Attributes | Values |
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| - *Each level gained in Magic contributes to a player's combat level
*Additionally, each level gained in Magic improves a player's accuracy with offensive spells
| - *Skill mastery
- *Cast Varrock Teleport from the standard spellbook
*Activate the Combust ability
- *Cast Water Bolt from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Wind Blast from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Wield gravite staves
*Wield law staves
*Activate the Chain ability
- *Cast Water Strike from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Fire Bolt from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Wield magical blastboxes
- *Activate the Asphyxiate ability
- *Activate the Concentrated Blast ability
- *Activate the Sonic Wave ability
- *Cast Crumble Undead from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Falador Teleport from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Group Gatestone Teleport in Daemonheim
- *Cast Superheat Item from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Telekinetic Grab from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Teleport Block from the standard spellbook
- *Wield tomes of frost
- *Cast Curse from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Wear Bryll equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Bryll orbs and Spinebeam wands in Daemonheim
*Wield Catalytic orbs, staves, and wands in Daemonheim
- *Cast Bind from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Wield spider wands and spider orbs
*Wear spider silk robes, combat robes, and druidic robes
*Wear Blightleaf equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Blightleaf orbs, Blood spindle wands, and fire staves in Daemonheim
- *Cast Weaken from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Low Level Alchemy from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Wear arcane blast necklaces
*Wield mystic wands and mystic orbs
*Wear mystic robes
*Wield Bat book and Bat wand
*Wear Duskweed equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Duskweed orbs, Bovistrangler wands, and Empowered water staves in Daemonheim
- *Wear arcane pulse necklaces
*Wear Batwing feet, Batwing gloves, Batwing hood, Batwing legs, and Batwing torso, and Batwing shield
*Wield Bat book and Bat wand
*Wear Roseblood equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Roseblood orbs, Utuku wands, and air staves in Daemonheim
*Required to complete Daemonheim Easy Tasks
*Required to complete Daemonheim Medium Tasks
- *Cast Lumbridge Teleport from the standard spellbook
*One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor medium tasks
- *Wield imphide wands and imphide books
*Wear imphide robes
*Wear Wildercress equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Wildercress orbs, Seeping elm wands, and earth staves in Daemonheim
- *Cast Enchant Level 1 Jewellery to enchant sapphire jewellery from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Fire Strike from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Enchant Level 2 Jewellery to enchant emerald jewellery from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Enchant Level 3 Jewellery to enchant ruby jewellery from the standard spellbook
*Required for the Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks in the hard difficulty set
- *Cast Water Blast from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Fire Blast from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Required for the Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks in the hard difficulty set
- *Cast Wind Bolt from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Confuse from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Activate the Omnipower ability
- *Cast High Level Alchemy from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Wind Strike from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Home Teleport and Dungeon Home Teleport
*Activate the Wrack ability
*Wield basic staves, as well as the basic elemental staves: air staves, earth staves, water staves, and fire staves
*Wield Caitlin's staff
*Wield wizard wands and wizard books
*Wear wizard robes
*Wield Tangle gum wands, Tangle gum staves, and Water staves in Daemonheim
*Wear Salve equipment in Daemonheim
- *Cast Earth Blast from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Wield nature staves
- *Cast Earth Strike from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Earth Bolt from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Enchant Level 4 Jewellery to enchant diamond jewellery from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Bones to Bananas from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Activate the Impact ability
- *Cast Create Gatestone and Gatestone Teleport in Daemonheim
| - *Cast Blood Barrage from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Heal Other from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Trollheim Teleport (Lunar) from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Tele-group Trollheim from the Lunar spellbook
