| - First | Previous | Next | Last Keith is thrown into Luur's orbit as a result of the star's reaction to the anti-anti-matter. The plasma array has done its job; Ginoya is back to normal, but still has the extreme damages from the supernova. However, Keith isn't finished yet. Out of the debris, Trunt Harval makes his way past him. "It's not over yet, Maxwell," Harval states. "The Nivelian supremacy will prove itself. We may have missed this opportunity, but we will find another Midorian star to activate." "The supernova? That was you? Harval, you monster! You will pay for this!"
| - First | Previous | Next | Last Keith is thrown into Luur's orbit as a result of the star's reaction to the anti-anti-matter. The plasma array has done its job; Ginoya is back to normal, but still has the extreme damages from the supernova. However, Keith isn't finished yet. Out of the debris, Trunt Harval makes his way past him. "It's not over yet, Maxwell," Harval states. "The Nivelian supremacy will prove itself. We may have missed this opportunity, but we will find another Midorian star to activate." Keith is shocked. Trunt Harval just confessed that he was behind the supernova the whole time. He truly is crazy. "The supernova? That was you? Harval, you monster! You will pay for this!" As Keith closes in to Harval and engage the fight, Harval responds, "Yes, a Nivelian probe triggered the supernova. We couldn't allow the Midorian rebels to thrive in new space. Something had to be done. Now, let's end this." Trunt Harval will send out T'Suums and cluster missiles in an attempt to destroy Keith. At approxomately 75% hull energy, Harval challenges, "You'll never beat me, Maxwell!" "You've already lost, Harval!" Keith retorts. "Your plan has failed, and so will you!" The fight continues among the remains of Luur station until Harval falls to about 45%. "You're tough," Harval taunts, "but that's not enough!" "We'll see about that!" At 20%, Harval sounds more maniacal than he already is. "Why are you still alive? Die already!" Unfortunately for Trunt Harval, he becomes history at the guns of Keith T. Maxwell. "The end of a tyrant." Keith promptly makes contact with Snocom, who is relieved that he survived the star's massive reaction to the plasma array. Keith explains to Snocom that Harval is dead, and that he is the cause of the supernova in the first place as part of a much larger plan to wipe out the Midorian faction. Snocom responds by saying that the supernova event was so unpopular among the Nivelians that there's even an uprising. Harval's confession will be the last of the Black Guard. Everyone is currently regrouping back at Thynome, so Snocom asks Keith to join them. Keith's last words before he leaves Luur are, "Alright Brent, see you there... It's kind of hard to believe, though, that it's all over."