| - Some common methods of Fighting include: 1-iteming: This is where the player brings only one item, so as not to risk anything (only on +1 item worlds). The items used are commonly Dragon Dagger (p++), Abyssal Whip, any Godsword, Dragon Claws and almost any other dragon weapon. This method doesn't get you any good items, since the risk is less than 75k (zero in fact). Safing: The term safing, is used to call out eating at higher life points than what a player can reasonably hit, making it impossible for that person to die, alas, unpopular among most players. The point at which you should eat to avoid safing is different from weapon to weapon. Player Jacking: Player jumping (jacking), or Pjing more often refers to when a third person attacks one of two people in the middle of a fight. While a recent update has made this increasingly harder, to player jump, it is still possible. Also frowned upon by most player killers. Pile Jumping: Pile Jumping is also referred as PJing. It is when a player attacks another player that is picking up loot from a recently won battle. Clan Killing: Not so much a tactic as a way to easily acquire and kill targets. Simply bring your clan with you and kill in a multi-combat area. Rushing/"Sick Shocking": The player brings the most powerful items that they can, along with a Super Strength Potion, to try to kill another player in a short time. Commonly used weapons are Armadyl Godswords, Granite mauls (used at lower levels and by pures), Dragon Claws special attack and Vesta's longsword special attack. Some players have considered using the Dharok's set effect with very low life points, but this is ineffective on players using items such as the Ring of Recoil Dragon dagger (p++) death match: DDS DM is a way for two bounty hunter targets to quickly fight each other, with little risk in armour or wealth. After 2 targets have agreed to a DDS DM, they equip nothing except a Dragon dagger (p++) and bring no food, instead filling their inventories with junk so they can trade each other to see if one of them has food. Players may drink super sets to boost their stats. When both players are ready, they walk into a hot zone and fight each other to the death with only their dragon daggers. During the fight players use stat boosting prayers such as Steel Skin, Incredible Reflexes, Ultimate Strength, Chivalry and Piety, as well as possibly Redemption. The winner will receive a hefty drop, even if both players are not risking 75,000 coins worth of wealth or more, because they are targets. Players who are not targets can still DDS DM by risking at least 75,000 coins.