Jablogians were a sentient species native to the planet of Nar Kanji. They were noted for their overweight torsos, blemished red skin, pointed ears and beady eyes. Azmorigan and Nazgorigan were members of that species.
Jablogian byl druh inteligentních humanoidů, kteří pocházeli z planety Nar Kanji na Vnějším okraji.
Jablogians were a sentient species native to the planet of Nar Kanji. They were noted for their overweight torsos, blemished red skin, pointed ears and beady eyes. Azmorigan and Nazgorigan were members of that species.
Jablogian byl druh inteligentních humanoidů, kteří pocházeli z planety Nar Kanji na Vnějším okraji.
Jablogians were a sentient species native to the planet of Nar Kanji. They were noted for their overweight torsos, blemished red skin, pointed ears and beady eyes. Azmorigan and Nazgorigan were members of that species.