Tresspass is a mission in Grand Theft Auto IV given to protagonist Niko Bellic by Phil Bell.
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- Trespass
- Trespass
- Trespass
- Trespass
- Trespass
- Trespass
- Trespass
| - Tresspass is a mission in Grand Theft Auto IV given to protagonist Niko Bellic by Phil Bell.
- Trespass, to piętnasty odcinek serialu animowanego Wojny Klonów (2008-2014).
- Trespass es una misión de la saga Grand Theft Auto, perteneciente a Grand Theft Auto IV. Es la tercera misión que Phil Bell le otorgará a Niko Bellic. El argumento de la misión consiste en el asesinato de Charlie el Gordo, Sottocapo de los Ancelotti, ya que pensaba delatar a los Pegorino ante la Comisión respecto a todos los daños que estos les han infligido a los Ancelotti.
- After receiving a photo of herself dressing, Lana realizes she has a stalker and decides to hide out at a surprising location—the Kent Farm. Clark asks Jimmy to help him track down the man who is stalking her, and convinces Jimmy to reconsider his relationship with Chloe.
- (Niko zerstört den Hubschrauber, der dann brennt und unkontrollierbar ist. Charlie stürtzt durch ein Dach mit dem Hubschrauber nach unten)
* Charles: Motherfuuuuuuuuccccckkkkker!
* Niko: Du brauchst dir keine Sorgen mehr zu machen, dass der Fettsack singen könnte. Er hat seine Stimme verloren.
* Phil: Was für eine Schande. Was ist mit den Swingers, hm? Gute Arbeit, wirklich gute Arbeit.
- Trespass – misja w Grand Theft Auto IV, trzecia dla Phila Bella.
- Firefighters Vince (Bill Paxton) and Don (William Sadler) venture into gang-infested territory to find gold that's been hidden inside an abandoned building. But when they witness a murder, they become the targets of crime lord King James (Ice-T) and his underling Savon (Ice Cube). Fortunately, the treasure hunters have kidnapped a bargaining chip: King James' half-brother, Lucky (Devoreaux White). But this might not be enough to get them -- and their gold -- out of the building intact. Trespass was written years earlier by a pre-Back to the Future Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale.
- "Trespass" is the fifteenth episode in Season One of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. It is the fifteenth episode of the series overall.
- A very short cutscene is shown with Viktor Skobel, his girlfriend Zara and his right-hand man Alexei are seen leaving the bank and entering a purple Mercedes-Benz and driving away.
- Las tropas de la República han perdido la comunicación en su avanzada en Orto Plutonia, los Jedi Anakin Skywalker y Obi-Wan Kenobi han sido enviados a este planeta donde se desconocen la situación de sus tropas.
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* [ ] La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
- "One is subject to liability to another for trespass, irrespective of whether he thereby causes harm to any legally protected interest of the other, if he intentionally (a) enters land in the possession of the other, or causes a thing or a third person to do so, or (b) remains on the land, or (c) fails to remove from the land a thing which he is under a duty to remove."
- Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA IV[[Категория:Миссии (Фил Белл)]] Trespass — миссия в GTA IV, выдаваемая Филом Беллом в его офисе в Нормандии.
- Trespass is a Tier 4 skill in Mordecai's Sniper skill tree. It grants the user's bullets a chance to ignore shields (20% per rank) and increases the bullet damage of those attacks (1% per rank).
- Trespass (Guerra e pace) è il quindicesimo episodio della prima stagione della serie Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
- Als je bij Phil Bell aankomt zal deze uit zijn kantoor komen rennen en Niko vragen of hij een helikopter heeft gezien. Niko weet niks van een helikopter af en Phil legt hem vervolgens uit dat de Russen naar de Ancelotti's zijn gegaan en tegen Chubby Charlie, een hooggeplaatst man bij de Ancelotti's, hebben gezegd dat Phil en Niko de drugs hebben gestolen. Rijdt ondertussen naar de verlaten Sprunk-fabriek in Tudor. Daar aangekomen zal Phil Bell je vertellen dat er twee wegen zijn om binnen te komen: gewoon via de deur, of door een gang onder het gebouw. Kies tussen die twee. De deur is niet moeilijk te vinden, die is aan de zijkant, waar de twee Contenders en de Super GT staan. Als je via de gang wilt moet je de gang tegenover de deur inlopen en bij het aanhangertje naar links gaan. Verras
- Trespass is the act of entering onto or using real property when there is no right of ownership, permission, or legal justification for doing so. It is both a tort and a crime. The level of use or entry required is very low, essentially any act which is inconsistent with the rights of the owner. For example, entering another's property at all without permission or legal right is trespassing. However, it encompasses a much larger range of acts, inclusing allowing foraging animals to feed on the crops of the owner. Moreover, it allows the property owner to clearly allow compatible uses of the property and to forbid others at their will. For example, a property owner can freely allow hiking on their property while still maintaining the ability to keep out vehicles.
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| - *Orlo Esterno
**Settore Sujimis
***Sistema Pantora
****Orto Plutonia
*****Stazione Glid
*****Avamposto Separatista
*****Villaggio dei Talz
******Capanna del capo (Villaggio dei Talz)
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dramatis personae
| - *685
*CC-7567 "Rex"
*Chi Cho
*Riyo Chuchi
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*AssembLeia Pantorana de Representantes
*Anakin Skywalker
*Medcha Wanto
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| - magazyn Phila Bella w Normandy, Alderney, Liberty City
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| - ¡El puesto de la República
es invadido!
Los Jedi han perdido
contacto con una brigada
de seguridad acostada en
el oscuro y frío planeta
de Orto Plutonia. Obi-Wan
Kenobi y Anakin Skywalker,
acompañados por
dignatarios de la luna
cercana de Pantora, son
enviados para investigar
la desaparición de los
soldados clones en el
desolado y hostil terreno...
- ¡Ataque a la avanzadilla de
la República!
Los Jedi han perdido el
contacto con el
destacamento del inhóspito
planeta nevado de Orto
Plutonia. Obi-Wan Kenobi
y Anakin Skywalker,
acompañados por dignatarios
de la luna de Pantora, han
sido enviados para
investigar la desaparición
de las tropas clon en el
desolado planeta...
- O posto avançado da República invadido!
Os Jedi perderam contato com a força de
segurança clone situada no mundo gelado
de Orto Plutonia.
Obi-Wan Kenobi e Anakin Skywalker
acompanhados de líderes da lua vizinha
Pantora, foram enviados para investigar
o desaparecimento de soldados clone
neste planeta assustador...
| - Un avamposto della Repubblica non risponde!
I Jedi hanno perso contatto con una compagnia
di cloni di stanza nell'inospitale pianeta ricoperto
di ghiacci di Orto Plutonia. Obi-Wan Kenobi e
Anakin Skywalker, accompagnati da dignitari
della vicina luna di Pantora, sono stati mandati
a indagare sul silenzio dell'avamposto in quella
landa fredda e desolata.
| - * Добраться до завода Sprunk
* Убить Чарли Маттео
| - Po otrzymaniu rakiety od Niko, helikopter z Charliem eksploduje
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| - * Смерть Нико
* Смерть Фила
* Уничтожение машины
* Уход Чарли
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