attack! Robot Pteranodon suddenly does nothing that resembles regretting his actions when everyone decides to shoot his way. Rather, he's actually laughing rather loudly at the fact, even as a few stray blasts strike him and bounce against his armor. "Him Combaticon not big threat, Swoop think breaking Galvatron's pet more better." He snaps away from Blast Off, ignoring the Combaticon for the time being as his optics settle on Sixshot. Prey sighted, he folds his wings, diving in to, quite literally, latch onto the poor guy. Wait, hasn't he done something like this before to someone? Combat: Robot Pteranodon sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Armored Ram Tank with his Wait did he just call Sixshot a pet or was it a perch? (Grab) attack! Horsepower gets up to one of the cannon turrets, but frowns as he crouchs by it and looks down on the field. There's a lot of heavy artillery, armored mechs and tanks down there. The cannons may tear through the lighter infantry gumbies, but they're not going to do much straight up against such mobile armor. But he may have something to deal with that problem. With another grunt he pushes himself to his feet and reachs back to pull his larger weapon off his pack. Gripping it by the handle in back and bar on top he props it over the top of the wall like one would a minigun due to its weight. Just instead of a barrel the device ends in a trio of prongs that start to glow brightly as energy flows into the weapon from his power supply. Energy builds up, and then the assembly begins to spin, to the point where instead of just shooting the stream of shearing power that erupts towards the approaching tank from it is twisting much like a drill would. Just a drill made of white hot armor melting plasma instead of metal. Decepticon fliers ground forces advance, the tank brigade looking very much like the opening of season 3 starts to roll forward. Laserfire is exchanged on each side, the Autobots using the terrain as their cover, and tank shells rain down on the area, as the ground forces prepare their indomitable push forward. Mortar explodes near Elita One, that causes her to flinch. She's had a bad run about mortar in her history. People always think she's dead when it hits near her. A Bot cries out, "Elita One is down, Elita O...." He pauses, fumbling with the radio, as Elita One gives him a flat look. "Uh, sorry, Ma'am." The Femme Commander sighs, "I'll get some of those tanks out of commission, fireteams three and seven are to give flanking fire. We need those fieldpieces sidelined!" She pops out of cover, a specialized weapon in hand, one of her own rebuilt models, the Rail Launcher! Precision slugs hit several tanks as she races forward to an advanced cover position. The Con gumby tanks start to stiffen or complain about accuracy issues. One's turret simply explodes. Elita One adjusts a few nozzles on it, as she glares up at Shockwave in the distance. She should be able to scramble him from here... Combat: Horsepower strikes Dark Green and Purple Battle Tank with his Plasma Auger attack! Combat: Elita One has finished building a new weapon. Behold: 6.20 Caliber Rail Launcher! Combat: Elita One strikes Shockwave with the Elita One-forged Just like old times huh? attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Secondary Damage! Combat: Used up 1 Charges. 1 remain. <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Yippy Aye Kay Yah!" Armored Ram Tank tries to aim but the Dinobot actually LANDS on the tank and grabs on. No way to aim the turret back on itself there are absolutely no line of sight to the dinobot from this angle. Time to change the situation...The tank unfolds and changes shape into a massive Armored Cyberwolf which goes for a quick bite on the Pteranodon's wing. With the classic transformation sound, Sixshot crouches down into his Mechanical Wolf form. Combat: Armored Cyber Wolf sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Armored Cyber Wolf misses Robot Pteranodon with his Taking a bit out of crime! (Kick) attack! Shockwave is blasted, his systems corrupted, fighting to recover from the attack, making his movement uneasy. He's distracted from the dinobot by this attack. His optic survey the battlefield and eventually finds the origin of the attack : Elita One. <> Shockwave decides to disable her. Once again, he raises his cannon-arm but this times he fires a blast of radiations. Combat: Shockwave sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Shockwave misses Elita One with his Irradiate attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Shockwave (Shockwave) used "Irradiate": A Level 3 RANGED attack. You send a radio message to Crusade: good hit Recruit, watch out for his counterattack, he's going to be mighty upset you nailed him. Robotic Bald Eagle eventually pulls himself out of the crater he made, wobbling about on his birdie legs. "Uhhh. Oh, crap, there's some kind of fighting going on!" He looks around himself as explosions and chaos unfold in every direction. "Huh! Oh, yeah, that's why I came here. I think? Well, now to destroy an Autobot, I suppose!" Eventually, Crusade can probably hear a shrill screaming, slowly growing louder and louder. And if he looks, he can see it's Americon, charging right at him in bird mode, waddling around like a penguin with his wings spread wide. "AAAAAHHHH!" Then he tries to peck the guy's ankles. Combat: Robotic Bald Eagle strikes Crusade with his Peck (Punch) attack! A Decepticon seeker comes screaming down through the skies, lasers blazing. He passes through the forcefield and unleashes a stream of rapid laserfire, catching a number of Autobots dead-on. Before the seeker can bank, a missile locks on, spiralling through the air, and collides into him, exploding violently. On the ground, an Autobot soldier levels his missile launcher towards several oncoming Decepticon forces, releasing another salvo of spiraling missiles, smoke trails in their wake, as the purple forces explode, some trying to dive for cover. The Autobot soldier fists pumps before a red dot appears on his chest. A moment later, he's on his back, a smoking wound on his chest. One of the Decepticons, armed with a sniper rifle, hoists the weapon onto his shoulder and charges along with several others. Through the forcefield, they rush towards a group of Autobots warriors, both sides clashing. Weapons collide, and the sniper catches a large spiked mace to the head, going down. A huge Autobot, wielding his mace, levels two more of the Decepticon grounders, sending them reeling, end over end in the air. He roars out a battlecry, charging towards the oncoming Decepticons but he only manages a single step. A flash of light, and his entire upper half slides off the rest of his body, several in his mid-section. Bludgeon stands, fully armored in his pretender shell, his katana held outstretched in one arm, holding the pose until the Autobot finally falls, behind him. But then a frickin plasma drill slams into the samurai, completely ruining his moment. Bludgeon swears under his breath, turning his gaze towards Horsepower. He lifts one of his heavily armored boots then SLAMS it down, shaking the earth beneath him. The Autobot warrior's mace flips into the air, and Bludgeon spins, roundhouse kicking the weapon and sending it soaring towards Horsepower. You receive a radio message from Crusade: Thank you, ma'am! I'll get more hits in! Dark Green and Purple Battle Tank transforms into his Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior mode. Combat: Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior strikes Horsepower with his Flying Spiked Mace (Pistol) attack! Space Shuttle isn't going to be ignored by Swoop...oh no, he's gonna show that flying fossil just WHY he should- OUCH! Distracted by Swoop, he doesn't notice Crusade shoot at him until it's too late. The Autobot's shot rips across his fuselage, causing him to have to adjust elevons quickly to remain on course. His scanners sweep the area and pick out Crusade. Slag. Blast Off is really beginning to not like this guy. And worse- he shot pretty well before- and now he managed to shoot Blast Off, too... which isn't easy to do. "Ah... already itching to fight again, are we? I hope you learned *something* from Punch, because once I've destroyed you your learning days are over..." The hatch under his nosecone opens and he shoots off a quick bombardment burst at the 'Bot. Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Crusade with his Well at least I can shoot you now attack! [Pulled -6] Outrider gets to some cover as Elita shoots at Shockwave, but she keeps close. He might still need her assistance. So might the others! "Stupid terrorist Autobots!" she shouts. "We're going to liberate this city from your Stinky Reign!" