| - Cryptic clues are common riddle clues in higher level clues, but they can be found in lower level clues on occasion. They will lead the player to an NPC to talk to, crates to search, or to a location where they are to dig. Hard level clues which lead the player to an NPC will normally result in a puzzle box. Some clues require the player to obtain a key from a nearby monster to access the needed location. These chest key clues are usually found on lower level trails. Oddly, if there is a key involved in the clue, it is possible to get the key before reading the hint, which could save the player some time.
| - Lumbridge windmill, search the crates on the top floor.
- Dig by the torch in the Ardougne Zoo, between the penguins and the scorpions.
- Search the northern bookcase on the of the Sorcerer's Tower.
- Dig behind the altar in the church south-east Rimmington and south-west of Port Sarim.
- Speak to Lord Iorwerth in the elven camp near Prifddinas.
- Search the boxes next to the bridge inside Sophanem, near the Pyramid Plunder pyramid.
- Search the crate in the corner of the Coal Trucks' end just North of the Seers Village Pub.
- Drawers in the north east corner of the Edgeville Monastery, downstairs. You need to kill a Zamorak monk to get a key.
- Pull the Ardougne or Edgeville teleport lever and dig with a spade. Wearing an Ardougne cloak 2 or better and teleporting from the Ardougne lever gives a short immunity period against player killers. Beware of player killers!
- Dig on the small shell between the basalt rocks and the small obelisk. The shell is small and pinkish, on the north-western tip of the area. Games Necklace recommended.
- The crate next to the ladder in the church in Ardougne.
- Talk to Captain Bleemadge at the top of White Wolf Mountain, he's one of the gnome pilots.
- Dig in Edgeville, just east of the Southern Yew tree.
- Search the boxes near the south-western corner of the Pyramid Plunder pyramid inside Sophanem.
- Go to Lumbridge basement under the kitchen and search one of the crates.
- Go to the southern tip of Mudskipper Point and dig on the south-eastern starfish.
The starfish may not actually appear, so good luck!
- East Ardougne search the drawers on the ground floor of Jimmy Dazzler's house West of the pub. The drawers are in the NW corner of the house.
- Lumbridge castle first floor, in the drawers in the room with the spinning wheel.
- Go to Yanille dungeon and fall into the place with the poison spiders, either by repeatedly walking across the balancing ledge or praying at the chaos altar just past the ledge on the left. Search the crate by the stairs leading up.
- In Mort'ton, dig in the centre of town, just south of the store.
- On the of the Wizards' Tower, search the spinning bookcase on the west side near the wizard's desk. The bookcase is the one in the bottom of the diamond-like formation of bookcases.
- The Zanaris forge west of the slayer monsters . Search the crates.
- Search the chest in the house north of the Wizards' Guild. You need to kill a man in order to get a key.
- To the north of the fishing guild and southwest of the coal trucks, there is a fenced-in area. Search the boxes on the northwest side of the small building. This house is right next to the start of the Dwarf Cannon quest.
- Search the drawers in the first floor of the house near the north bank in Ardougne. Jerico's house, where the pigeon cages are, if you have done Biohazard. You must kill a guard for the key.
- Level 46 Wilderness. Dig on the spot of the sapphire. The sapphire is located at the centre of the mountain of brown spiders, north of Red Dragon Isle. Beware of Player Killers!
- Dig by the fire next to Captain Klemfoodle the gnome glider pilot on Karamja.
Quickest travel: Gnome glider to Gandius
- Go to Entrana and search the southernmost drawers in the house directly west of the furnace.
- Go to the north church in Varrock and search for a chest. The chest says 'Property of Clocktower Monastery'. Go to the Monastery south-east of the Clocktower and kill a Monk for the key.
- Dig next to the cauldron near the Moss Giants in the Varrock Sewers.
- On the ground floor of the Wizard's Tower, search the spinning bookcase on the west side near the wizard's desk. The bookcase is the one in the bottom of the diamond-like formation of bookcases.
- Go to the Bandit Camp in the Kharidian desert, search the crates in the shop.
- Go to Braindeath Island and go through 50% Luke's gate . Cross the bridges and climb to the top of the mountain, where you will find a stagnant lake. Dig near the southwest corner. You will need to complete most of The Rum Deal quest to get to this area.
- Upstairs in the church of East Ardougne, check the crate in the corner.
- Go to Shilo Village and search the bookcase in the building just north of the bridge across the river. Search the north-west bookcase by the door.
- Dig just north of the rock cake stall in Gu'Tanoth between the outcrop of rocks in the marketplace. Requires completing part of the Watchtower quest.
- Dig at the Red spider's eggs in the Karamja Volcano.
- In Brimhaven east of the inn and search the drawers on the top floor. Kill a pirate outside to get the key.
- On Etceteria, dig next to the Evergreen in front of the castle walls.
- Dig next to the gate, under the west bank of Varrock .
- Dig behind the altar in the church and .
- Dig next to the well in Pollnivneach.
- Search the cupboard in the house east of the Dead Man's Chest pirate bar in Brimhaven.
