| - L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds was a male Human musician from Earth who was cryogenically frozen in 1994. During his life, Clemonds displayed a strong propensity to substance abuse, resulting in massive coronary, arterial, and liver damage that would ultimately lead to his demise. Knowing his fate, Clemonds opted to have his body cryogenically frozen despite the considerable expense, rather than die and have his ex-wives take all of his money. After he was frozen, Clemonds' body was stored aboard a cryonics satellite in orbit above the planet. However, the satellite and its cargo became lost to history and it drifted in interstellar space until it was discovered in 2364 in the Kazis binary system by the USS Enterprise-D.
- L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds was a Human male born on Earth in the 20th century. He was an entertainer. In 1993, Clemonds performed in Vic's lounge at the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas, where he sang his novelty hit, "Don't Send Me No E-Mail Unless You're a Female". (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2) Following this confrontation with the Romulans, Clemonds and the other 20th century humans returned to Earth on board the USS Charleston. (TNG episode: "The Neutral Zone")
| - L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds was a male Human musician from Earth who was cryogenically frozen in 1994. During his life, Clemonds displayed a strong propensity to substance abuse, resulting in massive coronary, arterial, and liver damage that would ultimately lead to his demise. Knowing his fate, Clemonds opted to have his body cryogenically frozen despite the considerable expense, rather than die and have his ex-wives take all of his money. After he was frozen, Clemonds' body was stored aboard a cryonics satellite in orbit above the planet. However, the satellite and its cargo became lost to history and it drifted in interstellar space until it was discovered in 2364 in the Kazis binary system by the USS Enterprise-D. After being unfrozen, Clemonds acquainted himself with the replicator and promptly resumed his previous lifestyle by ordering a martini. He also made a point to teach Data about several aspects of Humanity that the android found particularly fascinating due to Clemonds' eccentric personality. Clemonds also optimistically suggested that, since much of his music had been forgotten by the 24th century, it would effectively be new to the inhabitants of that century, and therefore offer him great success. Clemonds was also a baseball fan and inquired regarding the possibility of seeing an Atlanta Braves game on television. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone" ) L.Q. Clemonds was played by actor Leon Rippy. According to the episode's script , Sonny was forty-seven years old in 1994, placing his birth in 1947. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 146) identified Sonny Clemonds as a country-and-western singer. The Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations book Watching the Clock reveals that he and Clare Raymond had a one-night stand, more to comfort each other over their shared fates than anything else. He also made a career out of singing obscure old Earth songs across the galaxy.
- L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds was a Human male born on Earth in the 20th century. He was an entertainer. In 1993, Clemonds performed in Vic's lounge at the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas, where he sang his novelty hit, "Don't Send Me No E-Mail Unless You're a Female". (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2) In 1994, Clemonds died after years of alcohol abuse. Prior to his death, he had made arrangements to be placed in cryostasis in the hope that someday advances in medical science would eventually be able to revive him. Clemonds figured it was a scam, but at least it meant that his ex-wives would not be getting his money. His frozen remains were placed on board a spacecraft with several other individuals - including Ralph Offenhouse and Clare Raymond. The spacecraft eventually drifted out of Earth orbit, and the solar system as well. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D encountered the spacecraft containing the frozen bodies. Only the bodies of Offenhouse, Raymond, and Clemonds were intact - the bodies of the others had decayed during the long journey. Lt. Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf brought the bodies back to the Enterprise, where Doctor Beverly Crusher thawed them out. Beyond his name and occupation, there was very little Data was able to retrieve from the computer systems on board the spacecraft regarding Clemonds. Crusher noticed that Clemonds had a number of medical problems. While Clemonds and the others were being revived, the Enterprise began to travel to the Romulan Neutral Zone to confront a Romulan D'deridex-class warbird. Of the three 20th century humans, Clemonds seemed to have the easiest time adjusting to 24th century life. When he tried to get medication from Dr. Crusher, she refused on the grounds that he had no medical need. Bored because there was no TV, he asked Data what people on the Enterprise did for entertainment. Data helped replicate a guitar for him, and Clemonds proposed that they find a couple "low mileage pit woofies" and get a party going. Following this confrontation with the Romulans, Clemonds and the other 20th century humans returned to Earth on board the USS Charleston. (TNG episode: "The Neutral Zone") Clemonds later became a popular entertainer and ushered in a revival of late 20th and early 21st Century popular music, performing throughout the Federation and becoming known for going to obscure starbases and Planetside bases to entertain Starfleet personnel who were in distant postings, not unlike American entertainers of the 20th and 21st centuries who visited troops in war zones. Clemonds also shed his addictions to drinking and substance abuse. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock)