- La Peluda, Shaggy Beast, or La Velue wich is French for "Hairy One". It was a suposed dragon that terrorized La Ferté-Bernard in medieval times. It lived near Huisne River. It's unknown if it had an ox-sized porcupine-like body or a mess of green hair-like projections hanging from its body that were actually stinger-tipped tentacles which could erect into quills. Its name derives from its shaggy appearance. It also had poisonous stingers that it could shoot from its body, a snake's head, neck, tail, green in color and large tortoise-like feet.
- The Peluda is a small mammalian cryptid from Europe. It made its first appearance in Once More the Nightmare Factory and could be controlled in the video game "The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the Fifth Sun".
- thumbDer Peluda (okzit. für haarig, auch franz. la Velue, dt. der Haarige) war ein behaarter Wasserdrache aus Frankreich, der La-Ferté Bernard terrorisierte. Sein ochsengroßer Körper erinnert an den eines Stachelschweins, während er Schildkrötenbeine und einen Schlangenhals besaß. Der Körper ist so massig, dass der Fluss jedes mal überlief, wenn es darin untertauchte.
- The Peluda (sometimes called the "Shaggy Beast" or La Velue which is French for "Hairy One") is a supposed dragon or mythical beast that terrorized La Ferté-Bernard, France, in medieval times. It is said to have come from and lived near the Huisne river near the town. Despite the French origins, its more recognized name is Occitan —or any latine origin— for "hairy". The lore proposed that the beast was denied access to Noah's Ark, yet survived the biblical flood by seeking refuge in a cave near the Huisne River.
- The lore proposed that the beast was denied access to Noah's Ark, yet survived the biblical flood by seeking refuge in a cave near theHuisne River. After many years, it returned to rampage across the countryside, wilting crops with its breath and devouring both livestock and humans. It was finally defeated after it killed a man's fiancée. He tracked it down and cut off its tail. This was the only vulnerable point on the beast, and it died immediately. The Peluda was said to be capable of the following feats, which vary between tales: