The Monkey is a Musical Jolly Chimp Monkey Toy and the (former) quinary antagonist of Toy Story 3. He is a cymbal-banging monkey toy at Sunnyside Daycare. He doesn't speak, but he does make monkey noises. He has two cymbals he can bang together.
The Monkey is a Musical Jolly Chimp Monkey Toy and the (former) quinary antagonist of Toy Story 3. He is a cymbal-banging monkey toy at Sunnyside Daycare. He doesn't speak, but he does make monkey noises. He has two cymbals he can bang together.
The Monkey is a Musical Jolly Chimp Monkey Toy and the (former) quinary antagonist of Toy Story 3. He is a cymbal-banging monkey toy at Sunnyside Daycare. He doesn't speak, but he does make monkey noises. He has two cymbals he can bang together.