| - The Echidna is a Batomys-class tank and the second prototype of her class used by Calamity Raven. It seems to have a lot of standard calibre cannons mounted around it and a large double barreled turret on its main hull, It also has 4 very large rocket launchers. The tank is commanded by Lydia Agthe. The Echidna makes a cameo in the crossover 3DS game Project X Zone.
- Echidna is a boss fought at the Depths during the final chapter of the game. Echidna fights much like in Final Fantasy III, utilizing Quake, Death, Flare, and Tornado, but now can damage a target's MP via Magic Buster.
- Echidna to prawdopodobnie zwierzę będącym przodkiem kolczakowatych, które aktualnie występują głównie na terenie Australii. Kategoria:Zwierzęta
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / The Phoenix Massing / Typhon System / First planet Prerequisite: Overlord (Mass Effect 2)
- Un énorme monotrème bipède avec un crachat-astringent à longue portée, ainsi qu'un queue agile et compacte donc les coups peuvent faire d'importants dégâts.
- Echidna ist ein sogenannter "Heißer Neptun" und umkreist den Stern Typhon mit hoher Geschwindigkeit und in geringer Entfernung, fast wie ein Pegasid oder "Heißer Jupiter". Wie bei anderen Pegasiden geht man davon aus, dass er weiter entfernt entstanden ist und sich langsam zu seiner jetzigen Position bewegt hat. Sein Kern hat einen höheren Gesteinsanteil als der Neptun von Sol, hervorgerufen durch das Anziehen von Asteroiden und anderen Trümmern auf seinem Weg durch das Sonnensystem.
- Echidna ("She-viper") is a Greek monster that resembles a serpent woman. Famously called, "The Mother of all Monsters" she mothered many well-known monsters, like the three-headed dog Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Chimaera, among many others.
- 200 Life 175 Power 205 Defense
- Echidna ist eine Schlangendämonin, die eine Welt, in der Dämonen uneingeschränkt leben können, kreieren will.
- Echidna is the "Mother of All Monsters" and wife of the monstrous Titan Typhon. As her title suggests, she is the mother of every horrifying monster that has appeared in the Hercules animated series.
- The Echidna is an animal on FarmVille.
- Echidnas (ハリモグラ科 Harimogura-ka?) in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, are anthropomorphic, dreadlocked animals with long quills hanging from around their head which stand out from the other humanoid animals. In every continuity in which the location exists, the echidnas are the native inhabitants of Angel Island.
- Echidna (sometimes called the "mother of all monsters") is an Elder whose body was severly warped by the Change. She is the Wife of the Great Elder Typhon, with whom she mothered several famous monsters, such as the Sphinx, the Hydra, Gorgons, Cerberus, and the Chimera. She does not personally appear in the series.
- Echidna belongs to the Rogue Isles Villains faction. Villains can find her in Mayhem Missions, as an ally:
* In the jail during the Kings Row Mayhem Mission. Heroes may face her in Safeguard Missions:
* At the bank of the Skyway City Safeguard Mission, where she will be trying to rob it.
* In the jail of the Skyway City Safeguard mission, where the Lost will try to free her.
- Echidna is the Mother of All Monsters and wife of the monstrous Titan Typhon. As her title suggests she is the mother of every horrifying monster that appeared in the Hercules animated series.
- Echidna is a be part nymph and part snake, with great power to rival Zeus. She married Typhon with whom he had many children, like Cereberus and Sphinx, and became known as the Mother of all monsters,she has a deep hatred for the Titans of Myth, Justice League Europe and Wonder Woman.
- Echidna (エキドナ Ekidona, Ekhidna in the Japanese version) is a playable character and a Hero from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. Echidna is the leader of the resistance force against the Etrurian government in the Western Isles. In the northeast side of Chapter 9 there are two villages. She is recruited only if a unit enters the village on the left or neither village is visited. Echidna is recruited when Larum talks to her. During the battle in Chapter 11, the Etrurian soldiers surround the house she is in and threaten to kill her if she does not surrender. In her supports, she attempts to gain recruits to help her in her plan to make a "free village", a village where people in the Western Isles who had their homes destroyed could settle after the war.