*Wield the Staff of Sliske
- *Cast Watchtower Teleport
*Cast Ice Rush from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
- *Cast Ice Plateau Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
- *One of the requirements for The Void Stares Back
*Cast Stun from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Charge from the standard spellbook
*Cast Blood Blitz from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast String Jewellery from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Spiritualise Food from the Lunar spellbook
*Wield chaotic staves
*Wield Ancient lantern
*Wield class 5 staves in Stealing Creation
*Wear class 5 Stealing Creation robes
*Wear spellcaster gloves
*Wear virtus armour
*Wear Runic equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Runic orbs, Entgallow wands, and Empowered air staves in Daemonheim
*One of the requirements for the Varrock and Falador elite tasks
*Ability to use Scrimshaw of the Elements
- *Cast Water Surge from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Fishing Guild Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
*Activate the Sunshine ability
*Wear static gloves and ragefire boots
*Wear battlemage armour
*Wear trickster armour
*Wear scrimshaws of magic
- *One of the requirements for In Aid of the Myreque and Making History
*Cast Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Sapphire) to enchant sapphire bolts from the standard spellbook
*Activate the Dragon Breath ability
*One of the requirements for the Lumbridge and Draynor introductory tasks
- *Cast Earth Surge from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Teleother Camelot from the standard spellbook
*Cast Annakarl Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Tele-group Ice Plateau from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Disruption Shield from the Lunar spellbook
*Wield noxious staff
*Wield Kalphite rebounder
*Wear Spiritbloom equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Spiritbloom orbs and Grave creeper wands in Daemonheim
*Wield Empowered catalytic orbs, staves, and wands in Daemonheim
- *Receive 7,139 Magic experience from the old crone in Morytania, northeast of Canifis
- *Cast Dareeyak Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Khazard Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Remote Farm from the Lunar spellbook
*Wield Zuriel's staff and wear Zuriel's robes
- *Wield teacher wands
*Wear grifolic armour
*Activate the Wild Magic ability
- *Equip farseer helms
*Wear skeletal gloves and skeletal boots
*Wield skeletal staves
*Wear spellstorm drapes
*Wear mycelium web armour
*Wield class 1 staves in Stealing Creation
*Wear class 1 Stealing Creation robes
*Wield the sceptre of the gods
- *Cast Blood Burst from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Cure Other from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Humidify from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Enchant Level 5 Jewellery to enchant dragonstone jewellery from the standard spellbook
*Cast Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Dragonstone) to enchant dragonstone bolts from the standard spellbook
*Wield hailstorm daggers in Daemonheim
*Wield doomcore staves in Daemonheim
- *Activate the Detonate ability
- *Activate the Surge ability
- *Cast Charge Fire Orb from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Moonclan Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
- *Cast NPC Contact from the Lunar spellbook
- *Cast Trollheim Teleport
- *One of the requirements for Enakhra's Lament
- *One of the requirements for Missing My Mummy
- *One of the requirements for The Eyes of Glouphrie
- *Wield and wear Void Knight equipment
- *Wield frostbite daggers in Daemonheim
- *Cast Cure Me from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Hunter Kit from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Ourania Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
*One of the requirements for the Ardougne hard tasks
- *Cast Ape Atoll Teleport from the standard spellbook
*Cast Shadow Burst from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
- *Cast Camelot Teleport from the standard spellbook
*Wield beginner wands
*One of the requirements for the medium and hard Fremennik Province tasks
- *Cast Fertile Soil from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Make Leather from the Lunar spellbook
*One of the requirements for the Seers Village elite tasks
- *Cast Wind Surge from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Stat Restore Pot Share from the Lunar spellbook
*Activate the Tsunami ability
- *One of the requirements for Lunar Diplomacy
*Unlock Lunar spells
*Cast Water Wave from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Bake Pie from the Lunar spellbook
*Wear third-age mage armour
*Wear lunar armour
*Wield arcane spirit shields and spectral spirit shields
