| - "Survival horror" is a term used by Capcom to describe the Resident Evil series of Action-Adventure games.
- Survival Horror is one of the unlockable extra game modes for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game. In this mode, the players continually fight multiple versions of Zombie Jerry and Zombie Lucy in the second part of World 6's Eerie Forest and try to last the longest until the zombies manage to knock all players out. The players are then ranked in a leaderboard according to the number of zombies they knocked out and the total time counted until all players are knocked out.
- Somehow, the world, or at least the city you are in, has had its inhabitants slaughtered and resurrected with a hunger for brains, or their murderers have minions trying to find any survivors; i.e., you. Your goal: Don't die before help arrives or before you reach an exit. You will have close escapes from horrible creatures. Things will jump through windows at you. There is a chance you will probably die. Unless you have half a brain. RPGs that use this trope:
* Wasteland
- Survival horror is a subgenre of action-adventure video games inspired by horror fiction. Although combat can be a part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less powerful than in typical action games, because of limited ammunition, health, speed, or other limitations. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas, and solve puzzles at certain locations. Games make use of strong horror themes, and the player is often challenged to navigate dark maze-like environments, and react to unexpected attacks from enemies.
- Survival horror is a subgenre of action-adventure video game inspired by horror fiction. These games make the player vulnerable by providing them with less ammunition and fewer heavy weapons than other action games. Although combat can be a part of the gameplay, the player is in various ways made to feel less powerful than in typical action games, because of limited ammunition, health, speed, or other limitations. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas, and solve puzzles at certain locations. Games make use of strong horror themes, and the player is often challenged to navigate dark maze-like environments, and react to unexpected attacks from enemies.
- Somehow, the world, or at least the city you are in, has had its inhabitants slaughtered and resurrected with a hunger for brains, or their murderers have minions trying to find you and any accomplaces. Your goal: Don't die before help arrives or before you reach an exit. You will have close escapes from horrible creatures. Things will jump through windows at you. Sometimes, you will be forced to fight the horrible creatures or flee for your life. We also have advice if you want to Write a Survival Horror Game.
| - "Survival horror" is a term used by Capcom to describe the Resident Evil series of Action-Adventure games.
- Survival Horror is one of the unlockable extra game modes for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game. In this mode, the players continually fight multiple versions of Zombie Jerry and Zombie Lucy in the second part of World 6's Eerie Forest and try to last the longest until the zombies manage to knock all players out. The players are then ranked in a leaderboard according to the number of zombies they knocked out and the total time counted until all players are knocked out.
- Survival horror is a subgenre of action-adventure video games inspired by horror fiction. Although combat can be a part of the gameplay, the player is made to feel less powerful than in typical action games, because of limited ammunition, health, speed, or other limitations. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas, and solve puzzles at certain locations. Games make use of strong horror themes, and the player is often challenged to navigate dark maze-like environments, and react to unexpected attacks from enemies. The term "survival horror" was first used for the original Japanese release of Resident Evil in 1996, which was influenced by earlier games with a horror theme such as 1989's Sweet Home. The name has been used since then for games with similar gameplay, and has been retroactively applied to games as old as Haunted House from 1982. Starting with the release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005, the genre began to incorporate more features from action games, which has led game journalists to question whether long-standing survival horror franchises have abandoned the genre. Still, the survival horror genre has persisted in one form or another, though with Resident Evil 6, Capcom has called this departure "dramatic horror."
- Somehow, the world, or at least the city you are in, has had its inhabitants slaughtered and resurrected with a hunger for brains, or their murderers have minions trying to find you and any accomplaces. Your goal: Don't die before help arrives or before you reach an exit. You will have close escapes from horrible creatures. Things will jump through windows at you. Sometimes, you will be forced to fight the horrible creatures or flee for your life. Not unlike Post Modernism, Survival Horror isn't really a genre in itself; it exists more as a blurred subset of Horror and First-Person Shooter or Third-Person Shooter. It requires you to figure out how to survive the onslaught and the related puzzles, and escape usually comes after you stop the source of the problem or secure an escape route. It should be noted that, unlike shooter games, there is no penalty for not killing non-boss enemies -- indeed, in some games ammo is in such short supply that evasion, not confrontation, is the best tactic, similar to Stealth Based Games. This is usually compounded by having the protagonist be an Action Survivor or Non-Action Guy who is poor at combat, rather than a Badass. Note that simply featuring large amounts of monsters, zombies and/or demons does not make it survival horror; even if the game has supernatural elements, or scares you in some way, it may not be a survival horror game. No matter how scary GLaDos may have appeared to you, the game she was featured in is most definitely not a survival horror title. It should also be noted that games typically labelled Action Horror and/or Action Adventure should not be confused with Survival Horror. This includes games such as Resident Evil 4, which, despite keeping the tense atmosphere of the previous games, has the player sitting on a pile of ammo and supplies by comparison, making it a different genre to its Ur Example predecessors. In order to minimize confusion, try looking at the protagonist's despair; if the protagonist is oppressed and their major issues seem too petty for action games (extreme scarcity of ammunition & supplies, very tough enemies regardless of difficulty, enormous objectives, etc.), then you may be looking at survival horror. Examples of Survival Horror games:Metro 2033, Manhunt, AMY; overwhelmed protagonist(s), oppressive atmosphere and a need for careful management of resources (ammo, health, etc.). Examples of non Survival Horror games:Halo, Doom, Half-Life 2, Resident Evil 4, Left 4 Dead and so on; despite grim prospects and scary content, just about any fight can be won at a gain and there is always enough ammo and supplies on hand to win most scenarios. We also have advice if you want to Write a Survival Horror Game.
- Somehow, the world, or at least the city you are in, has had its inhabitants slaughtered and resurrected with a hunger for brains, or their murderers have minions trying to find any survivors; i.e., you. Your goal: Don't die before help arrives or before you reach an exit. You will have close escapes from horrible creatures. Things will jump through windows at you. There is a chance you will probably die. Unless you have half a brain. RPGs that use this trope:
* Wasteland
- Survival horror is a subgenre of action-adventure video game inspired by horror fiction. These games make the player vulnerable by providing them with less ammunition and fewer heavy weapons than other action games. Although combat can be a part of the gameplay, the player is in various ways made to feel less powerful than in typical action games, because of limited ammunition, health, speed, or other limitations. The player is also challenged to find items that unlock the path to new areas, and solve puzzles at certain locations. Games make use of strong horror themes, and the player is often challenged to navigate dark maze-like environments, and react to unexpected attacks from enemies. The term "survival horror" was first used for the original Japanese release of Resident Evil in 1996, which was influenced by earlier games with a horror theme such as Sweet Home and Alone in the Dark. The name has been used since then for games with similar gameplay, and has been retroactively applied to games as old as Haunted House from 1981. Starting with the release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005, the genre began to incorporate more features from action games, which has led game journalists to question whether long-standing survival horror franchises have abandoned the genre. Still, the survival horror genre has persisted in one form or another.