- Echidna was a half-woman, half-snake monster in Greek Mythology, who was known as the mother of all monsters, as she gave birth to most of the beasts referred to in Greek myth. In some tellings, she was the daughter of Tartarus and Gaia, while some other tales claim her to be the daughter of either Ceto and Phorcys, Chryasor and Callirhoe, or Peiras and Styx. She was known to have mothered Orthrus, Cerberus, the Hydra, the Chimera, the Gorgons, the Colchian Dragon, Scylla, and many more minor beasts. She was eventually killed in her sleep by Argus.
- A monster depicted as being half snake, half woman. Her parentage is debatable, but it is most often stated that she was the daughter of either Gaia and Tartarus, or of the sea monsters Phorcys and Ceto. The wife of Typhon, she is the mother of a large number of the monsters of Greek myth. Her many children include the Chimera, Cerberus, the Hydra, Orthrus, the Sphinx, and the Nemean Lion. She was eventually slain by Hera's servant, the hundred-eyed giant, Argus.
- Echidna, also known as the She-Viper, is a character from the Devil May Cry series. She is a boss featured in Devil May Cry 4.
- Echidna is a Naga with a Joker sub-type, that is exclusive to Monster Rancher Advance and Monster Rancher Advance 2. It has a skull-like head, and strange bat-like wings that connect its arms to its sides. It also has a large frill that surrounds its neck like the high collar of a coat. May be a remake of the Ekidonna of Monster Rancher 3.
- Echidna (エキドナ, Ekidona) is the last female Giant, the submissive wife of Typhon, an imposing statue of pregnant, with large breasts, long hair and the lower part shaped like a snake. And 'the mother of monsters, giants and some of the new body of Typhon (a kind of self-reproduction). Echidna Typhon considered as the feminine form, more like an object and as his wife. It does not appear active in history, but its role is primary.Echidna is destroyed by the body just as she was giving birth to Typhon (the shell was almost an empty Adamas, but is destroyed too).
- Echidnas, sometimes also referred to as "spiny anteaters", are the only surviving monotremes apart from the Platypus. The four surviving species, native to New Guinea and Australia, all belong to the Tachyglossidae family. The echidna is named after a monster in ancient Greek mythology.
- Echidna (エキドナ Ekidona) is an individual from the Hebitsukai System. She arrives on Earth with the purpose of eliminating Naga Ray due to his emotions having been awakened.
- Echidna is the daughter of Phorcys and Keto, and is considered the mother of all monsters in Greek mythology. Typhon is her husband.
- The Echidna is a playable mascot in Crossy Road that was added in the Australian Update.
- The name "echidna" originates the from Greek mythological goddess Echidna, who is often referred to as "The Mother of All Monsters". Know all those crazy FUBAR monsters in Greek mythology, e.g., the Lycian Hydra and the Lernaean Chimera? They had to come from someone's uterus. That uterus was Echidna's. The ferocity of the animal was so much, the first European biologist to mention it had his face gnawed off by one. Subsequently, the biologist named the ferocious it an echidna. Needless to say, echidnas are total hellions.
- Echidna (エキドナ Ekidona?, greco Έχιδνα), compagna di Tifone e ultima delle donne Giganti, ha lunghi e ondulati capelli neri fino ai fianchi, splendidi lineamenti femminili nella parte superiore (con seni abbondanti, simbolo di fertilità, e un ventre gravido) e la coda di una vipera nella parte inferiore: Tifone decise di sostituire le gambe con la coda di serpente, avvolta intorna all'altare e fissata per terra con dei grossi chiodi, per non farla scappare, dato che nel grembo recava il suo vero corpo.