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "I am standing by if anyone needs field dressed or energon!" Combat: Outrider takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] <Decepticon> Bludgeon says, "Stay clear of me, Outrider." <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Yes sir!" Look! It's a Pterodactyl riding a Wolf! Everyone, take pictures for your Metal album cover! Swoop is quick to pull his wing, and the rest of himself, out of the way, using every last bit of his vantage point as the wolfrider to facilitate this. "Swoop think you need try better. This get not fun fast." He transforms before Sixshot can react properly, his sword flashing into existence from subspace to arc towards the Decepticon in one fluid arcing slash. "Swoop also think you need go away. But is Swoop opinion, and puppy can stay to get beat also." Robot Pteranodon transforms into his Robot mode. Combat: Swoop strikes Armored Cyber Wolf with his Fetch this! attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Critical Hit! Combat: Secondary Damage! Crusade stiffens upon hearing that screaming sound growing closer and closer. He whirls around to face whatever is approaching him, but upon seeing Americon, he just lowers his rifle and stares in disbelief. "What the frag are you... OW! STOP THAT!" He hops back as a sharp pain flashes through his ankles, courtesy of Americon's pecking. As it turns out, the mechanical eagle serves as an excellent distraction; Crusade winds up right in the path of Blast Off's laser, which strikes him directly between the doorwings. He staggers and loses his balance, falling forwards - right towards Americon! The little Decepticon just might get crushed beneath the falling 'Bot... Combat: Crusade strikes Robotic Bald Eagle with his I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up (Punch) attack! <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "This is no time for dressup!" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "No, sir, I mean repairs!" <Decepticon> Buzzsaw says, "Americon, I can only hope that whoever programmed your logic circuits is residing within the slag pits..." <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Ohhh. And what a mean thing to say!" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Kill the Autobot terrorists for me sir!" Elita One leaps into the forward trench, then scrambles out of the initial entry point, she bellows, "MOVE!" towards the four gumbies stationed in there, before leaping onto/through them. Moments later Shockwave's blast of pure radiation cooks its way into the fortifications. She grunts, pulling herself up from the precarious position of being on someone's lap. The Gumby pauses awkwardly, "Uh...hi!" Elita One shakes her head, then reaches for her rifle. Moments later, she pops up, placing the weapon against the ground to steady herself, and cracks off a second shot at Shockwave. Sorry, Outrider, I've got a personal beef with your boss! <Decepticon> Buzzsaw says, "Prove me wrong, Senator." Combat: Elita One strikes Shockwave with the Elita One-forged Two in the chest one in the head. Or just one in the head twice it's all good. attack! Combat: Critical Hit! Combat: Secondary Damage! Combat: Used up 1 Charges. 0 remain. All along the top of the wall Autobots start to come up with their weapons, feeling bolstered by the effort being put forth by the big names standing up to this seige. Laser fire rings out, trying to clear out some of the footsoldiers so the bigger guns can focus on the hard hitters the rank and file surround. Decepticons of course start to shoot back, and there's soldiers falling from various degrees of wounds on all sides. Horsepower takes a step back and lets go of his weapon with one hand to raise his arm in front of his face as a mace is kicked up in his direction. It only slams into the wall, but the impact is with enough force to send chunks of it spraying backwards and sending lesser solders fleeing for cover from the shrapnel. Not two seconds later a rocket slams into a nearby turret, the gunner getting out one last scream as he's blasted from it, and most of the placement is left smoking and sparking. The engineer just grunts a bit, thanks to his anti-explosive plating mostly just singed a bit from the rocket blast. He slings his weapon back and shakes his arms off to discharge some of the debris, then grabs one of the larger chunks in his hand and pulls it out of his chest armor. Holds arm out to the side and drops it. Okay, now its on. Horsepower turns to the blasted turret, but instead of wasting precious time to fix the thing, he grabs one of the artillery cannons and pulls it off. Yanks free the power feed, and plugs it into his own power supply, then regrips the heavy weapon with both hands. Sneers a bit at the shouting. "Liberate this!" The gun roars to life with several energy blasts, though not with the same outright intensity as the main turret would. Instead Horsepower is overclocking the rounds per minute, sending the first burst of fire towards Bludgeon's advance, then sweeping the barrage through the ranks towards Shockwave's smart mouthed little helper. Combat: Horsepower strikes Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior with Retoris Defenses 's Suppressing Fire Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior 's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Horsepower misses Outrider with Retoris Defenses 's Suppressing Fire Area attack! <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Yes! I will kill the Autobots with INTELLIGENCE!" Halo sighs, explosions lighting up the sky over her head. "Pik, you *have* feet, don't you? Put your back into it, for Cybertron's sake." She's standing impatiently, tapping her foot at the top of a very long flight of stairs to the top of the wall. Pik, now in robot mode, is lugging the large sphere from the bottom. He sighs, and gets to dragging. <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Anyone need some fuel? Repairs? Anything?" After shooting at Elita, Shockwave didn't sit idly. Using his antigrav systems, he launches himself into the air and soon lands inside the trench, right by Elita's side. "You cannot hope to lose the city." He grabs Elita by the throat and slams her into the ground raising a cloud of debris around them. Releasing her, he produces a large and dark energy dagger, "I had a lot of time to study your powers. And I prepared this for you. I'm sure you will like the effect it's going to have on your time stopping power." He raises the dagger above his head, "You should thank me Elita. I give you eternity." And then he shoves the dagger right into Elita's chest and while the dagger is still inside her, he lifts her above his head. Combat: Shockwave sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Shockwave strikes Elita One with his Dark Energon Dagger attack! Combat: Shockwave (Shockwave) used "Cold Fist of Logic": A Level 7 MELEE attack. Combat: Shockwave's attack has damaged your Accuracy! Combat: You took 64 damage. Combat: Massive damage! Combat: Elita One falls to the ground, unconscious. A pair of patriotic-themed wings flaps helplessly under Crusade, but then! There's a transforming noise, and suddenly there's nothing under Crusade! "Mwahahaha, foolish Autobots!" says a tiny little cassette as it vibrates out from under Crusade. "Now I am far too small to hit by your stupid weapons! Observe as I shoot you with impunity with no fear of retaliation!" A little turret pops out of the tape and fires up at Swoop, possibly doing more damage than it deserves to. Americon collapses and shrinks down into a very tiny cassette labeled, "America's Most Patriotic Hits!" <Decepticon> Shockwave says, "Outrider. I require to be refuelled." <Decepticon> Outrider says, "At once, sir!" Armored Cyber Wolf gets slashed by the dinobot's sword...The cut is deep. Damn thermal sword. A few diagnostic messages scroll infront of the sixchanger's optics. "Grrr..The gloves come off." The cyberwolf pounces on Swoop trying to bite down on the sword arm to immobilize it. Combat: Patriotic Cassette strikes Swoop with his Pew (Disruptor) attack! Combat: Armored Cyber Wolf sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Armored Cyber Wolf strikes Swoop with his Fang and Claws attack! <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Geeze, Shockwave, that was hardcore!" <Decepticon> Bludgeon says, "A decisive stroke, Commander. Well placed." <Autobot> Horsepower curses loudly... but there's too much background noise from the fighting to actually make out the swears used. Outrider watches in absolute wonder as Shockwave downs Elita One in one fell stroke. Her knees rattle at the sheer awesomeness, and it takes her a moment just to calm down enough to respond to orders being sent her way. After this she's totally going to see if she can get Shockwave to sign her chassis. Transforming into a tanker, she rolls up near Shockwave, a fuel cable extending from her side, the prehensile silver cord seeking out the Decepticon scientist to replenish his energon stores. Outrider folds up and drops down into the form of a six-wheeled transport tanker. Space Shuttle gets a bit of a respite as the fighting focuses elsewhere, leaving the Combaticon shuttle to return his attention to that wall. That wall that must go DOWN. He radios the fighters in his squadron, <> He's seen it go down before, and he's going to see it go down again. He circles, the energy building up the X-Ray laser situated under his nosecone- until the hatch opens again and he unleashes a good-sized blast right for what seems to be its weakest part. Combat: Cybertronian Transport Tanker refuels Shockwave's energon reserves. Bludgeon raises up his arms as suppression fire rains down on him from above. The blasts connect against his heavily armored forearms but otherwise does little but keep him pinned where he stands, halting his advance. As he weathers the assault, his righteous fury grows, irate at being denied more warriors to cut down. Drawing himself back, drawing himself inward, Bludgeon sheathes his katana in a single smooth motion. His legs slide apart as he goes into a stance, entire body locking up, servos constricting and tightening. Electricity crackles across the samurai's body as he gathers power and focus for the attack. Then, in a flash of hyperaccelerated motion, Bludgeon draws the blade and slashes upwards. A concussive shockwave erupts from the stoke, an implosion wave cascading outwards from the samurai's slash. The wave, shaped like a crescent and crackling with power and electricity, collides into the