- General Bentnoze in the Goblin Village.
- Go to Port Sarim and talk to Captain Tobias.
- Go to the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.
- Note: If you receive this clue after completing Plague's End, you will not be able to complete it.
- In the small building near the Odd Old Man from the Rag and Bone Man quests. Just north-west of the limestone mine east of Varrock. Dig in the centre of the building.
- Speak to Heckel Funch in Tree Gnome Stronghold in the south-east corner of the Grand Tree on the first level above the ground. You will be given a puzzle box.
- Search some crates in Tai Bwo Wannai village.
- Search the crate near Lubufu south of Brimhaven.
- Search the crates in the clothes shop in Canifis.
- Search the hay stack in the Ranging Guild.
- Sir Prysin just inside Varrock castle.
- Speak to Jeed at the Duel Arena.
- Speak to Wilough in Varrock centre.
- Speak to an examiner at the Exam Centre.
- Search the drawers upstairs in the Necromancer's Tower south of East Ardougne . .
- Talk to Gerrant in the fish shop in Port Sarim.
- Talk to Hans in Lumbridge.
- Search the crate near the wooden cart with the camel in the Desert Mining Camp, which is south of Shantay Pass. Don't forget your Metal key .
- Up the ladder of the church in Ardougne.
- Walk down the bridge just to the west of the northern entrance to Port Phasmatys and dig just to the east of the first tree you come to.
- Dig in front of the house with an anvil in Port Khazard, near the fishing trawler minigame.
- Search the crates on the top floor of the Lumbridge flour mill.
- Dig under the crossbow in the Graveyard of Shadows at level 20 wilderness. Beware of player killers!
- Dig next to the gate, under the west bank of Varrock.
- Search one of the two crates in the general shop from Lletya, the elven city.
- In the Dwarven Mines, search the more northern of the two mine carts north of the entrance to the Mining Guild.
- Search the chests at the entrance inside Witchaven dungeon.
- Dig by the fire next to Captain Klemfoodle the gnome glider pilot on Karamja .
- Speak to Heckel Funch in Tree Gnome Stronghold in the south-east corner of the Grand Tree on the first level above the ground.
- Warning: Bring waterskins or an Enchanted water tiara, as this area is affected by desert heat.
- Search the cupboard in the south east room on the of the Wizard's Tower.
- Sandstone and granite quarry south of the bandit camp. Dig one square west of the north-eastern-most wheel barrow.
- Talk to any gnome trainer in the agility area of the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
- Search the drawers upstairs in the Necromancer's Tower south of East Ardougne, Use fairy ring code . If the door doesn't open then you're at the wrong building. The tower is north-east of the fairy ring.
- Go to Braindeath Island and go through 50% Luke's gate . Cross the bridges and climb to the top of the mountain, where you will find a stagnant lake. Dig near the south-west corner. You will need to complete most of The Rum Deal quest to get to this area.
- At the flying rug hub in Nardah, dig next to the two cacti nearby.
- Search the drawers in the of the house near the north bank in Ardougne. Jerico's house, where the pigeon cages are, if you have done Biohazard. You must kill a guard for the key.
- On the jetty just north of Musa Point, look in the crate.
- Search the crate in the corner of the Coal truck mining site's end just north of the Seers Village Pub.
- Search the northern bookcase on the first floor of the Sorcerer's Tower.
- Kill a Fremennik market guard, acquire a key, then search the drawers in the Lighthouse west of Rellekka Requires commencement of Horror from the deep to enter the lighthouse and the completion of Bar Crawl miniquest. You only need to gain entry to the lighthouse near the start of the quest.
- Go to the house in Seers' Village south of the house with the anvils. The drawers will be locked, follow the road north to the Sinclair Mansion or southwest to the Ranging Guild. Kill a chicken to get the key for the drawer.
- West of Outpost, south of water symbol on map. Search the south-westernmost boxes.
- Drawers in the north-east corner of the Edgeville Monastery, downstairs. You need to kill a Zamorak monk to get a key. Chaos Temple south of Goblin Village is one location.
- Dig under the southern window in Aggie's house at Draynor Village.
- Search the hay bales in the circular room south of the Baxtorian Falls, near Rasolo.
- Go to the Ranging Guild and search the crate behind the arrow salesman.
- Talk to Hamid, the monk inside the lobby of the Duel Arena.
- Dig in Edgeville, just east of the southern Yew tree on the nettles.
- East Ardougne search the drawers on the of Jimmy Dazzler's house west of the pub. The drawers are in the NW corner of the house.
- Search the north-west sacks near Doug Deeping. He is down the north-eastern winch at the Digsite. You will need a rope the first time you do this. Just 'operate' the winch to go down.
- Go to Swensen the Navigator's house in Rellekka and search the crates in there.
- Sandstone and granite quarry south of the bandit camp. Dig one square west of the north-easternmost wheel barrow.
- In the small building near the Odd Old Man from the Rag and Bone Man quests. Just northwest of the limestone mine east of Varrock. Dig in the centre of the building.