| - "Inhabitants, it is with mixed feelings that I inform you that a traitor in our midst has been cleansed." "A Twi'lek known as Sage Kun has been purged of his life, forever to walk the Shadowlands in shame. His exiled corpse was left behind the ion trail of his executioner, Lieutenant Duar Bracer. Kun had been a member of our stellar Transportation Fleet before his attempted infochant scam. The current head of that operation, Lieutenant Vandar Nijed, had learned of his subordinate's treachery from a tip beyond Mandalore's realm of control. This tip led Lieutenant Nijed on a fact-finding mission, including ship logs, communications, recordings, and a curious mishap where Kun himself was left to die on a distant planet. It has taken some time for Lieutenant Nijed to locate the attempted sellsecret, at which time he contacted the leading members of Mandalore. I was contacted directly and asked to handle the situation, so I dispatched my finest training officer, Lieutenant Duar Bracer. He took on this mission as a sense of duty and loyalty, proving that even if the system makes mistakes, the Mandalore steps up and solves it on their own in the only way necessary. Lieutenant Bracer took time out of his busy schedule to rectify the situation. In a matter of hours I was contacted personally and assured that this runi was properly dispatched." Aruetyc runi trattok'o! Posted by: Tyr DeMeer Faction: Mandalore Date: Year 7 Day 254 Onboard the Carrack/S-class Light Cruiser MSS Apocalypse in system Carida (63, 92) on Year 7 Day 252 3:48.