| - Beneath the Depths is a 2013 American Fantasy Action romance film written by Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio and directed by Alexandra Aja starring Kate Winslet, Elena Satine, Dave Franco, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Richard Jenkins, Patton Oswalt, Shirley Maclaine and Nicholas Simmons. The film is an adaption of the classic Hans Christian Anderson 1836 fable and live-action re-imagining of the Walt Disney 1989 animated classic. The film is also distributed by Walt Disney and was released in Digital 3D in select theatres as well as basic 2D.
| - Beneath the Depths is a 2013 American Fantasy Action romance film written by Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio and directed by Alexandra Aja starring Kate Winslet, Elena Satine, Dave Franco, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Richard Jenkins, Patton Oswalt, Shirley Maclaine and Nicholas Simmons. The film is an adaption of the classic Hans Christian Anderson 1836 fable and live-action re-imagining of the Walt Disney 1989 animated classic. The film is also distributed by Walt Disney and was released in Digital 3D in select theatres as well as basic 2D. It was released on January 24th, 2013 theatrically to a wide box office opening and has received mixed reviews, mostly positive praising the performances of leads: Winslet, Satine, Stone, Hopkins and Franco.