- One of the earliest known Echidna civilizations was that of the Knuckles Clan, a group of Echidnas who inhabited what is now the Mystic Ruins. Under the leadership of Chief Pachacamac, they became embroiled in a war against a powerful foe. Faced with destruction, Pachacamac determined that the only way to secure his people's future was to steal the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald from their shrine. Unfortunately, he and his warriors harmed the Chao who inhabited the area, thus invoking the fury of the guardian known as Chaos. The raging elemental promptly annihilated most of the Knuckles Clan, and was only stopped when Pachacamac's daughter Tikal sealed herself and Chaos within the Master Emerald. The energy released by this event lifted the Mystic Ruins and much of the surrounding a
- 300px|rightEs una serpiente-dragón voladora que pelea tanto con Nero como Dante. En forma de serpiente, se asemeja a una serpiente gigante con pocos adornos de plumas alrededor del cuello y los ojos múltiples Nero tuvo su encuentro con Echidna mientras viaja a través del bosque en busca de un camino a fortuna. Pronto se ve emboscado por Echidna en las ruinas del Valle, pero logra escapar. Más tarde se reúne nuevamente con Echidna que inmediatamente intenta comer Nero de donde logra escapar y derrotar a Echidna.
- She is a denizen who plays a major role in the Scratch: Jade consulted with her on how to initiate the scratch, as did Aranea and Porrim in the pre-scratch trolls' session. She is the source of the Quills of Echidna, the strongest known weapon available to the Needlekind abstratus. Vriska suggests that she, along with Yaldabaoth, is one of the most important denizens. Depending on the lighting, Echidna's scaly skin appears as either a pale lavender or a silvery light blue.
- Knuckles is the guardian of the Chaos Emeralds and has lived alone ever since he was forced to protect his charges for all eternity. Initially, Knuckles had no idea why he lived alone, why this was his responsiblity and where his people had gone. Instead, his first contact was with the villanous Doctor Robotnik, the tyrant tricking Knuckles that Sonic the Hedgehog was the real villain. The echidna believed Robotnik for some time, protecting him from Sonic and rescuing him from Kintobor's Laboratory, but eventually came to his senses when Robotnik absorbed the power of the Chaos Emeralds.
- Echidnas are enemies that debuted in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. They are small brown mammals that appear primarily in the snow levels. The echidnas attack by releasing the needles out of their back to attack Crash. While the echidnas' needles are out, Crash must avoid jumping on or spinning the echidna away since they will harm him and cause him to either lose his Aku Aku mask or a life.
- Echidnas are powerful snakegirls which mostly live as dungeon bosses in trap-filled ruins. They use the dungeons to serve as proving grounds for their mates, as those men who can defeat all their snares and subordinates are presumed to be prime breeding material. Echidnas can sense men - even children - with hero potential inside them, and if they find such a male outside their dungeon they may take it upon themselves to train him into husband material.
- <default>Echidna</default> BildWiki.png Titel Herkunft Zugehörigkeit Familie Werk Echidna (griechisch: Ἔχιδνα) ist eine Drakaina und ein sagenumwobenes Ungeheuer aus der griechischen Mythologie. Sie war halb schönäugiges Mädchen, halb grausige Schlange, und lebt in einer Höhle, von der aus sie Wanderer angreift.
- Echidna, said to be the mother of all monsters, is a drakaina, with the face and torso of a beautiful woman, with fair cheeks, and the body of a serpent. She eats raw flesh beneath the secret parts of the holy earth. There, she has a cave deep down under a hollow rock far from the deathless gods and mortal men.
- Echidna is known as the Mother of All Monsters. With her husband, the giant Typhon, she gave birth to such creatures as the Hydra, She-Demon, Stymphalian Bird, Cerberus, and Obie. Though her children are born "good" if they are to taste blood they become wild and "evil." The goddess Hera often exploits this, turning Echidna's 3 eldest children into monsters which she sends to attack Hercules.