wall, sending debris and shattered fragments showering down on the samurai. The crescent blast wave continues up the wall, rocking the structure as it seeks out the annoying defensive cannon and the bot foolish enough to be wielding it single-handedly. <Decepticon> Shockwave says, "Her time manipulation powers what her greatest weakness. She's now stuck in a timeloop." The Global Pose Tracker marks that Space Shuttle has 'skipped' his action for this round. <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Oh my primus that is awesome." Combat: Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior strikes Horsepower with his Implosion Wave attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Secondary Damage! <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Really? You should have done something really annoying before you stabbed her, that way she'd have to experience it again and again. Or however that works." <Decepticon> Shockwave says, "That would have been a waste of energy and would have decreased my chances of success by 0.032%." <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Aww." TWO YEARS AGO DURING THE 2033 OLYMPICS. Elita One has just, against her better judgement, used her special ability to garner a moment's respite from the assault of Carnivac and Cyclonus... Shockwave looks up as the starfighter comes around for another path. The bombs fall, obliterating the area. For the second time this month, Decepticon Island is on fire. Marching through the blaze, Shockwave knocks aside a piece of flaming wreckage as it topples down towards him. The orange fires reflect off his ultra-hard heavy armour, and he calmly steps out of them towards Elita One in time to see that the battlefield is... different. Shockwave glances behind him. The fires are stationary. Cyclonus is up in the sky, unmoving. Carnivac is stuck in eye-beam-firing stance. Shockwave stomps towards the femme, scanner held out. "Remarkable," he emits. "I would inform Cyclonus that this is another reason for your success, but it will have to wait until his audio circuits work again." Shockwave examines Elita One, trying to get readings on how her time stop abilities wor- I mean, so he can patch up the injuries Carnivac gave her. Elita One struggles against Shockwave, drawing her weapon up to point-blank shoot him in the face. "The only thing..." She snarls, as Shockwave readies the knife, "you'll eve" The blade sinks deep into her chest, the Femme Commander freezes. Unnaturally. The moment of impact, the reeling from the damage to be caused, the anguish stays frozen on her face, trapped in time. The Global Pose Tracker marks that Cybertronian Transport Tanker has 'skipped' her action for this round. There's the sound of loud speakers coming from atop the wall, a thumping bass line announcing that there's reinforcements inbound. Only it's not the usual suspect, no yellow and red tape-hauler this time. No..Jazz appears atop the wall running at full speed, the white and blue spy meister coming into view at precisely the moment that Elita is stabbed by Shockwave and hoisted into the air by the Decepticon sub commander. "Elita, NOOOO!!!!" he cries out as he runs, but it's far too late, the pink femme has already fallen victim to the dastardly Shockwave's plan. Jazz never slows down. He runs along the wall and then leaps off, his hand morphing into the grappling hook and firing his hook towards the further of the two cannons, grappling onto it as he swings down towards Shockwave..towards where Elita is held up in the air above him. He'd like to deliver a massive kick to Shockwave's one-eyed head on the way by, but it's too important to get Elita and get her evacced to safety. He catches the femme with his free hand just at the bottom of his swing, pulling up and reeling his grappling line as he tries to curve towards Horsepower and the other medical types..the fastest source of help for Elita. He sticks the landing with Elita tossed over his shoulder, running all out to reach Horsepower, "Hoss! Ya gotta do somethin'!" Swoop looks up as Shockwave claims victory over Elita One. That is...certainly not a good thing. He looks about on the battlefield to get a quick survey of who is tangled up with whom, and the distraction costs him as something (was that a mosquito?) slaps him, and the wolf rips into him. "Swoop done with puppy..." He looks down at Sixshot, transforming again. "Swoop see better fighter to fight." Yes, that is precisely his reason for doing this... This being literally trying to pull a Blitzwing and hurl Sixshot into Shockwave. "Swoop come to break you, One-Eye!" Swoop transforms into his Robot Pteranodon mode. Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Armored Cyber Wolf with his Silly Sixshot dogs can't fly! Area attack! Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Shockwave with his Silly Sixshot dogs can't fly! Area attack! The Global Pose Tracker marks that Jazz has 'skipped' his action for this round. Rodimus Prime has arrived. Crusade pushes himself upright with a groan, still smarting from the laser fire. He makes a mental note to get Blast Off back for that one, but for now, he's got bigger - no, wait, in this case he's got smaller fish to fry. "You Decepticons are all the same," he hisses. "Nothing but big egos and bigger mouths, with nothing to back it up." He starts trying to climb to his feet, but Blast Off's assault sends a shudder through the structure, which in turn, sends a shudder through him. The last place he wants to be is up on top of a wall that might collapse beneath him. Crusade leaves Americon where he is and makes for the stairs, seeking solid ground. Combat: Crusade takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop think this bad..." Halo goes to work at the top of the wall once Pik has the sphere in place. She taps her temple, red shades sliding over her optics for a recon HUD information feed. "Hrm. Elita's been stabbed. Rather unexpected." She glances at Pik. "I didn't say stop working, Pik. I'd much rather us prevent additional stabbings." Smoke belchs from the weapon as the overclocking starts to get to it... and then Bludgeon throws a flaming ball of electrity into the upper reachs of the wall. It slams brightly against the engineer's chassis, sending arcs crackling about like a minature storm as Horsepower staggers back from the attack and drops to one knee. The blast also makes it impossible to hear the cursing he's doing, at both the attack and at the news that Elita just took a big one. Good thing Jazz was able to at least grab her. With a snarl he lifts himself back up to the wall, ignoring the system feedbacks he's getting from the electrical surges. "Get her... out of the line.. of fire..." he manages to weeze in response to Jazz. He forces himself to his feet. Gotta make sure Jazz has a chance to get clear with Elita.... Gotta make sure that Con near the walls doesn't get in the way of the rescue. Bracing himself, he pulls down his shoulder launcher with one hand. With the other he pulls out a large rocket-propelled shell, and shoves it into the breech. Lock, load. Braces one large foot against the wall, snarling at the samurai down below. There's no witty remarks, just the scream of a experimental munition being fired at the Pretender. Combat: Horsepower strikes Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior with the Horsepower-forged Subsystem Disruptor Shell attack! Combat: Horsepower's attack has shocking and traumatic effects on Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior . Sixshot slams into Shockwave but the Decepticon commander doesn't fall on the ground. He just drops to one knee but he's soon back on his feet. As he looks for the source of the attack. That's the moment Jazz chooses to attempt to rescue Elita. Well that's too late. Optimus would have done better. He simply watches Jazz without interfering, after all it's too late. The purple cyclop decides to take a moment to fix the damage he received so far. Combat: Shockwave sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Shockwave quickly patches up some of his minor injuries. <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Get her to cover, Ah can't do nuttin' for her in middle of a firefight!" <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop break ugly one while Autobots do rescue." <Autobot> Jazz huffs, "She ain' exactly what I'd call sports-car-light!" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Okay, anyone else need fixing?!" Armored Cyber Wolf gets thrown into Shockwave and slams hard...He watches the dinobot taking to the air..."Yeah I can do that too." The wolf breaks into a run and unfolds his wings taking off but that is not enough. The sixchanger feels the need...the need for speed. He changes into a sleek starfighter and takes off after the dinobot. A few moments to adjust...targeting reticule settles onto the dinobot. A quick shot just to annoy and see if he lets go of Shockwave... With the classic transformation sound, Sixshot leaps up changing into his Starfighter mode. Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter strikes Robot Pteranodon with his disruptor attack! Combat: Swoop uses up some of his Swoop's Second Wind shield booster! Patriotic Cassette pops out of tape mode, not doubt having done TREMENDOUS damage to Swoop, into eagle mode, chasing after the friendly neighborhood Jazz as he swings away. "Actually, Jazz," he says, birdie optics narrowed, "I was thinking that he's gotta do nothing... BUT DIE!" And he proceeds to fire a veritable storm of rockets after Jazz, even though he seemed to imply he was going to attack Horsepower, which is not the case. One-liners are hard. Americon's robot legs pop out metallic feather-like objects as they and his lower torso split apart, also revealing an eagle head. The arms and robot head join the main body, and his guns convert into tail feathers and rocket launchers. Americon is now a bald eagle! Combat: Robotic Bald Eagle strikes Jazz with his Rockets' Red Glare attack! Combat: Critical Hit! Bludgeon is engulfed in the blastwave as Horsepower's rocket detonates at his ground zero. Cracks break along his armored o-yoroi, smoldering from the damage he's taking, but the samurai doesn't stop. He doesn't back down. His internal systems stagger, desperately trying to compensate for the Autobot's assault, his inner mechanics disrupted but not defeated. The samurai extends one fist straight up, towards the sky, the opens his hand. Power begins to slowly course through him, channeling upwards towards his open gauntlet. The air pressure around him drops, magnetic currents arcing out from his armor, electrifying the ground. Rocks and debris all begin to hover up off the ground as lightning begins to gather and form in the samurai's hand. The power crackles, increasing in magnitude, doubling and then tripling, until the sphere of energy is roaring. Bludgeon closes his hand around the sphere of power, gripping it fiercely in his fist. The power instantly reaches its zenith, threatening to tear the samurai's hand asunder but Bludgeon overpowers it. He spins, thrusting his hand upwards towards Horsepower, unleashing the sphere of crackling energy. It spirals through the air, ringed shockwaves unleashed in its wake as it seeks out its hapless target. Combat: Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior strikes Horsepower with his Power Blast (Laser) attack! Having done her part to help the GLORIOUS DECEPTICON EMPIRE, Outrider transforms back to root mode, and takes cover behind a pile of robot bodies. (At least they're Autobot corposes,) she thinks. (AAAUGH DEAD AUTOBOTS THEY MIGHT HAVE ROBO GERMS!!!) she thinks immediately after, and gets out some antiseptic, spraying frantically. The six-wheeled transport tanker unfolds into the form of Outrider. Combat: Outrider takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] <Autobot> Jazz says, "Hoss, get Elita outta here.. I'm gonna teach tha' one eyed reject from tha calculator factry a lesson!" Space Shuttle slams some shots into that wall, then notices Crusade down there on the ground. Heh, yes, where Autofools belong. His pauses to take aim at the groundpounder again. <> And he fires off a shot. Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Crusade with his You can't run you can't hide (Laser) attack! <Autobot> Rodimus Prime says, "I have a better idea, Jazz." If there's one thing I know.... Robot Pteranodon gets laid into by Sixshot, and turns to glare at the now-airborne threat as laser fire lances into him. He whirls around to get some speed under his wings as he studies the scene below. Shockwave is patching himself up, Jazz is getting pelted, and Sixshot is like a fly that won't leave him alone... Swoop suddenly snaps his wings open to break his flight, pivoting on a wingtip and planting himself firmly in Sixshot's trajectory to unleash a gout of flame in the schizophrenic mech's path. In an endless war, it always seems the bastards live the longest, and the best Bots seem to be destined to die. But there are always new forces able and willing to pick up the fight. The main blast doors of Retoris open again, the heavy metal groaning for a moment as reinforcements show up. A large red and yellow winnebago roars onto the battlefield, smoke and dust in its wake. <> The figure transforms, fire igniting underneath his wheels, sending him rocketing upward, the trailer disappearing behind him. Everything comes to a pause as the mech is in midair. A splash card announces his name RODIMUS PRIME! The Autobot Commander slams to the ground with authority, one fist onto the ground, the other holding his photon eliminator. < Combat: Robot Pteranodon sets his defense level to Fearless. <Decepticon> Outrider eeees! "IT'S THE EVIL TERRORIST COMMANDER HIMSELF!" Combat: Robot Pteranodon strikes Twin-Gunned Starfighter with his Cooked Bug! attack! <Decepticon> Blaster says, "Your. Mom." <Decepticon> Blast Off sighs, though at whom is debatable. <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Not you again." The Global Pose Tracker marks that Rodimus Prime has 'skipped' his action for this round. Arcee arrives from the Lobby - Debris. Arcee has arrived. <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Her mom is not a terrorist, take that back!" <Decepticon> Chopshop says, "Terrible name for a rank" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "TAKE THIS EVIL TERRORIST! " Crusade steps away from the wall, relieved that he's no longer in danger of falling from its height - and takes a laser blast square in the chest. Again, it's from Blast Off. "I should've put you in the scrapyard when I had the chance!" Crusade yells up at the space shuttle. "You want to fight? Get down here and fight instead of running around up there like a coward!" He raises his rifle and returns fire at Blast Off. <Decepticon> Sixshot says, "Usually I stick to the big names but you Blaster. Just because you annoy...I will find you...and I will kill you." Combat: Crusade strikes Space Shuttle with his Best Friend Rifle attack! <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon yells over the sounds of musical cat meows, "Yeah! And your tapes are LAME!" Jazz is doing his best to get Elita One onto Horsepower to haul off, because the spy Meister is seething..Jazz doesn't actually get 'angry' often, and even when he does he doesn't lose his cool. He's angry, and it looks like he's got plans that involve much pain for someone. Despite the fact that Americon blows a hole clean through his left shoulder, Jazz doesn't even have the decency to stagger from the hit. "Hoss, get'r outta here!" he says as soon as he's tossed her onto the bed. He's taking things out of compartments before Rodimus shows up on scene and starts issuing orders..leaving the meister to put his bombs away for the moment. "I'm coverin' ya Hoss, get ta safety!" he calls out as he transforms. Spinning to face the front of his Porsche form towards the Decepticon line's he throws it in reverse, backing away covering Horsepower's withdrawal as his grill starts to pump out light and his speakers start to thrum and pulse, "Clear ya dance cards Decepticreeps, cause the big man's takin' the floor!" Falling forward, Jazz's arms and legs pull in and his head recedes as he shifts into the form of the high performance Porsche 935 Turbo. Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo sets his defense level to Fearless. <Decepticon> Outrider says, "And icky old Blaster you take this too! " Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo strikes Robotic Bald Eagle with his *wub wub wub THOOOOOOMMMMMM* Area attack! Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo strikes Space Shuttle with his *wub wub wub THOOOOOOMMMMMM* Area attack! Combat: Secondary Damage! Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo strikes Shockwave with his *wub wub wub THOOOOOOMMMMMM* Area attack! Combat: Secondary Damage! Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo strikes Outrider with his *wub wub wub THOOOOOOMMMMMM* Area attack! Combat: Secondary Damage! Combat: Porsche 935 Turbo strikes Twin-Gunned Starfighter with his *wub wub wub THOOOOOOMMMMMM* Area attack! Halo walks over to the sphere, running a finger along the top almost lovingly. A small datapad unlocks, and she taps a code. Suddenly, with a classic sound, the sphere transforms into... Well, something ridiculous. What can be described as a massive spider turret transforms on top of the Retoris Wall, sleeves of sleek looking white and magenta rockets unfolding down the spider's legs. Halo herself is seated on a nice looking sporty seat in the center. "Now then. Let's do some damage." Halo drops Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network. Horsepower isn't exactly what you would call a hapless target. He's just not bothering to try and move, instead standing his ground even as the skull-faced freak throws attacks at him again and again. The pulse blast hits with enough power behind it to impact his chest, crushing the cab that composes it inward. But at that point, Horsepower doesn't even spare the samurai-mech another glare; he just turns in the other direction as Jazz approaches. He's got another job to do. A more important one. Once Jazz is here and the fighting is left behind them he drops down into his vehicle mode so Elita can be put on his back. "Go give 'em all hell, sahr," is all he says to the Meister. Smoke hisses from his stacks as pops gears and starts trucking out of the main firefight. Combat: Halo sets her defense level to Fearless. Horsepower drops his bulk to the pavement, converting into a modified wrecker rig. Halo says, "Activing DAAAMN!" Combat: Cyberpunk Wrecker Rig sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Halo strikes Shockwave with the Halo-forged Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network Area attack! Combat: Halo strikes Outrider with the Halo-forged Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network Area attack! Combat: Halo strikes Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior with the Halo-forged Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network Area attack! <Autobot> Jazz says, "I still got thah big bomb I was savin' for ol' Overlord if ya wanna send Shockwave home in a radio shack box boss!" The Global Pose Tracker marks that Cyberpunk Wrecker Rig has 'skipped' his action for this round. <Autobot> Rodimus Prime says, "Do it. I want them to remember this defeat as they're soldering themselves together. This is the start of the turning point, Bots. We blunt the assault here. now. I want to see mufflers and rotors in motion." <Autobot> Jazz says, "Tha's jus what I wanna hear! All righ' someone get me a read on ol' purple plinker! I need a targettin' solution, fin' me a weak point to slap a shaped charge on an le's see how big a hole it blows!" <Autobot> Arcee says, "Affirmative..." When did Arcee arrive? It's hard to say in the chaos, but she quietly...appears there in the crowd of fighters, shortly after Elita is downed. She sends requested telemetry data to Jazz... Combat: Arcee takes extra time to assist Porsche 935 Turbo's next attack. Shockwave is hit hard by the sonic attacks and for a moment he struggles to keep his balance. He's about to manage with when he's struck by the attack of a piece of artillery and knocked down. Slowly, he emerges from the hole in the ground left by the explosion and finds himself face to face with Rodimus Prime. "You come too late Prime." Shockwave quickly raises his cannon and fires at the Autobot leader. But is he REALLY shooting who he thinks he's shooting? Combat: Shockwave's Arm Cannon Blast attack on Rodimus Prime goes wild! Combat: Shockwave strikes Space Shuttle with his Arm Cannon Blast (Laser) attack! Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter sets his defense level to Protected. Twin-Gunned Starfighter gets momentarily distracted by Jazz's light show...playing tricks with damaged components and IFF...friends and enemies blinking on and off the radar. Better not take any chance and shoot everything. The starfighter's guns switch into rapid fire mode and open up on the Autobots with pinpoint accuracy given it's beams and not shells being lobbed or anything. Bludgeon is surrounded by war on all sides. Decepticons and Autobots unleashing everything upon one another. Lives shattered, destroyed, dying all around him as both sides suffer and vie against each other. Lasers, blasts, missiles.. they all race and scream and roar past him, but Bludgeon sees none of this. He blocks everything out. All the noise. All the chaos. Even Horsepower is lost, forgotten, no longer worthy to devote his efforts. The samurai is wounded, his armor is cracked and smoldering, but none of that matters. Only the fight matters. Only his honor matters. Even Jazz's massive sensory assault is ignored, though more acccidental than purposeful. The samurai locks his sights on Rodimus. Ignoring the damage to his armor, ignoring his disrupted internal systems, ignoring everything else except the one thing that matters. Rodimus Prime. Bludgeon draws his blade, holding it at his side. A harsh wind blows through the battlefield, several metal cherry blossoms dance among its embrace, carried on the breeze past Bludgeon, past Rodimus. The samurai points his sword at the Autobot Prime, his skullmask breaking apart, forming a jagged tooth-filled black maw. "Rodimus!" He calls out, voice reverberating. "I challenge you! Face me, with all of your strength, with all of your power, with everything you have! Face me, or fall forever!" Bludgeon accelerates into a surge of raw, power. His skullmask's jagged maw opens, roaring out a battlerage. The samurai blurs, streaking forward to strike with everything ounce of his power and strength. There's a flash of light, then Bludgeon comes to a halt directly past Rodimus and delivered his stroke, hit or miss. Directly behind Rodimus, the extension of Bludgeon's stroke suddenly cleaves the ground, sundering the earth itself in its wake. Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter 's Hypersonic Concussion Blaster attack on Crusade goes wild! Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter strikes Robotic Bald Eagle with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter 's Hypersonic Concussion Blaster attack on Porsche 935 Turbo goes wild! Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter strikes Robotic Bald Eagle with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter 's Hypersonic Concussion Blaster attack on Robot Pteranodon goes wild! Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter strikes Shockwave with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter 's Hypersonic Concussion Blaster attack on Rodimus Prime goes wild! Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter misses Outrider with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -4] Robotic Bald Eagle drops down behind Jazz into robot mode. "Sorry, Jazz, but the only floor you'll be taking is the BOTTOM FLOOR--" He whips out his Americannon and aims it at the Porsche's rear fender. "--because you're going DOWN!" However, Jazz had just kicked in his light and sound show, and the already dangerous Americannon is soon waving around the entire battlefield. "Uhhhh... uhhhhh..." BZOOOOSH! Watch out, Blast Off! Oh and then Americon is blasted into the freaking air as Sixshot nails him twice! Americon undergoes a patriotic transformation into his All-American robot mode! Combat: Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior strikes Rodimus Prime with his Mono-molecular Edge Katana attack! Combat: Americon's Americannon attack on Porsche 935 Turbo goes wild! Combat: Americon strikes himself with his Americannon attack! Americon had somehow ended up pointing the thing at his own head. It's sort of like when a Looney Tunes character gets blasted by a shotgun, except instead of just getting his face blackened, his *entire head gets blown off*. He stumbles around, arms waving about. "Ow my friggin' ears!" Outrider shouts like a redheaded Flanders child. She covers her audials just long enough to get hit by Halo's explosives, sending her flying forward into the dirt. "Scraplets! Dirty scraplets!" she curses as she gets back up. Surveying the battlefield for the injured, she notices Americon's head go rolling away from his body. Gasping in horror, she stumbles forward to scoop it up and try to get to his body to weld it back on. Combat: Outrider quickly patches up some of Americon's minor injuries. <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Let 'em have it guys. Ah'm gettin' Lita outta here" Space Shuttle takes his shot at Crusade, but then the Autobot shoots back- and HITS again. Ok, this is getting old. < Unfortunately for him, at that moment Jazz unleashes another one of his big light shows- and the Combaticon can't shut off his sensors in time. "Gah!" Suddenly he's blinded, wobbling through the air and working to maintain control. It distracts him, but he is determined to WIN. Combaticons have been beat down too much lately... it's time to start reminding people why they are a force to be reckoned with. And it's NOT just Bruticus... he and the others worked togther as feared mercenaries long before Bruticus was even a glimmer in Starscream's optic.... Suddenly a stray shot hits him, and he nearly loses control again, rocketing downwards as smoke billows out.... <> He suddenly realizes the "idiot" is Shockwave. Slag. Slaggity slaggity slagged slagging SLAG. Ok, Crusade- You're going DOWN!!! He fires that shot before anything ELSE happens!!! <Autobot> Swoop says, "Okay!" Combat: Space Shuttle 's SLAGGING SLAG SLAG attack on Crusade goes wild! Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior with his SLAGGING SLAG SLAG attack! [Pulled -6] Rodimus Prime scowls at Bludgeon. He's had to deal with the gloryseeker before, and this wasn't the time or the place for it. Still, he had the courtesy to confront the Prime faceplate to hideous faceplate. He glares, his free hand clenching "Not in the mood, Bludgeon!" He turns to face the samurai as he is blitzed past. Only after the incident ends, with Bludgeon flicking energon off of his blade, and the scar of metal earth beneath him revealed, does Rodimus grunt in pain, holding his side. "Alright, I tried to be generous." He shoulders his gun, meeting melee with melee. "You pretentious..." Rodimus lunges forwards, burying his fist into the Pretender's chest. "two-faced." After doubling the samurai over his fist, those nearby can actually hear his other hand tighten, metal scraping metal as he bawls up his other hand, "pandering anime addict!" He cuts loose, as Bludgeon asked, putting a little extra pepper on his punch to the Pretender's head! Combat: Rodimus Prime sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Rodimus Prime strikes Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior with his You're no Samurai Jack! attack! [Pulled -2] Robot Pteranodon watches the chaos and carnage unfold below and is, momentarily, stunned. So much so he doesn't even notice Rodimus tromp onto the stage to start laying waste to everyone. He blinks... blinks again...and by the time he realizes he's supposed to keep shooting, he's overshot the battlefield. Turning about, the dinobot lets out a loud laugh and is, for the most part, terribly pleased that this has turned out so incredibly entertaining. "HAHA! Look them silly Decepticons not know who to shoot! Swoop hope Autobots have camera to share." He starts working his way back into proper fighting range... Combat: Robot Pteranodon sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Robot Pteranodon takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] The chaos...ohhh the chaos he has wrought! Jazz can't help but admire the misfires and explosions all over the place as the confused enemy goes crazy. And then, his radio crackles! Oh heck yeah! Got the clear to go from goldilocks and Jazz is roarin' for action! Hot on the heals of pumping out the debilitating audiovisual assault on the Decepticon