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| - Class of the Titans
- Class Of The Titans
- Class of the titans
| - Class Of The Titans
- Class of the Titans is an Canadian animated television series created by Brad Goodchild for Teletoon. The series follows the lives of teenagers, assended from Greek Gods and Goddess, who are members from Olympus, and their relationships with their mentors.
- Class of the Titans is a Canadian animated series. Airing in late 2005 and ending in 2008, the series revolves around a group of teenagers who are descendants of figures from Classical mythology-Jason, Hercules, Artemis, Odysseus, Theseus, Achilles and Narcissus.
- Class of the Titans is a Canadian animated television series. It aired between December 31, 2005 and February 8, 2008.
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| - Animation
- Action/Adventure
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No. of episodes
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Main Cast
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| - Class Of The Titans
- Class of the Titans is an Canadian animated television series created by Brad Goodchild for Teletoon. The series follows the lives of teenagers, assended from Greek Gods and Goddess, who are members from Olympus, and their relationships with their mentors.
- Class of the Titans is a Canadian animated series. Airing in late 2005 and ending in 2008, the series revolves around a group of teenagers who are descendants of figures from Classical mythology-Jason, Hercules, Artemis, Odysseus, Theseus, Achilles and Narcissus.
- Class of the Titans is a Canadian animated television series. It aired between December 31, 2005 and February 8, 2008.
is Show
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