| - As the spell of Shattered Sight approaches Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and David rally the residents to prepare for the curse while Belle and the fairies work together on an antidote. Gold, with Hook as his reluctant servant, sets about an exit strategy of his own. Regina and Robin Hood ready themselves for the worst while, with the help of a locator spell, Emma and Elsa search desperately for Anna. In Arendelle, Anna and Kristoff awaken to find that their kingdom is once again in danger.
- Der Fall ist eine Art von Situationskomik, in der jemand hinfällt und dies auf humorvolle Art dargestellt wird. Er dient in Scrubs als Slapstick-Element und soll außerdem von den dramatischeren Szenen ablenken.
- Fall ist eine schildpattfarbene und weiße Kätzin mit braunen und orangefarbenen Flecken sowie grünen Augen.
- Fall is the finale and 4th episode of Season 8 on Netflix drama Gilmore Girls.
- Fall (落ちろ Ochiro) is a Gravity Magic Spell.
- Fall can refer to :
- Fall is the fortieth level of Bloons Junior.
- From Arabic
- Een fall doet zich voor als een speler van het veld wordt geblazen, maar niet KO gaat, zich niet weet te recoveren en dus toch KO gaat door de onderste blast line. Falls komen niet vaak voor, vrijwel alleen bij personages met een slechte recovery-move.
- In the world Of strangers Everywhere Danger Is waiting Some water From this fall Melting me... Zobacz ten tekst w języku polskim. Image:CC-BY-SA icon.svg cc-by-sa
- According to many, this era marked the beginning of Cartoon Network's decline.
- Alfarian hair pasta was harvested in the early fall, which was shedding season for the Alfarians. (VOY: "Parturition") In an alternate timeline where Benjamin Sisko was displaced out of time, Jake Sisko planned to leave Deep Space 9 and take a place in the Pennington School in the fall of 2372. (DS9: "The Visitor") In an alternate timeline where the USS Defiant's crew crashed on Gaia and formed a settlement there, Jadzia Dax and Worf married the fall after the crash. (DS9: "Children of Time")
- Fall is a tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with brown and orange patches and green eyes.
- It all started when the trees started noticing that they were getting cut down far too often. So, since the trees aren't that smart they started to shed their leaves in order to annoy us humans. We have to rake up the leaves and such. The trees have somewhat suceeded by making a couple cars swerve off the road when driving over too many leaves. But people still cut down trees alot but the enviromentalists(who are really very old trees in disguise) sometimes protest and prevent some trees from dieing.
- "Fall" is the fourteenth song by Daft Punk from the album Tron: Legacy Soundtrack. Its length is 1:23.
- FALL is a CAOS command used to test if an agent is falling.
- The fall are a race of ghost-like creatures from the Gro'yal System, and also Europa, where a Seperate clan evolved into icy monsters. They are totally callouse and fickle, and cause damage to various species, including Humans.
- The wind blows down leaves Bears will start hibernating winter is coming
- The Fall refers to the betrayal of the Kencyrath around three thousand years before the time of the novels by the Highlord of the time, Gerridon, the Master of Knorth. Gerridon offered his soul and those of his followers to Perimal Darkling in exchange for his immortality. He ordered his twin sister and consort, Jamethiel Dream-Weaver, to use the Senetha to reap the souls of his people, and she did, not truly understanding what he asked of her or why. His close associates he took with him into Perimal Darkling; otherwise, two-thirds of the Kencyr fell that day, and only a small remnant fled to the next threshold world, Rathillien.
- "Fall" is the ninth episode of the third season of Better Call Saul and the twenty-ninth episode of the series altogether.
- Fall es la primera era que se introduce bajo el liderazgo de Stuart Snyder.
- Fall is Falcon Lord's entry into Vorred's Writing Contest. It is the story of how the light green dagger-wielding undead at the beginning of Uprising became an undead. Note: Feel free to leave comments about my writing on my talk page, I am always looking to improve.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- I take half a second to wonder why Dreidel would say that when a shocked laugh breaks the silence. "Seriously?" Some cat near the front of the crowd snorts. "So Rhade and them weren't just spouting off nonsense?" "Griff, shut up!" some other cat hisses, and the bold speaker falls silent. Dreidel's claw-sharp glare sweeps over the watching cats, daring anyone else to step out of line. Finally, she relaxes and reverts to her usual, unemotional self. "The first contender is Aaryi, the undefeated champion. Who will be the challenger?" I mean, really... nobody wants to die. ...alive. I have to survive.
- The Fall is a post-punk band, formed in Manchester in 1976. It has existed in some form ever since, and is essentially built around its founder and only constant member Mark E. Smith. Initially associated with the punk movement of the late 1970s, the group's music has gone through several stylistic changes over the years, but is often characterised by an abrasive guitar-driven sound and frequent use of repetition, and is always underpinned by Smith's distinctive vocals and often cryptic lyrics. The band is noted for its prolific output: as of February 2007 they have released 26 studio albums, and more than triple that counting live albums and other releases. They have never achieved widespread public success beyond a handful of minor hit singles in the late 1980s, but have maintained a str
- A fall is an uncontrolled descent, landing pretty much by chance. Characters cannot fall on purpose, but only as a result of an accident or being pushed. To determine whether a fall causes damage, first decide the distance jumped in yards, rounding up to the nearest full yard and doubling the result. Now roll a D6 and deduct the score from the distance fallen. If the result is zero or less, no damage is sustained. If the score is positive, then the character loses that many W - irrespective of armour or T modifiers. Characters with Acrobatics skill should add +2 to the die roll.