lines, Jazz throws it from reverse to forward, tearing towards the front lines again. Transforming as he goes he pulls one of his shaped charges out of a compartment, slapping an overcharged energon pack onto the back of it. His speakers change over, pumping and pulsing as he charges. <<>> Jazz gets telemetry from his CO, grinning as his own systems translate it and highlite the weakness in Shockwave's armor. His grappling hook shoots out and hooks a Seeker flying behind Shockwave, catching it and using it to reel himself in and accelerate, finally coming airborn as he's almost to Shockwave. "Package fer Crockwave, courtesy Elita One!" he cries out as he slams the shaped charge into place and somersaults overtop of Shockwave, landing and detonating it on the other side. The rear of the Porsche 935 Turbo splits apart as it lifts up from the ground, standing up into the form of Jazz! <Decepticon> Blast Off says, "Outrider.... You said you have... repair capabilities?" <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Yes I do sir!" <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Bludgeon, I don't think he believes you're a real American ninja!" <Decepticon> Blast Off says, "I hate to say this but.... I need your assistance." Combat: Jazz strikes Shockwave with the Torque-forged this is supposed to sting...a lot attack! Combat: Critical Hit! Combat: Jazz uses up a charge on his Potent Energon Pack booster pack! Combat: Jazz's attack leaves him temporarily incapacitated! <Decepticon> Outrider says, "I'm happy to help sir!" <Decepticon> Blast Off says, "Very well... I shall land shortly." <Autobot> Rodimus Prime says, "That's showing him, Jazz!" The sight of Decepticons shooting each other is a glorious one to behold. Crusade laughs heartily. "Best aim EVER! Watch, this is how you're supposed to do it..." Combat: Crusade misses Space Shuttle with his Best Friend Rifle attack! The din of the fighting is fading behind him. As much as Horsepower hates to leave the other Autobots to fight, getting Elita One to medical before the vital wound she took becomes a fatal one. Dark Energon poisoning was -not- a laughing matter. A squadron of Seekers, looking for an easy target, spot the truck hauling the mortally wounded femme away. "Not so fast Autoscum!" They swoop in and transform, dropping in front of the truck with their arm-cannons raised. "NOT IN THE SLAGGING MOOD!" If they expected a medic with wounded to be an easy target, they were sorely mistaken. Smoke beltchs out of stacks and engine ROARS as instead of stopping at the threat, Horsepower slams the pedal all the way to the floor. "GET THE FRAG OFFA -MY- ROAD!" And the spiked, plow-bearing wrecker truck just SLAMS through the would-be interference. Horsepower doesn't even bother slowing down to count how many Seeker parts are raining down about the road, he's trucking it straight for Iacon without looking back. Combat: Cyberpunk Wrecker Rig begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Robot Pteranodon , Space Shuttle , Twin-Gunned Starfighter , and Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network Arcee scrambles over to one of the defense turrets, and climbs inside. Are they fueled up? -- She's about to find out! There's a beeping sound as the neutron cannons power up, and come to bear on...Outrider. Because, why not target the medic? If Arcee learned one important thing from Prowl, it was that. Combat: Arcee misses Outrider with Retoris Defenses 's Targeting the Medic attack! <Autobot> Jazz says, "Onl' prollem is now I'm a sittin' duck..totes worth it!" <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop can help. But think them Decepticons running." Shockwave is struck by Sixshot's attack but it barely dents his armor. Then when he finally manages to shake the effect of Jazz's attack off. If he's bothered by what he did to Blast Off, he doesn't show it. He has more urgent matters to attend because Rodimus Prime is really here and another femme just showed off. However he's not worrying about the right opponent because Jazz detonates some kind of device that wreck havocs with his armor. Flames are still coming out of holes in his back when Shockwave turns around and launches his fist towards the Autobot spy. Combat: Shockwave strikes Jazz with his Cold Fist of Logic attack! <Autobot> Rodimus Prime says, "I'm going to take direct control of the weapon systems here, and take over coordination, the Cons are starting to shake up, we need to ensure nothing gets through." <Autobot> Arcee says, "You need the turret cannon, Rod?" Bludgeon asks for the Prime, and he gets the Prime. Rodimus's fist collides into Bludgeon's skull-mask, a shockwave of power coursing violently through the samurai. His skull-mask cracks, his armor splinters, his internal systems fracture, all from the force of the blow. The world stops. For a single brief moment, there is light, beautiful white light. There is no pain, no suffering, no war. There is no noise. There are no cries of the wounded, of the dead, of the enraged. There are no Autobots and there are not Decepticons. Not even a confused shot from Blast Off. Only beautiful white light.. And then the light shatters, and the world is nothing but pain. The punch reels Bludgeon, hitting him so hard that his pretender shell SHATTERS from the force of it, disintegrating into a million pinpoints of light. Rodimus punches him right out. Of. His. Shell. He's hurled, end over end, straight back through the forcefield, straight into another tankcon with a resounding CRASH, even knocking the other tank right off its treads. Bludgeon is stunned, leveled from the Prime's attack and the temporary destruction of his pretender shell. Skull-Faced Samurai Warrior transforms into his Robot mode. Combat: Bludgeon begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Shockwave, Robot Pteranodon , Jazz, Space Shuttle , Rodimus Prime, Twin-Gunned Starfighter , Arcee, Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network, and Cyberpunk Wrecker Rig <Decepticon> Sixshot says, "Status?" Space Shuttle ...is getting mad now. Decepticons are getting hit left and right by their own forces... and he's hurting. That last shot by Shockwave slammed him hard and then he hits Bludgeon in turn. *siiigh* As before, the Combaticon sniper is embarrassed at the exceptionally poor shot. Trailing energon and smoke, he radios Outrider for assistance. Starting to shift elevons and head downward, he catches sight of Crusade trying to take another shot at him. The shuttle finally finds some more of his usual dodginess (sorely lacking in this battle so far) and evades the hit. Perhaps the knowledge that he can't take too many more. <> He'd love to shoot back, but he has an appointment to keep... The Combaticon transforms and lands near Outrider, looking at her a bit... dubiously. This isn't just some new crazy plot of hers to get close to a Decepticon officer, is it? "Are you... SURE you can actually repair people? As in... actually *qualified to practice medicine?"" Blast Off shifts into his battle-ready robot mode. Combat: Blast Off sets his defense level to Protected. <Decepticon> Former Senator Americon says, "Terrible, I think!" Rodimus Prime scoffs at Bludgeon, "That's all you've got" He draws his sidearm, blasting a hole through several aggressive tankcons as he pulls back to Retoris proper. He winces inwardly at Shockwave's assault on Jazz, and cracks off a few shots at the one-armed mech, though none connect. < Rodimus Prime steps back into the city, then bolts for the command center, he can do more good there for now, though it distresses him to see Jazz damaged so quickly again... <Autobot> Rodimus Prime says, "negative, Arcee. Keep on that gun and send Shockwave packing!" <Decepticon> Shockwave says, "At this stage our chances of breaching the wall are 43.234%." Americon has his head welded back on... but it's still got the cyberskin melted off, revealing the metal framework underneath. "Thanks, lady!" he says as his head lists over to one side unnaturally before he straightens it out. "I have my eagle mode head, too, but I still like this one!" As the neutron cannons begin shooting at everyone, Americon decides to help by hovering towards and shooting back! "However is in there, I'm coming to crash through the windows and grab your face!" Combat: Americon strikes Retoris Defenses with his Red White and Blue Lasers attack! Twin-Gunned Starfighter flies down and transforms into robot mode landing near Shockwave. Twitch of the wrists pull out his two Hypersonic Concussion Rifles from subspace. He finally turned off his targeting system because of the confusing episode a few seconds ago. He shoots a few Autobots here and there. With the classic transformation sound, Sixshot unfolds into his menacing robot mode. Combat: Sixshot strikes Robot Pteranodon with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Swoop uses up some of his Swoop's Second Wind shield booster! Combat: Sixshot strikes Crusade with his Hypersonic Concussion Blaster Area attack! [Pulled -2] Outrider dives behind that pile of Autobot corpses again, risking ... well who knows what. Autobots interface so freely, they probably have everything from Crotch Rust to Galactirrhea. The defensive turrets miss her and blow body parts everywhere. She shutters. So. Much. Cooties. Standing up and wiping herself off with cleansing rags, she salutes *immediately* as Blast Off lands nearby. "HUH? WHAT WAS THAT SIR? I'M SORRY MY AUDIALS ARE STILL RINGING A BIT." She gets out her tools from the oversized backpack behind her. "NOW JUST STAND STILL FOR ME FOR A SECOND, THIS SHOULDN'T HURT AS MUCH AS IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE I WILL." Shehe lunges at Blast Off to ensure he stays put for repairs. Combat: Outrider quickly patches up some of Blast Off's minor injuries. Robot Pteranodon is getting back into the fray just quickly enough that Sixshot is able to ping him, but that only serves to draw the Dinobot's attention towards the Hexabot, and out whips his sword again as he transforms. This time, though, he's deliberate about dropping into the fray head-first to keep pushing against the offensive. "When Swoop say Decepticons leave, Decepticons should leave." He carries the momentum of his flight straight into piledriving the blade towards his adversary. "Swoop not think Puppy last long now." Robot Pteranodon transforms into his Robot mode. Jazz landed perfectly on the other side of the smoking wreck of a robot that is Shockwave, unfortunately, he doesn't have time to get moving again before the giant purple punisher turns around and pummels him with the plum piston of perfidy itself. Jazz staggers under the strength of that blow, his chestplate heavily dented and his torso throwing some sparks from how hard Shockwave planted the shot. Jazz knows he's not the front line warrior, and he takes the opportunity of the Decepticon movement nearby to dance out of Shockwave's vicinity and head back for the Autobot lines, moving right behind a Seeker and using the Decepticon as a springboard to jump over the front lines and get back to position. "Wooo! Tha' was a blast!" he quips as he takes a more defended location, turning around and looking for targets, snapping off a couple of quick shots at Blast Off while the shuttleformer is down getting repairs. "Ain' no way I'm lettin' ya get patched back up!" Combat: Swoop strikes Sixshot with his Shish-ke-dog! attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Jazz sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Jazz strikes Blast Off with his *pew pew* attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Critical Hit! Arcee continues gunning for Outrider. Her optics narrow as she sees the other femme patching up Blast Off. She's not the happiest camper at the moment; Elita's very likely deceased with the shot she took...and Rod just lala'ed off the field like he used to back in the good old days. "Pssht. C'mon..." She pulls a lever, slams the palm of her hand down on the control panel, and the area near Outrider is suddenly lit up again in a loud and messy barrage of artillery fire. Combat: Arcee strikes Outrider with Retoris Defenses 's Artillery Barrage attack! <Autobot> Horsepower says, "Sassafraggin' slaggin' dark energon... Ah.. dunno for sure what Ah can do for her... but it'll be everythin' Ah can." Crusade had been so focused on that missed shot at Blast Off that he doesn't even notice Sixshot firing at him. He falls to a knee, wincing - that stung! - but doesn't stay down for long. His rifle vanishes into subspace and with a soft whir of gears, his armblades extend. Crusade sets his sights upon Sixshot and charges at him, slashing at the Decepticon's chest once he's close enough. Chop chop! Combat: Crusade strikes Sixshot with his Armblades attack! Outrider does her best to repair Blast Off, but it's all in vain - not only does Blast Off get shot right in front of her eyes, but as she scrambles to try to fix him again, she, too, is struck in the back. She whimpers faintly, trying to shake off the pain, giving the shuttle a hopeful, pained little smile. "I'm sorry sir... I... I tried! You'd better get out of here before you get hurt any more. We can't afford to lose officer, but we *can* afford to lose a gumby medic like me!" Brave words said, she runs across the battlefield towards Shockwave, tools in hand, and leaps over a pile of debris to make good on her function. Combat: Outrider quickly recalibrates Shockwave's internal systems. Right after smacking Jazz, Shockwave takes a moment to survey the battleground. A quick assessment of the situation leads him to the only logical conclusion. This only takes him a moment, but that's enough to allow Outrider to recalibrate his systems. Once her work is completed, the military commander jumps into the air and transforms into his dreaded space-gun alt-mode. He rises into the air as the energy builds up inside him and once he's ready, he unleashes hell on the Autobots below. Shockwave leaps into the air and transforms into his space gun mode. Sixshot gets stabbed by Swoop and it hurts! However the stab makes him momentarily freeze which makes an easy target for Crusade who also carves him up good. By now the hud is scrolling with a bunch of error messages and warnings. Multiple modes have been compromised or downright unusuable. There is no chance of fighing off the dinobot and the fresh guy. The sixchanger hopes Swoop holds onto his sword tight and kicks him in the chest hoping this will send the dinobot tumbling back and get the blade out at the same time. Sixshot takes off and transforms into his starfighter mode and leaves the area. With the classic transformation sound, Sixshot leaps up changing into his Starfighter mode. Combat: Twin-Gunned Starfighter begins retreating, outrunning all pursuit. Combat: Space Gun sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Space Gun strikes Jazz with his Explosive Gamma Ray Area attack! Combat: Space Gun strikes Arcee with his Explosive Gamma Ray Area attack! Combat: Space Gun strikes Swoop with his Explosive Gamma Ray Area attack! Combat: Space Gun strikes Retoris Defenses with his Explosive Gamma Ray Area attack! Combat: Critical Hit! Americon remembers that he doesn't have piledrivers, so instead he transforms and wraps his wings around the viewing ports of the gun turrets. "HAHA! Can't shoot what you can't SEE, Autobozo!" Americon's robot legs pop out metallic feather-like objects as they and his lower torso split apart, also revealing an eagle head. The arms and robot head join the main body, and his guns convert into tail feathers and rocket launchers. Americon is now a bald eagle! Combat: Robotic Bald Eagle strikes Arcee with his O' Say Can You See attack! [Pulled -3] Blast Off looks over at Outrider just as she.... gets this LOOK in her optics, and... LUNGES right at him! The Combaticon's optics open wide and he stumbles back, but it's too late- she grabs him and starts working on those repairs- whether he likes this or not. "Ow! Get OFF me!" He flails, and finally gains freedom again after some repairs have been done- only to get waylaid by a shot from Jazz! "Ahhh!" he stumbles back from that, then turns to glare at the Autobot... who dared SNIPE the SNIPER. Then to add insult to injury, Arcee shoots Outrider. Miserable Autobot wretches! Outrider speaks to him, and he glances back to her, blinking at her expression. "Uh..." As she runs off, he glances back to Jazz, then to her and says, "No, you... provided assistance. You did well. Continue." Then finally his attention is focused back on Jazz again. Optics glare, and he raises his ionic blaster. "Nice try, but you'll regret that..." Swoop gets struck rather solidly by Shockwave and sent back into the wall with an audible 'oomph', but he does get a chance to look up in time to watch Sixshot take off running with his tail between his legs! The Dinobot lets out a loud cheer and even takes a quick potshot after before turning his attention to Shockwave. Right then, one big baddie down, one more to go. He raises his blaster and squeezes the trigger... Only to watch nothing happen. Swoop looks at the blaster incredulously before tossing it aside. "This why swords better..." Combat: Swoop takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Blast Off strikes Jazz with his Sniper SNIPES BACK (Laser) attack! Combat: Arcee sets her defense level to Aggressive. Jazz appears to do nothing but bob when he should weave and weave when he should bob this day. He ducks down behind a wrecked Seeker body and gets obliterated by Shockwave's gamma radiation bombardment..and unfortunately, Jazz just doesn't have a hulk in him. He staggers back, body smoking and crackling from the massive damage, only to get plinked by Blast Off as well, and worse yet Blast Off shoots him right through the left leg! It's like taking an arrow to the knee, and Jazz drops to one knee as the leg buckles. He'd say some choice words about the situation he's in, only he is too busy trying to haul himself back into something that might resemble cover, diving underneath a blasted up piece of metal terrain and using it to try and catch his breath. Combat: Jazz takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Arcee is feeling a bit better as she sees the medic fall. Yeah, it's petty of her, but she's feeling particularly vindictive. Peering through the gun turret, she sees...a close-up of Americon. "Well, when the slag did this thing stop working?" she remarks in annoyance. She's about to go out and see what happened to her view, because it's mostly dark now for some strange reason -- when suddenly, the entire gun turret gets hit hard by Shockwave's blast, and Arcee gets ousted from her place onto the ground. Righting herself quickly, she begins targeting the giant space gun that just made slagwork out of parts of her armor. No fun talk or trash talk going on here; the whole business with Elita has her in a very somber, all-business mood. Combat: Arcee strikes Space Gun with her Dual Heavy Blaster Pistols attack! Crusade cringes as what must be an incredibly powerful cannon blasts several of his fellow 'Bots. He instinctively searches for cover, and his optics fall upon a pile of rubble conveniently nearby. It'll do for now. He ducks behind the pile of rubble and allows himself a moment of respite. Combat: Crusade takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Space