Three million years later aboard the Red Dwarf, Arnold Rimmer noted the raining animals of Earth, and especially that of a rain of herring in 12th-century Burgundy in Europe. Since Dave Lister had contracted space pneumonia, his hallucinations were manifested into reality. These included his Confidence and Paranoia, the Mayor of Warsaw, and a rain of fish in the sleeping quarters. There was no need to clean up the fish afterwards, since the Cat ate them all. (RD: Confidence and Paranoia)
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| - Three million years later aboard the Red Dwarf, Arnold Rimmer noted the raining animals of Earth, and especially that of a rain of herring in 12th-century Burgundy in Europe. Since Dave Lister had contracted space pneumonia, his hallucinations were manifested into reality. These included his Confidence and Paranoia, the Mayor of Warsaw, and a rain of fish in the sleeping quarters. There was no need to clean up the fish afterwards, since the Cat ate them all. (RD: Confidence and Paranoia)
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es lore
| - Cuando es desterrado un monstruo de Tipo Pez, Serpiente Marina o Aqua boca arriba en el Campo: Invoca de Modo Especial, desde tu mano, 1 monstruo de Tipo Pez, Serpiente Marina o Aqua de Nivel 3 o menor. .
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - フィールド上に表側表示で存在する魚族・海竜族・水族モンスターがゲームから除外された時に発動する事ができる。自分の手札からレベル3以下の魚族・海竜族・水族モンスター1体を特殊召喚する。
it lore
| - Quando 1 mostro di Tipo Pesce, Serpente Marino o Acqua scoperto sul Terreno viene bandito: Evoca Specialmente 1 mostro di Tipo Pesce, Serpente Marino o Acqua di Livello 3 o inferiore dalla tua mano.
| - When a face-up Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua-Type monster on the field is banished: Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua-Type monster from your hand.
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de lore
| - Wenn ein offenes Monster vom Typ Fisch, Seeschlange oder Aqua auf dem Spielfeld verbannt wird: Beschwöre 1 Monster vom Typ Fisch, Seeschlange oder Aqua der Stufe 3 oder niedriger als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand.
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fr lore
| - Lorsqu'un monstre de Type Poisson/Serpent de Mer/Aqua face recto sur le Terrain est banni : Invoquez Spécialement 1 monstre de Type Poisson/Serpent de Mer/Aqua de max. Niveau 3 depuis votre main.
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effect types
| - Activation requirement, Effect
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| - Special Summons from your hand
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| - * Fish
* Sea Serpent
* Aqua
* Level 1 Monster Cards
* Level 2 Monster Cards
* Level 3 Monster Cards
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| - Three million years later aboard the Red Dwarf, Arnold Rimmer noted the raining animals of Earth, and especially that of a rain of herring in 12th-century Burgundy in Europe. Since Dave Lister had contracted space pneumonia, his hallucinations were manifested into reality. These included his Confidence and Paranoia, the Mayor of Warsaw, and a rain of fish in the sleeping quarters. There was no need to clean up the fish afterwards, since the Cat ate them all. (RD: Confidence and Paranoia)