- *Wear fungal armour
*One of the requirements for the Varrock medium tasks
- *Cast Vengeance Other from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Receive 14,979 Magic experience from Kardia in the Underground Pass
- *One of the requirements for Love Story
*Cast Superglass Make from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Storm of Armadyl from the standard spellbook
*Wield the Armadyl battlestaff
- *Cast Ghorrock Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Spellbook Swap from the Lunar spellbook
- *Cast Teleport to House from the standard spellbook
*Wield necromancer's staves
*Wear the necromancer outfit and dagon'hai robes
*Wear splitbark armour and skeletal armour
*Wield splitbark wand and splitbark orb
*Wear enchanted robes
*Wield mitres
*Wield mystic staves
*Wield animal staves
*Wield sacred clay staves
*Wield class 3 staves in Stealing Creation
*Wear class 3 Stealing Creation robes
*One of the requirements for the Fremennik Province hard tasks
- *Cast Lassar Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Waterbirth Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast South Falador Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
- *Cast Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Opal) to enchant opal bolts from the standard spellbook
- *One of the requirements for Do No Evil and The Branches of Darkmeyer
*Cast Earth Wave from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Ice Burst from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Tele-group Moonclan from the Lunar spellbook
*Wield Ahrim's staff, Ahrim's wand, and Ahrim's book of magic; wear Ahrim's robes
*Wield Wand of Treachery
*Wear Akrisae the Doomed's equipment
*Wear arcane stream necklaces
*Wield celestial surgeboxes
*Wield penance master tridents
*Wield blisterwood staves
*Wield Blighted rebounder
*Access the Livid Farm
*Wear Ecto equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Ecto orbs, Corpsethorn wands, and Empowered fire staves in Daemonheim
*One of the requirements for the Morytania hard tasks
- *Cast Catherby Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Enchant Level 5 Jewellery to enchant onyx jewellery from the standard spellbook
*Cast Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Onyx) to enchant onyx bolts from the standard spellbook
*Cast Tune Bane Ore
- *Cast Senntisten Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Charge Earth Orb from the standard spellbook
*Cast Bones to Peaches
*Wield master wands, mages' books, grifolic wands, and grifolic orbs
*Cast Saradomin Strike, Claws of Guthix, and Flames of Zamorak
*Wield god staves and wear god capes
*Wear battle robes
*Wield Toktz-Mej-Tals
*Wield class 4 staves in Stealing Creation
*Wear class 4 Stealing Creation robes
*Wear Soulbell equipment in Daemonheim
*Wield Soulbell orbs, Thigat wands, and Empowered earth staves in Daemonheim
- *Cast Paddewwa Teleport from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
- *Wield mystic wands and mystic orbs
*Wield battlestaves and elemental battlestaves
*Wield lesser runic staves
*Required to complete Daemonheim Hard Tasks
- *Cast Ice Barrage from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Vengeance from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Shadow Rush from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
- *Cast Shadow Blitz from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Tele-group Barbarian from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast North Ardougne Teleport from the Lunar spellbook
- *One of the requirements for Elemental Workshop II
*Wear wizard's boots
*Wear corrupt Zuriel's equipment
*Wield the corrupt Zuriel's staff
*Wear hexcrests
*Wear full slayer helmets
*Wear mind equipment
*Wield class 2 staves in Stealing Creation
*Wear class 2 Stealing Creation robes
*Wield Blood spindle wands in Daemonheim
- *Cast Wind Wave from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Smoke Burst from the standard spellbook
- *Cast Teleother Lumbridge from the standard spellbook
*Cast Smoke Blitz from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Cure Group from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Fire Surge from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Heal Group from the Lunar spellbook
*Cast Vengeance Group from the Lunar spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
- *Cast Shadow Barrage from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Crystallise from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Cast Tele-group Catherby from the Lunar spellbook
- *One of the requirements for Desert Treasure
*Cast Snare from the standard spellbook, and while in Daemonheim
*Cast Slayer Dart from the standard spellbook
*Wield slayer staves
*Cast Iban Blast from the standard spellbook
*Wield Iban's staff
*Unlock Ancient Magicks
*Cast Smoke Rush from the Ancient Magicks spellbook
*Wield ancient staves
*Wield runic staves
*Wield apprentice wands
*Wear infinity robes
*Wield penance tridents