Gun is blasted once again by Retoris' defenses and he's starting to show some serious damage. Still floating in the air, Shockwave moves to get a clear line of fire and then, once again, the energy builds up inside him but this times, he focus it on the defenses. KABOUM Combat: Space Gun strikes Retoris Defenses with his Shoxcannon attack! [Pulled -2] <Autobot> Arcee says, "The perimeter defenses are taking some serious firepower damage from Shockwave." <Autobot> Swoop says, "Swoop working on it..." Outrider, having done her job so far, now makes a concerted effort to regather more supplies for the troops. Best place to do that? The bodies of the fallen. The medic turns scavenger and begins exsanguination of the dead. It's not like THEY'RE going to need it anymore! Combat: Outrider takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] Robotic Bald Eagle , noticing Arcee popping out of the hatch, pops off after her! "It stopped working because you weren't AMERICAN enough!" he yells, swinging a wing at her face. "Also, I knew it! It's my archnemesis, Arcee--the PINKO! Because you are literally pink, therefore you must be EXTRA Communistic!" Combat: Robotic Bald Eagle strikes Arcee with his Wing Punch (Punch) attack! Blast Off spies Jazz heading away and thinks to himself, oh no you don't. The Autobot espionage agent thinks he can just sneak off for a break after shooting at Blast Off while he was getting repaired. Whole lotta NOPE here. He takes one last look at Outrider doing... whatever it is she's doing over there. There are dead bodies, so he wants nothing to do with it- he knows that much. Then he lifts into the air, pursuing Jazz, and takes a shot as soon as he spots the Autobot again. "Turnabout's fair play..." Combat: Blast Off strikes Jazz with his Sniping the sniper that sniped me attack! [Pulled -1] Swoop continues to watch Shockwave, taking flight to start putting some serious hurt on the guy. His other targets all ran off, after all... Checking his sword (which is far better than the blaster that won't shoot for him), he adjusts his grip, building up speed so he can straight up drive the thing right where that one beady little eye should be... Or, as it would best be known in this form, a guess as to where it should be. Either which way, in the eye or not, it's probably going to hurt. Combat: Swoop strikes Space Gun with his Eye don't know where it is. attack! Combat: Critical Hit! "What?!! Ppfffhh!!" Arcee flails as she has some sort of patriotic avian wing-swatting her face. "Oh no, not YOU. And what's wrong with your head?! Seriously, it looks weird," she deadpans, swinging an arm to try to clear her view of the mini-menace. Combat: Arcee misses Robotic Bald Eagle with her Communist Fist Of Lenin (Punch) attack! Jazz thinks, just for a moment, that maybe he's gotten into some decent cover for once. Then a flying jerk takes a pot shot, blasting a hole through Jazz's slightly exposed shoulder, throwing the meister out of the cover completely. "FRAG!" he exclaims, looking like one more good shot is probably going to put him in the ground..and worse yet, he knows he can't outrun the likes of Blast Off and Shockwave.. He pushes himself up into a sort of sitting position, taking a bead on Blast Off and grimacing, "I hope this works.." he says as he dumps the last of his energon charge pack, a gift from a certain pink femme, into the gun and takes aim..pulling the trigger. Combat: Jazz sets his defense level to Fearless. <Decepticon> Shockwave says, "Decepticons. Retreat. Our chance of success dropped to 23.211%. Move back to our positions and maintain the siege on the city." <Decepticon> Outrider says, "Yes sir!" Combat: Jazz strikes Blast Off with his it's a sniper vs sniper hail mary shot cause Jazz is gonna die -again- attack! Combat: Jazz uses up a charge on his Potent Energon Pack booster pack! Crusade catches sight of something moving amongst the fallen. He does a double-take... it's a Decepticon! Looting the dead! A surge of anger burns through him and he readies his rifle, taking aim at Outrider. No warnings, no taunts, nothing but a burst of laser fire. Combat: Crusade strikes Outrider with his Best Friend Rifle attack! [Pulled -2] Space Gun is sliced open by the dinobot's sword. The attack leaves a huge gape in his left side and radiations start to spill from it. <>. Following his own order, Shockwave proceed to fall back. Combat: Space Gun begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network and Robotic Bald Eagle Robotic Bald Eagle 's eagle head sinks back down into his body like a turtle's. "Ha! You missed, little Miss Stalin! And my head is fine, SHUT UP! Kill you later!" And at Shockwave's command, he zips away into the sky! Combat: Robotic Bald Eagle begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Defensive Actively Aggressive Artillery Mobilizing Network Outrider is shot right in the back while she's trying to keep precious resources out of Autobot hands. Ohhhh she has had ENOUGH. She turns around and unslings her rifle (primus help you all) because she is going to shoot herself an Autobot for all this! She'll retreat in a minute Shockwave, but this challenge is just NOT GOING TO GO UNANSWERED! "DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MANNERS YOU AUTOBOT TERRORIST! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! I'M A MEDIC, YOU *SAVAGE*!" Despite leaving herself vunerable to being creamed by doing this, well, she's mad as the pit and she's not going to take it anymore. She doesn't even FIRE the weapon -- she throws it. Yes, she's that bad at this. Combat: Outrider's Improvised Flailing attack on Crusade goes wild! Combat: Outrider misses herself with her Improvised Flailing attack! Outrider throws the weapon, which in turn lodges in debris. It goes off -- right over the top of her head. Blast Off gets shot again, and SLAG that hurts. Pieces of him go flying away (sorry Outrider) nd he gets knocked back. "Aiiigh!!" Energon trickles down his sides now, and a knee servo is busted. Ouch. The Combaticon grimaces under his faceplate, and he's starting to think of a retreat... when Shockwave gives the order anyway. Thank Primus. The Combaticon transforms and follows after the Decepticon leader. Looks like today won't be the day he shows everyone how amazing he is. He does notice that Outrider is still being a buffoon down there, and radios her, <> Blast Off also transforms as he's doing this.... With a disdainful shrug, Blast Off transforms into a space shuttle. Combat: Space Shuttle begins retreating, outrunning all pursuit. Swoop wrenches his sword free in time to watch the giant space gun trundle off to find a holster and his attention returns to the battlefield... How many Decepticons are left? Probably only one... He transforms, swooping down to land in front of Outrider, his optics narrowing in as menacingly a manner as he can manage. "Swoop think you start running now... Swoop be nice, give strange Decepticon head start." His foot starts tapping, as though he's counting... Combat: Swoop takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Swoop transforms into his Robot Pteranodon mode. For his part, Jazz watches the fleeing Decepticons with a relieved expression, using his rifle as a crutch to haul himself to his feet and start heading towards the Autobot lines, looking like slag warmed over. Both legs have been shot, and Blast Off hit the same shoulder as Americon, his left arm all kinds of slagged as he drips energon and heads for the nearest medical facility. "Arcee..that potent energon pack saved mah rear..thanks.." he calls out over the bot radio. Combat: Jazz sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Jazz takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Crusade smirks at the pile of debris where the thrown weapon is lodged. He fixes Outrider with a cold, cold stare, rifle still trained upon her - he's furious beyond words. It seems like he's torn between firing off another round, and letting her flee. Combat: Crusade takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Halo is at Jazz's side fairly quickly, medkit hovering alongside her. "Back to the drawing board on the ordinance, I suppose...Not a lot I can do out here for you, understand...Just making sure your lasercore isn't falling out of your chest more than anything." Combat: Halo quickly patches up some of Jazz's minor injuries. Outrider glares at Swoop. "I am NOT RUNNING from you." She folds her arms, then huffs (!!!) and turns around. "I am obeying orders to retreat. GOT IT? I'm not a coward, I'm FOLLOWING ORDERS. Don't forget that. Not a coward!" She transforms into a transport hauler that raises its defense turrets like an upturned nose as it drives off. Huffing. Aaaaand she totally forgot her own weapon. Oops. Outrider folds up and drops down into the form of a six-wheeled transport tanker. Combat: Arcee sets her defense level to Protected. Arcee pauses to watch the weird cassette-con (why is it always the WEIRD ones find her out in these situations?!) flap away, and then she quickly checks around to see what's going on with the other Autobots. The condition of Retoris' defenses makes her sad but relieved at the same time, because it seemed like only last cycle that she was discussing the fortification of this area with Springer. Truly, the battle has come to their doorstep. When she hears Jazz on the radio, she smiles slightly, giving him a thumbs-up when she spots him. For now? She takes a breather, and tries gathering all the pieces of the broken gun turret together. Combat: Arcee takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass]
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