| - Yugi (幽戯, Yūgi?) is the main antagonist from the television series Tenchi in Tokyo. Her appearance is that of a young blonde girl with a red and black striped headdress and large spiked armor that hovers around her. Throughout much of the series, her plans remain in shadow, and all the viewer sees of her much of the time is her watching a group of floating crystals which represent the Masaki Family, while commenting on the events of the episodes. She has three henchmen: Hotsuma, Tsugaru, and Matori, who do almost all of her work for her.
- Yugi was a Flakax Joiner, sent along with Tito, assigned to assassinate Han Solo and Leia Organa by the Squibs known as the Directors. He failed in his mission and was bisected by Leia's lightsaber.
- Yugi is the Ninja Ranger in . He is a descendant of a ninja who was saved and aided by Jayden's ancestor, the 13th Red Samurai Ranger.
- Throughout much of the series, her plans remain in shadow, and all the viewer sees of her much of the time is her watching a group of floating crystals which represent the Masaki Family, while commenting on the events of the episodes. She has three henchmen: Hotsuma, Tsugaru, and Matori, who do almost all of her work for her.
- Yugi121 was born in London where he lived until a nuke attack destroyed the nation and he was forced to move abroad with his only remaining family, his mother.His Mother was old and would die soon so she taught him all she knew about managing a nation and protecting himself. Alas his training did not finsh and at 10 he joined peace r us and was its youngest ever ruler and best sword fighter.At the age of 13 peace r us was a great nation and won every war it fought but something was missing a family.So he approached lord bob and lady rysonia and asked if they would adopt him, they accepted and for now yugi121's life was complete.At the moment he is training in sword fighter with lady rysonia.
- Yugi (遊戯, Yuugi) is an extremely dangerous human being who developed immense superhuman powers during her extended time training underneath nagoya, whom she appropriated as her teacher shortly after witnessing his almighty strength and seemingly unlimited power. Upon witnessing the true nature of her devastating powers and abilities, the global defense agency titled her as Broken Girl (壊れたギャル, Kowareta Gyaru) due to the sheer absurdity of her powers and abilities which cause her to be one of the toughest and most dangerous existing creatures.